< Ekisodho 27 >

1 “Uvake aritari yamatanda omuunga, makubhiti matatu pakukwirira kwayo; inofanira kuva namativi mana akaenzana, kureba kwayo makubhiti mashanu uye upamhi hwayo makubhiti mashanu.
And thou shalt make an altar [of] shittim wood, five cubits long, and five cubits broad; the altar shall be foursquare: and its hight [shall be] three cubits.
2 Uite runyanga pamakona ayo mana, kuti nyanga nearitari zvive chinhu chimwe, uye ufukidze aritari nendarira.
And thou shalt make the horns of it upon the four corners thereof: its horns shall be of the same: and thou shalt overlay it with brass.
3 Uite midziyo yayo yose nendarira, hari dzayo dzokubvisisa madota, uye foshoro dzayo, mbiya dzokusasa nadzo, zvibayiso zvenyama nemakango apamoto.
And thou shalt make its pans to receive its ashes, and its shovels, and its basins, and its flesh-hooks, and its fire-pans: all its vessels thou shalt make [of] brass.
4 Uyiitire chiparo, sefa yendarira, uye ugoita mhete yendarira pakona imwe neimwe yesefa.
And thou shalt make for it a grate of net-work of brass; and upon the net shalt thou make four brazen rings in its four corners.
5 Uchiise pasi pechitsiko chearitari kuitira kuti chive pakati nepakati pearitari.
And thou shalt put it under the compass of the altar beneath, that the net may be even to the midst of the altar.
6 Uitire aritari matanda omuunga uye ugoafukidza nendarira.
And thou shalt make staffs for the altar, staffs [of] shittim wood, and overlay them with brass.
7 Matanda aya anofanira kupinzwa mukati memhete kuti agova kumativi maviri earitari painenge yotakurwa.
And the staffs shall be put into the rings, and the staffs shall be upon the two sides of the altar, to bear it.
8 Uite aritari namapuranga, isina chinhu mukati mayo. Inofanira kugadzirwa sokuratidzwa kwawakaitwa pagomo.
Hollow with boards shalt thou make it: as it was shown thee on the mount, so shall they make [it].
9 “Uitire tabhenakeri ruvazhe. Rutivi rwezasi runofanira kureba makubhiti zana uye runofanira kuva nezvidzitiro zvakarembedzwa zvomucheka wakarukwa zvakaisvonaka,
And thou shalt make the court of the tabernacle: for the south side southward [there shall be] hangings for the court [of] fine twined linen of a hundred cubits long for one side:
10 namatanda makumi maviri uye zvigadziko zvendarira makumi maviri uye zvikorekedzo zvesirivha nezvisungo pamatanda.
And its twenty pillars and their twenty sockets [shall be of] brass: the hooks of the pillars and their fillets [shall be of] silver.
11 Rutivi rwokumusoro rucharebawo makubhiti zana uye runofanira kuva nezvidzitiro zvakarembedzwa, namatanda makumi maviri, nezvigadziko zvendarira makumi maviri, uye zvikorekedzo zvesirivha nezvisungo pamatanda.
And likewise for the north side in length [there shall be] hangings of a hundred [cubits] long, and its twenty pillars and their twenty sockets [of] brass: the hooks of the pillars and their fillets [of] silver.
12 “Kumucheto kworuvazhe, nechokumavirira, kunofanira kuva noupamhi hwamakubhiti makumi mashanu uye zvidzitiro zvakarembedzwa, namatanda gumi uye zvigadziko gumi.
And [for] the breadth of the court on the west side [shall be] hangings of fifty cubits: their pillars ten, and their sockets ten.
13 Kumucheto nechokumabvazuva kwakatarisana nokunobuda nezuva, upamhi hworuvazhe hunofanira kuva makubhiti makumi mashanu.
And the breadth of the court on the east side eastward [shall be] fifty cubits.
14 Zvidzitiro zvakareba makubhiti gumi namashanu zvinofanira kuva kuno rumwe rutivi rwomukova, namatanda matatu nezvigadziko zvitatu,
The hangings of one side [of the gate shall be] fifteen cubits: their pillars three, and their sockets three.
15 uye zvimwe zvidzitiro zvakareba makubhiti gumi namashanu ngazvivewo kuno rumwe rutivi, namatanda matatu nezvigadziko zvitatuwo.
And on the other side [shall be] hangings, fifteen [cubits]: their pillars three, and their sockets three.
16 “Pamukova wokupinda muruvazhe, uise chidzitiro chakareba makubhiti makumi maviri, chewuru yebhuruu, yepepuru netsvuku uye nomucheka wakarukwa zvakaisvonaka, basa romusoni anogona, namatanda mana uyewo zvigadziko zvina.
And for the gate of the court [shall be] a hanging of twenty cubits, [of] blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen, wrought with needle-work: [and] their pillars [shall be] four, and their sockets four.
17 Matanda ose akapoteredza ruvazhe anofanira kuva nezvisungiso zvesirivha nezvikorekedzo, uye zvigadziko zvendarira.
All the pillars around the court [shall be] filleted with silver: their hooks [shall be of] silver, and their sockets [of] brass.
18 Ruvazhe ruchareba makubhiti zana uye makubhiti makumi mashanu paupamhi, nezvidzitiro zvemicheka yakarukwa zvakaisvonaka yakareba makubhiti mashanu, uye nezvigadziko zvendarira.
The length of the court [shall be] a hundred cubits, and the breadth fifty every where, and the hight five cubits [of] fine twined linen, and their sockets [of] brass.
19 Mimwe midziyo inoshandiswa paushumiri hwetabhenakeri, ringava basa ripi zvaro, kusanganisira mbambo dzose dzetende neiya yomuruvazhe, inofanira kuva yendarira.
All the vessels of the tabernacle in all the service thereof, and all the pins thereof, and all the pins of the court, [shall be of] brass.
20 “Urayire vaIsraeri kuti vakuvigire mafuta omuorivhi akachena, akasvinwa omwenje, kuitira kuti mwenje irambe ichipfuta.
And thou shalt command the children of Israel, that they bring the pure olive-oil beaten for the light, to cause the lamp to burn always.
21 MuTende Rokusangana, kunze kwechidzitiro chiri pamberi peChipupuriro, Aroni navanakomana vake vanofanira kurega mwenje ichiramba ichipfuta pamberi paJehovha, kubva madekwana kusvikira mangwanani. Uyu unofanira kuva mutemo usingaperi pakati pavaIsraeri nokuzvizvarwa zvinotevera.
In the tabernacle of the congregation without the vail, which [is] before the testimony, Aaron and his sons shall order it from evening to morning before the LORD: [It shall be] a statute for ever to their generations on the behalf of the children of Israel.

< Ekisodho 27 >