< Ekisodho 36 >

1 “Saka Bhezareri, Ohoriabhu uye nomunhu wose wounyanzvi apiwa unyanzvi naJehovha uye kugona kuziva maitirwo ebasa rokuvaka imba tsvene ngavaite basa sezvakarayirwa naJehovha.”
Therfor Beseleel, and Ooliab, and ech wijs man, to whiche the Lord yaf wisdom and vndurstondyng, that thei kouden worche crafteli, maden thingis that weren nedeful in to vsis of seyntuarie, and whiche the Lord comaundide to be maad.
2 Ipapo Mozisi akadana Bhezareri naOhoriabhu uye nomunhu wose wounyanzvi uyo akapiwa kugona naJehovha uye akanga achida hake kuuya kuzoshanda basa.
And whanne Moises hadde clepid hem, and ech lerned man, to whom the Lord hadde youe wisdom and kunnyng, and whiche profriden hem bi her wille to make werk,
3 Vakagamuchira kubva kuna Mozisi zvipo zvose zvakanga zvauya navaIsraeri kuti zvishandiswe pabasa rokuvaka imba tsvene. Uye vanhu vakaramba vachiuyisa zvipo zvokupa nokuzvisarudzira mangwanani oga oga.
he bitook to hem alle the yiftis of the sones of Israel. And whanne thei weren bisi in the werk ech dai, the puple offride auowis eerli.
4 Saka varume vose voumhizha vakanga vachiita basa rose rapaimba tsvene vakasiya basa ravo
Wherfor the werkmen weren compellid to come,
5 vakati kuna Mozisi, “Vanhu vari kuuya nezvakawandisa zvokuitisa basa rakarayirwa naJehovha kuti riitwe.”
and thei seiden to Moises, The puple offrith more than is nedeful.
6 Ipapo Mozisi akarayira uye vakatuma shoko iri pakati pomusasa wose vachiti, “Ngakurege kuva nomurume kana mukadzi achaitazve chimwe chinhu sechipo chenzvimbo tsvene.” Nokudaro vanhu vakadziviswa kuuyisa zvimwe,
Therfor Moises comaundide to be cried bi the vois of a criere, Nether man nether womman offre more ony thing in the werk of seyntuarie; and so it was ceessid fro yiftis to be offrid, for the thingis offrid sufficiden,
7 nokuti zvavakanga vatova nazvo zvakanga zvatowandisa pane zvaidiwa kuita basa rose.
and weren ouer abundant.
8 Varume vose vounyanzvi vakaita tabhenakeri nezvidzitiro gumi zvemicheka yakarukwa zvakaisvonaka newuru yebhuruu, pepuru netsvuku, namakerubhi akasonerwa mazviri nemhizha ino unyanzvi.
And alle wise men in herte to fille the werk of the tabernacle maden ten curteyns of bijs foldid ayen, and of iacynct, and purpur, and of reed selk twies died, bi dyuerse werk, and bi the craft of many colouris.
9 Zvidzitiro zvose zvakanga zvakaenzana, zvakareba makubhiti makumi maviri namasere uye makubhiti mana paupamhi.
Of whiche curteyns oon hadde in lengthe eiyte and twenti cubitis, and foure cubitis in breede; o mesure was of alle curteyns.
10 Vakabatanidza zvimwe zvidzitiro zvishanu pamwe chete uye vakaita zvimwe chetezvo pane zvimwe zvishanu.
And he ioynede fyue curteyns oon to anothir, and he couplide othere fyue to hem silf to gidere;
11 Ipapo vakaita zvishwe zvomucheka webhuruu zvichitevedza mupendero wechidzitiro chokumucheto mumubatanidzwa mumwe chete, zvimwe chetezvo zvikaitwawo kune chimwe chidzitiro chokumucheto.
and he made handlis of iacynt in the hemme of o curteyn on euer either side,
12 Vakaitawo zvishwe makumi mashanu pachidzitiro chimwe chete uye zvishwe makumi mashanu pachidzitiro chokupedzisira chezvimwe zvakabatanidzwa nezvishwe zvakanga zvakatarisana.
and in lijk maner in the hemme of the tother curteyn, that the handlis schulen comen to gidere ayens hem silf, and schulen be ioyned togider;
13 Ipapo vakaita zvikorekedzo zvegoridhe makumi mashanu ndokuzvishandisa kusonanidza zvibatanidzwa zviviri zvezvidzitiro pamwe chete kuitira kuti tabhenakeri ive chinhu chimwe chete.
wherfor he yettide also fifti goldun serclis, that schulen `bite the handlis of curteyns; and o tabernacle was maad.
14 Vakaita zvidzitiro zvemvere dzembudzi zvetende rapamusoro petabhenakeri, gumi nechimwe pamwe chete.
`He made also enleuene saies of the heeris of geet, to hile the roof of the tabernacle;
15 Zvidzitiro zvose zviri gumi nechimwe zvakanga zvakaenzana, makubhiti makumi matatu pakureba uye makubhiti mana paupamhi.
o saie hadde thretti cubitis in lengthe, foure cubitis in breede; alle the saies weren of o mesure;
16 Vakabatanidza zvidzitiro zvishanu pamwe chete kuti zvive mubatanidzwa mumwe chete, uye zvimwe zvitanhatu kuti zvive pamwe chete.
of whiche saies he ioynede fyue bi hem silf, and sixe othere bi hem silf.
17 Ipapo vakaita zvishwe makumi mashanu zvaitevedza mupendero wechidzitiro chokupedzisira muchibatanidzwa chimwe chete uyewo zvichitevedza mupendero wechidzitiro chokupedzisira muno mumwe mubatanidzwa.
