< Ekisodho 29 >
1 “Izvi ndizvo zvaunofanira kuita kuti uvanatse, kuti vandishumire savaprista: Utore hando duku namakondobwe maviri asina chinongo.
“This is what you must do to dedicate Aaron and his sons to serve me [by being] priests: Select one young bull and two rams that do not have any defects.
2 Uye ubike chingwa noupfu hwakatsetseka hwegorosi, husina mbiriso, uye ubike makeke akavhenganiswa namafuta, nezvingwa zvitete zvakazorwa mafuta.
Bake three [kinds of bread] using finely-ground wheat flour, but without yeast: Bake some loaves that do not have any olive oil in them, bake some loaves that have olive oil in the dough, and bake some thin wafers that will be smeared with olive oil [after they are baked].
3 Uzviise mudengu uye ugozvikumikidza zviri imomo, pamwe chete nehando uye makondobwe maviri.
Put them in a basket and offer them [to me] when you sacrifice the young bull and the two rams.
4 Ipapo ugouya naAroni navanakomana vake kumukova wokupinda nawo kuTende Rokusangana ugovashambidza nemvura.
Take Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the Sacred Tent, and wash them [ritually].
5 Tora hanzu ugopfekedza Aroni jasi, nguo yeefodhi neefodhi pachayo uye nechidzitiro chapachipfuva. Usungire efodhi paari nebhanhire romuchiuno rakarukwa nounyanzvi.
Then put the special clothes on Aaron—the long-sleeved tunic/gown, the robe that will be worn underneath the sacred apron, the sacred apron, the sacred pouch, and the sash/waistband.
6 Uise nguwani pamusoro wake uye ugoibatanidza nekorona tsvene.
Place the turban on his head, and fasten to the turban the ornament that has the words ‘Dedicated to Yahweh’ engraved on it.
7 Utore mafuta okuzodza ugomuzodza uchiita zvokuadira pamusoro pake.
Then take the oil and pour some on his head to (dedicate him/set him apart).
8 Uye vanakomana vake ugovapfekedza majasi
Then bring his sons and put the long-sleeved tunics/gowns on them.
9 uye ugoisa mabhanhire omumusoro pamusoro pavo. Ipapo ugosungira ndaza pana Aroni navanakomana vake. Uprista ndohwavo nomutemo usingaperi. Nenzira iyi uchagadza Aroni navanakomana vake.
Put the sashes/waistbands around their waists and the caps on their heads. That is the ritual by which you are to (dedicate them/set them apart) to be priests. Aaron and his male descendants must serve me [by being] priests forever.
10 “Uuye nehando pamberi peTende Rokusangana, uye Aroni navanakomana vake vachaisa maoko avo pamusoro payo.
“Then bring the young bull to the entrance of the Sacred Tent. Tell Aaron and his sons to put their hands on the head of the young bull.
11 Uiuraye pamberi pomukova wokupinda kuTende Rokusangana.
Then, while they do that, kill the young bull [by slitting its throat], and catch/drain the blood in a bowl.
12 Utore rimwe reropa rehando ugoriisa panyanga dzearitari nomunwe wako, uye ugodira rasara racho pahwaro hwearitari.
Take some of that blood with your finger and smear it on the projections of the altar. Throw/Splash the rest of the blood against the base of the altar.
13 Ipapo ugotora mafuta ose akapoteredza zvomukati, zvinoti chiropa, neitsvo dziri mbiri namafuta ari pamusoro padzo, ugoapisa pamusoro pearitari.
Take all the fat that covers the inner organs of the young bull, the best part of the liver, and the two kidneys with the fat on them, and burn all these on the altar [as an offering to me].
14 Asi upise nyama yehando nedehwe rayo namazvizvi ayo kunze kwomusasa. Ndicho chipiriso chechivi.
But the meat of the young bull and its hide and intestines must be burned outside the camp. That will be an offering to forgive the guilt of your sins.
15 “Utore rimwe regondobwe, uye Aroni navanakomana vake vagoisa maoko avo pamusoro paro.
“Then select one of the rams, and tell Aaron and his sons to put their hands on the head of the ram.
16 Uriuraye ugotora ropa raro urisase pamativi ose earitari.
Then kill the ram [by slitting its throat]. Catch/Drain some of the blood and splash it against all four sides of the altar.
17 Ucheke gondobwe kuita muzvidimbu zvidimbu uye ugosuka zvomukati, uye makumbo, uchiaisa pamwe chete nomusoro nezvimwe zvidimbu.
Then cut the ram into pieces. Wash its inner organs and its rear legs and put those with the head
18 Ipapo ugopisa gondobwe rose paaritari. Ndicho chipiriso chinopiswa kuna Jehovha, chinonhuhwira zvinofadza, chipiriso chinoitirwa Jehovha nomoto.
and burn those pieces [completely] on the altar with the rest of the ram. That will be an offering to me, Yahweh, and the smell will please me.
