< Ekisodho 11 >

1 Zvino Jehovha akanga ati kuna Mozisi, “Ndichauyisa rimwezve dambudziko pamusoro paFaro napamusoro peIjipiti. Shure kwaizvozvo, achakutenderai kubva muno, uye paanozviita, achakudzingirai kunze zvachose.
The Lord told Moses, “There's one last plague I will bring down on Pharaoh and on Egypt. After that he will let you go, but when he does, he'll expel every one of you from the country.
2 Udza vanhu kuti varume navakadzi, pamwe chete, vakumbire vavakidzani vavo zvishongo zvesirivha nezvegoridhe.”
Now go and tell the Israelites, both men and women, to ask their Egyptian neighbors for silver and gold objects.”
3 Jehovha akaita kuti vanhu vawanirwe nyasha navaIjipita, uye Mozisi pachake akanga achikudzwa zvikuru muIjipiti namachinda aFaro uye navanhu.
The Lord made the Egyptians look favorably on the Israelites. In fact, Moses himself was highly respected in Egypt by both Pharaoh's officials and the ordinary people.
4 Saka Mozisi akati, “Zvanzi naJehovha: ‘Pakati pousiku ndichafamba napakati peIjipiti.
Moses said, “This is what the Lord says: ‘Around midnight I will go through the whole of Egypt.
5 Mwanakomana wose wedangwe ari muIjipiti achafa, kubva pamwanakomana wedangwe waFaro, iye agere pachigaro choushe, kusvikira kumwanakomana wedangwe womurandakadzi, ari paguyo rake, namatangwe ose emombewo.
Every firstborn son in the land of Egypt will die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh sitting on his throne to the firstborn of the servant girl working with a handmill, as well as all the firstborn of the cattle.
6 Pachava nokuchema kukuru muIjipiti yose, kwakadaro hakuna kumbovapo uye hakungavepozve.
There will be loud cries of mourning all over Egypt, such as have never been before, and will never be again.
7 Asi pakati pavaIsraeri hapana kana imbwa ichahukura munhu zvake kana chipfuwo.’ Ipapo uchaziva kuti Jehovha anoita mutsauko pakati peIjipiti neIsraeri.
But among all the Israelites there won't even be the sound of a dog barking at them or their animals. That way you will know that the Lord distinguishes between Egypt and Israel.’
8 Machinda ako ose aya achauya kwandiri, vachipfugama pamberi pangu vachiti, ‘Chiendai, imi navanhu vose vanokuteverai!’ Shure kwaizvozvo ndichaenda.” Ipapo Mozisi, atsamwa kwazvo, akabva pana Faro.
All your officials will come to me, bowing down before me and saying, ‘Leave, and take everyone who follows you with you!’ After that I will leave.” Moses was very angry, and left Pharaoh.
9 Jehovha akanga ati kuna Mozisi, “Faro acharamba kukuteerera, kuitira kuti zvishamiso zvangu zviwande muIjipiti.”
The Lord said to Moses, “Pharaoh is refusing to listen to you so I can do even more miracles in Egypt.”
10 Mozisi naAroni vakaita zvishamiso zvose izvi pamberi paFaro, asi Jehovha akaomesa mwoyo waFaro uye haana kuda kutendera vaIsraeri kuti vabude munyika yake.
Moses and Aaron did these miracles before Pharaoh, but the Lord gave Pharaoh a stubborn attitude, and he wouldn't let the Israelites leave his country.

< Ekisodho 11 >