< Ekisodho 5 >

1 Shure kwaizvozvo Mozisi naAroni vakaenda kuna Faro vakati, “Zvanzi naJehovha, Mwari waIsraeri: ‘Rega vanhu vangu vaende, kuti vanondiitira mutambo kurenje.’”
Then Aaron and Moses/I went to the king and [one of them/us] said, “Yahweh God, whom [we] Israeli people [worship], says this [to you]: ‘Let my people go to the desert, in order that they may have a feast to [honor] me!’”
2 Faro akati, “Jehovha ndianiko, kuti ndigomuteerera uye ndigorega vaIsraeri vachienda? Handimuzivi Jehovha iyeye uye handidi kurega vaIsraeri vachienda.”
But the king said, “Who is Yahweh? Why should I pay attention to what he says and let the Israeli [people] [MTY] go? I do not know Yahweh! And furthermore, I will not let the Israeli [people] go!”
3 Ipapo vakati, “Mwari wavaHebheru akasangana nesu. Zvino tiregei tifambe rwendo rwamazuva matatu kurenje kuti tinobayira zvipiriso kuna Jehovha Mwari wedu, kuti arege kutirova namatambudziko kana nomunondo.”
They/we replied, “Yahweh God, the one we Hebrews [worship], has (revealed himself/appeared) to us [and told us what to tell you]. So we ask you to [please] let us go on a three day journey into the desert. We must offer sacrifices to Yahweh God [there]. [If we do] not do that, he will cause us to die [IDM] from diseases or from attacks [by our enemies] [MTY].”
4 Asi mambo weIjipiti akati, “Mozisi naAroni, munobvisireiko vanhu pabasa ravo? Dzokerai kubasa renyu!”
But the king of Egypt said to them/us, “Moses and Aaron, (stop trying to keep the Israeli people from working/why are you preventing the Israeli people from working?) [RHQ] [Tell those slaves] to return to work!”
5 Ipapo Faro akati, “Tarirai, vanhu vawanda zvino munyika, uye muri kuvakonesa kushanda.”
The king also said, “Listen [to me! You] people [who now live] in this land are now [more] numerous, and you want them [to stop working and] rest!”
6 Musi mumwe chetewo Faro akarayira vatariri vebasa navakuru vakuru vavanhu achiti,
That same day the king commanded the Egyptian slave bosses and the [Israeli] men supervising the slaves,
7 “Imi hamuchazovigiri vanhu uswa hwokuita zvidhina; varegei vandozviunganidzira uswa pachavo.
“Do not continue to give the [Israeli] people straw for making bricks, as you have done previously. Make them go [into the fields] and gather straw for themselves.
8 Asi vanofanira kuita zvidhina zvakaenzana pakuwanda nezvavaisimboita kare; musazvitapudza. Isimbe; ndokusaka vachichema vachiti, ‘Tiregei tiende kundobayira kuna Mwari wedu.’
But require them to make the same number of bricks that they did before. Do not decrease the number at all. They (are lazy/do not have enough work to do). That is the reason they are asking me to let them go [into the desert] to offer sacrifices to their god.
9 Itai kuti basa rinyanye kuomera vanhu kuitira kuti varambe vachishanda uye varege kuteerera kunhema.”
Force the men to work harder, so that they will not [have time] to listen to lies [from their leaders]!”
10 Ipapo vatariri vebasa navakuru vakuru vakabuda vakandoti kuvanhu, “Zvanzi naFaro, ‘Handichazokupaizve uswa.
So the slave bosses and supervisors of the slaves went to where the [Israeli] people were and said to them, “The king has said that he will no longer give you any straw.
11 Endai mundozvitsvakira uswa kana kupi zvako kwamungahuwana, asi basa renyu haritapudzwi kana napaduku.’”
[So] you yourselves must go and get straw wherever you can find it. But you must still keep working to make the same number of bricks as before.” [LIT]
12 Saka vanhu vakapararira muIjipiti yose kundounganidza mashanga kuti vaashandise pachinzvimbo chouswa.
So the Israeli people went all over Egypt to find straw.