19 “Utore rimwe gondobwe, uye Aroni navanakomana vake vachaisa maoko avo pamusoro waro.
“Take the other ram [that was selected for these rituals], and tell Aaron and his sons to put their hands on the ram’s head.
20 Uriuraye, utore rimwe ropa raro ugoriisa pamucheto wenzeve dzorudyi dzavanakomana vaAroni, napazvigunwe zvikuru zvamaoko avo orudyi, nokuzvigunwe zvikuru zvokutsoka dzavo dzorudyi. Ipapo ugosasa ropa pamativi ose earitari.
Then kill the ram by slitting its throat, and drain the blood [into a bowl]. Smear some of the blood on the lobe of the right ears of Aaron and his sons, and on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the big toes of their right feet. Throw/Splash the rest of the blood against the four sides of the altar.
21 Uye ugotora rimwe ropa riri paaritari namamwe mafuta okuzodza usase pana Aroni napanguo dzake uye napavanakomana vake napanguo dzavo. Ipapo iye navanakomana vake nenguo dzavo vachanatswa.
Wipe up some of the blood that is on the altar, mix it with some of the oil for anointing, and sprinkle it on Aaron and his clothes, and on his sons and their clothes. By doing that, you will dedicate them and their clothes [to me].
22 “Utore pagondobwe iri mafuta, mafuta apamuswe, mafuta akapoteredza zvomukati, akafukidza chiropa, itsvo dzose dziri mbiri namafuta ari padziri, uye nechidya chokurudyi. (Iri ndiro gondobwe rokugadzwa.)
“Also, cut off the ram’s fat and its fat tail and the fat that covers the inner organs, the best part of the liver, the two kidneys with the fat on them, and the right thigh.
23 Kubva padengu rechingwa chakabikwa chisina mbiriso, chiri pamberi paJehovha, utore chimwe chete, nekeke rakavhenganiswa namafuta, uye nechingwa chitete.
Take also one of each of the kinds of bread [that was baked]—one made with no oil, one with oil, and one thin wafer.
24 Uise izvi zvose mumaoko aAroni navanakomana vake ugozvininira pamberi paJehovha sechipiriso chokuninira.
Put all these things in the hands of Aaron and his sons. [Then tell them to] lift them up [high] to dedicate them to me.
25 Ipapo uzvitore kubva mumaoko avo ugozvipisa paaritari pamwe chete nechipiriso chinopiswa chinonhuhwira zvinofadza kuna Jehovha, chipiriso chinoitirwa Jehovha nomoto.
Then take them from their hands and burn them on the altar, on top of the other things [that were placed there]. That [also] will be an offering to me, and its smell will please me.
26 Shure kwokunge watora chityu chegondobwe rokugadzwa kwaAroni, uchininire pamberi paJehovha sechipiriso chokuninira uye chichava mugove wako.
Then take the meat of the ribs of the second ram that was killed, and lift it up [high] as an offering to me. But then this part of the animal will be for you [to eat].
27 “Unatse mitezo iyo yegondobwe rokugadza raAroni navanakomana vake: chityu chakaninirwa uye chakakumikidzwa.
Then take the meat of the ribs, the other thigh of the first ram that was sacrificed to (dedicate/set apart) the priests, and the ram whose other parts were lifted high to show that they were an offering to me; and set the meat of the ribs and thigh apart for Aaron and his sons, for them to eat.
28 Uyu unofanira kuva mugove wenguva dzose unobva kuvaIsraeri, waAroni navanakomana vake. Uyu ndiwo mugove unofanira kupiwa navaIsraeri kuna Jehovha kubva pazvipiriso zvavo zvokuwadzana.
In the future, whenever the Israeli people present to me, Yahweh, offerings to maintain fellowship with me, the ribs and the thigh [of animals that they sacrifice] will be for Aaron and his male descendants [to eat].
29 “Nguo tsvene dzaAroni dzichava dzezvizvarwa zvake kuitira kuti vazodzwe uye vagogadzwa vakadzipfeka.
“After Aaron [dies], the special clothes that he wore will belong to his sons. They are to wear those clothes when they are (set apart/dedicated) [to become priests].
30 Mwanakomana wake achamutevera pauprista uye anouya kuTende Rokusangana kuti azoshumira ari muNzvimbo Tsvene, anofanira kudzipfeka kwamazuva manomwe.
Aaron’s son who becomes The Supreme Priest and enters the Sacred Tent and performs rituals in the Holy Place must [stay in the Sacred Tent], wearing these special clothes, for seven days.
31 “Utore gondobwe rokugadzwa ugobika nyama yaro munzvimbo tsvene.
“Take the meat of the other ram that was sacrificed to (set apart/dedicate) Aaron and his sons, and boil it in the courtyard.
32 Aroni navanakomana vake vanofanira kudya nyama yegondobwe uye nechingwa chiri mudengu vari pamukova wokupinda paTende Rokusangana.