And he made fifti handlis in the hemme of o say, and fifti in the hemme of the tother say, that tho schulden be ioyned to hem silf to gidere; and he made fifti bokelis of bras bi whiche
18 Vakaita zvikorekedzo zvendarira makumi mashanu kuti zvisunganidze tende pamwe chete zvive sechinhu chimwe chete.
the roof was fastned to gidere, that oon hilyng were maad of alle the saies.
19 Ipapo vakagadzirira tende chifukidzo chamatehwe amakondobwe akapendwa zvitsvuku, uye pamusoro pacho chifunhiro chamatehwe emombe dzomugungwa.
He made also an hilyng of the tabernacle of the skynnes of rammes maad reed, and another veil aboue of skynnes of iacynt.
20 Vakaita mapuranga akamiswa amatanda omuunga etabhenakeri.
He made also stondynge tablis of the tabernacle of the trees of Sechym;
21 Puranga rimwe nerimwe rakanga rakareba makubhiti gumi uye kubhiti rimwe nehafu paupamhi,
the lengthe of o table was of ten cubitis, and the breede helde o cubit and an half.
22 nembambo mbiri dzakamiswa dzakatarisana. Vakaita mapuranga ose etabhenakeri nenzira iyi.
Twey dentyngis weren bi ech table, that the oon schulde be ioyned to the tother; so he made in al the tablis of the tabernacle.
23 Vakaita mapuranga makumi maviri kurutivi rwezasi kwetabhenakeri
Of whiche tablis twenti weren at the mydday coost ayens the south,
24 uye vakaita makumi mana ezvigadziko zvesirivha kuti zviende pasi pazvo, zvigadziko zviviri pasi pepuranga rimwe nerimwe, chimwe chete pasi pembato imwe neimwe.
with fourti foundementis of siluer; twey foundementis weren set vndur o table on euer either side of the corneris, where the dentyngis of the sidis weren endid in the corneris.
25 Kuno rumwe rutivi, rutivi rwokumusoro kwetabhenakeri, vakaita mapuranga makumi maviri
And at the coost of the tabernacle that biholdith to the north he made twenti tablis,
26 uye makumi mana ezvigadziko zvesirivha, zviviri zviri pasi pepuranga rimwe nerimwe.
with fourti foundementis of siluer, twei foundementis bi ech table.
27 Vakaita mapuranga matanhatu okumucheto cheto, iko kumavirira kwetabhenakeri,
Forsothe ayens the west he made sixe tablis,
28 uye mapuranga maviri akanga akagadzirirwa makona etabhenakeri nechokumucheto cheto.
and tweyne othere tablis bi ech corner of the tabernacle bihinde,
29 Pamakona maviri aya mapuranga aiva maviri kubva pasi kusvikira kumusoro uye akaiswa mumhete imwe chete; ose akanga akagadzirwa zvakafanana.
whiche weren ioyned fro bynethe til to aboue, and weren borun in to o ioynyng to gidere; so he made on euer either part bi the corneris,
30 Saka pakanga pana mapuranga masere uye zvigadziko gumi nezvitanhatu zvesirivha, zviviri zviri pasi pepuranga rimwe nerimwe.
that tho weren eiyte tablis to gidere, and hadden sixtene foundementis of siluer, that is, twei foundementis vndur ech table.
31 Vakaitawo mbariro dzomuti womuunga: shanu dzamapuranga aiva pano rumwe rutivi rwetabhenakeri,
He made also barris of the trees of Sechym, fyue barris to holde to gidere the tablis of o side of the tabernacle,
32 shanu dzaaya aiva kuno rumwe rutivi, uye shanu dzamapuranga aiva kumavirira, pamucheto cheto kwetabhenakeri.
and fyue othere barris to schappe to gidere the tablis of the tother side; and without these, he made fyue othere barris at the west coost of the tabernacle ayens the see.
33 Vakaita mbariro yapakati kuitira kuti ichinjike kubva kumucheto kusvikira kumucheto pakati pamapuranga.
He made also another barre, that schulde come bi the myddil tables fro corner til to corner.
34 Vakafukidza mapuranga negoridhe uye vakaita mhete dzegoridhe kuti dzibate mbariro. Vakafukidzawo mbariro negoridhe.
Forsothe he ouergildide tho wallis of tablis, and yetide the siluerne foundementis `of tho, and he made the goldun serclis `of tho, bi whiche the barris myyten be brouyt in, and be hilide the same barris with goldun platis.
35 Vakaita zvidzitiro zvewuru yebhuruu, pepuru netsvuku uye nomucheka wakarukwa zvakaisvonaka, namakerubhi akasonerwa pauri nemhizha ino unyanzvi.
He made also a veil dyuerse and departid, of iacynt, and purpur, and reed selk, and bijs foldid ayen bi werk of broiderie.
36 Vakaita matanda mana omuti womuunga vakaafukidza negoridhe. Vakaaitira zvikorekedzo zvegoridhe uye vakaumba zvigadziko zvawo zvina zvesirivha.
He made also foure pileris of `the trees of Sechym, whyche pileris with the heedis he ouergildide, and yetide the siluerne foundementis `of tho.
37 Vakaita chidzitiro chomukova wokupinda mutende chewuru yebhuruu, pepuru netsvuku uye mucheka wakarukwa zvakaisvonaka, basa romuruki;
He made also in the entryng of the tabernacle a tent of iacynt, and purpur, and reed selk `and bijs foldid ayen bi the werk of a broydreie.
38 uye vakaita matanda mashanu nezvikorekedzo zvawo. Vakafukidza misoro yamatanda nehata dzawo negoridhe uye vakaita zvigadziko zvawo zvishanu zvendarira.
And he made fyue pileris with her heedis, whiche he hilide with gold, and he yetide the brasun foundementis `of tho, whiche he hilide with gold.

< Ekisodho 36 >