13 Vatariri vebasa vakaramba vachivamanikidza vachiti, “Pedzai basa ramakatarirwa pazuva rimwe nerimwe, sezvamaiita pamaiwana uswa.”
The slave bosses kept telling them insistently, “Finish the work you are required to do each day, [making the same amount of bricks] as you did [before, when we gave you] straw!”
14 Vakuru vakuru vavaIsraeri vakanga vagadzwa navatariri vebasa vaFaro vakarohwa uye vakabvunzwa kuti, “Seiko musina kupedza basa renyu rezvidhina zvanezuro nezvanhasi, sezvamaichiita kare pamaipuwa uswa.”
[When they were not able to do that], the slave bosses had the [Israeli supervisors] beaten [with sticks], and they asked them, “Why have [all the men you are supervising] not been able to make [the same number] of bricks today/now as [they did] before [RHQ]?”
15 Ipapo vakuru vakuru vavaIsraeri vakaenda nechichemo kuna Faro vakati, “Seiko muchibata varanda venyu nenzira yakadai?
Then the Israeli supervisors went to the king and complained, saying “[Your Majesty], why are you treating us this way?
16 Varanda venyu havapiwi uswa, asi tinonzi, ‘Itai zvidhina!’ Varanda venyu vari kurohwa, asi mhosva ndeyavanhu venyu.”
[Now] they are not giving us any straw [for making bricks], but they keep commanding us to make bricks. And now sometimes they beat us. But it is the fault of your own slave bosses [that we cannot make as many bricks as before]!”
17 Faro akati, “Simbe, ndizvo zvamuri imi, muri simbe! Ndokusaka muchingoramba muchiti, ‘Tiregei tindobayira kuna Jehovha.’
But the king said, “You are lazy and do not [want to] work! That is why you keep saying, ‘Allow us to go [to the desert] and offer sacrifices to Yahweh.’
18 Zvino chiendai kubasa. Hamuzombopiwi kana uswa, asi munofanira kuita basa renyu rezvidhina zvakakwana.”
So go and get back to work! [We] are not going to give you any straw, but you must keep making the same number of bricks!”
19 Vakuru vakuru vavaIsraeri vakaona kuti vapinda mudambudziko pavakaudzwa kuti, “Hamufaniri kutapudza uwandu hwezvidhina zvamakatarirwa pazuva rimwe.”
The Israeli supervisors realized that they were in a difficult situation, because they had been told, “We are not going to decrease the number of bricks [you must make] each day.”
20 Pavakabva pana Faro, vakawana Mozisi naAroni vakavamirira,
As they left the king’s [palace], they met Aaron and Moses/me, who were waiting for them [there].
21 uye vakati, “Jehovha ngaakutarirei uye akutongei! Matiita chinhu chinonhuhwa kuna Faro namachinda ake uye maisa munondo muruoko rwavo kuti vatiuraye.”
They said to Aaron and Moses/me, “Yahweh has seen [what] you two [have done] He will punish you [MTY], because you have caused the king and his officials to despise us! You have given them an excuse [MTY] to kill us!”
22 Mozisi akadzokera kuna Jehovha akati, “Haiwa Jehovha, mauyisireiko dambudziko pamusoro pavanhu ava? Ndizvo zvamakanditumira here?
Moses/I left them and prayed to Yahweh again, saying, “O Yahweh, why have you caused all these evil things to happen to your people [RHQ]? And why did you send me [here] [RHQ]?
23 Kubva pandakaenda kuna Faro kuti ndinotaura muzita renyu, iye akauyisa dambudziko pamusoro pavanhu ava, uye imi hamuna kutongonunura vanhu venyu napaduku.”
Ever since I went to the king and told him what you told me to say [MTY], he has treated your people very cruelly, and you have not done anything to help/rescue them!”

< Ekisodho 5 >