After it is cooked, Aaron and his sons must eat it, along with the bread that is left in the basket, at the entrance of the Sacred Tent.
33 Vanofanira kudya zvipiriso izvi zvavakaitirwa yananiso yokugadzwa kwavo uye nokunatswa kwavo nazvo. Asi hakuna mumwe munhu anofanira kuzvidya nokuti zvitsvene.
They must eat the meat of the ram that was sacrificed to forgive them for [their sins] when they were dedicated to do this work. They are the only ones who are permitted to eat this meat. [Those who are not priests are not allowed to eat it], because it is dedicated to me.
34 Uye kana pakava nenyama yegondobwe rokugadzwa inosara kana chingwa chipi zvacho chinosara kusvikira mangwana mangwanani, muzvipise. Hazvifaniri kudyiwa, nokuti zvitsvene.
If any of this meat or some of the bread is not eaten that night, no one is permitted to eat any of it the next day. It must be completely burned, because it is sacred/dedicated to me.
35 “Uitire Aroni navanakomana vake zvinhu zvose zvandakakurayira, uchitora mazuva manomwe okuvagadza.
“Those are the rituals that you(sg) must perform during those seven days when you dedicate Aaron and his sons for this work. You must do everything that I have commanded you.
36 Ubayire hando zuva rimwe nerimwe sechipiriso chechivi chive chokuyananisa. Unatse aritari nokuiitira yananiso, uye ugoizodza kuti uiite tsvene.
Each of those seven days you must also sacrifice a young bull as an offering to me, in order that I may forgive sins. Also, you must make another offering (to make the altar pure in my sight/in order that I will consider the altar to be pure). You must also anoint the altar with olive oil, to (set it apart/dedicate it).
37 Mazuva manomwe uyananisire aritari uye uinatse. Ipapo aritari ichava tsvene-tsvene, uye chose chichaigunzva chichava chitsvene.
Perform these rituals every day for seven days, to (set apart/dedicate) the altar and make it pure. If you do not do that, anyone or anything that touches the altar will become taboo.
38 “Izvi ndizvo zvaunofanira kupa paaritari nguva dzose zuva rimwe nerimwe: makwayana maviri egore rimwe chete.
“You must also sacrifice lambs and burn them on the altar. Each of those [seven] days you must sacrifice two lambs.
39 Ubayire rimwe chete mangwanani uye nerimwe chete madekwana.
One lamb must be sacrificed in the morning, and one must be sacrificed in the evening.
40 Negwayana rokutanga ubayire nechegumi cheefa choupfu hwakatsetseka hwakasanganiswa nechikamu chimwe chete kubva muzvina chehini chamafuta akabva mumaorivhi akasvinwa, uye chikamu chimwe chete kubva muzvina chehini yewaini chive chipiriso chinonwiwa.
With the first lamb, also offer (2 pounds/1 kilogram) of finely-ground wheat flour mixed with one quart/liter of the best kind of olive oil, and one quart/liter of wine as an offering.
41 Ubayire rimwe gwayana zuva richangovira pamwe chete nechipiriso chimwe chetecho chezviyo nechipiriso chacho chinonwiwa sechamangwanani, chive chinonhuhwira zvinofadza, chipiriso chakaitirwa Jehovha nomoto.
In the evening, when you sacrifice the other lamb, offer the same amounts of flour, olive oil, and wine as you did in the morning. This will be an offering to me, Yahweh, that will be burned, and its smell will please me.
42 “Chipiriso chinopiswa ichi chinofanira kuitwa nguva dzose pamukova weTende Rokusangana pamberi paJehovha kuzvizvarwa zvose.
You [and your descendants] must continue making these offerings to me, Yahweh, throughout all future generations. You must offer them at the entrance of the Sacred Tent. That is where I will meet with you and speak to you.
43 Ipapo ndipo pandichasangana newe uye ndigotaura kwauri, ndipozve pandichasangana navaIsraeri, uye nzvimbo iyi ichatsaurwa nokubwinya kwangu.
That is where I will meet with the Israeli people, and the brilliant light of my presence will cause that place to be holy/sacred.
44 “Saka ndichatsaura Tende Rokusangana nearitari uye ndichatsaura Aroni navanakomana vake kuti vandishumire savaprista.
I will dedicate the Sacred Tent and the altar. I will also dedicate Aaron and his sons to serve me [by being] priests.
45 Ipapo ndichagara pakati pavaIsraeri uye ndigova Mwari wavo.
I will live among the Israeli people, and I will be their God.
46 Vachaziva kuti ndini Jehovha Mwari wavo, akavabudisa kubva muIjipiti kuitira kuti ndigogara pakati pavo. Ndini Jehovha Mwari wavo.
They will know that I, Yahweh their God, am the one who brought them out of Egypt in order that I might live among them.”