< Ekisodho 10 >
1 Ipapo Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi, “Enda kuna Faro nokuti ndaomesa mwoyo wake uye nemwoyo yamachinda ake kuitira kuti ndiite zviratidzo zvangu izvi pakati pavo,
The Lord told Moses, “Go and see Pharaoh, because it was me who gave him and his officials a stubborn attitude so that I may perform my miracles before them.
2 kuti mugoudza vana venyu navazukuru venyu marangiro akaoma andakaita vaIjipita uye kuti ndakaita zviratidzo zvangu sei pakati pavo, uye kuti imi mugoziva kuti ndini Jehovha.”
This is so you can tell your children and grandchildren how I made the Egyptians look foolish by doing these miracles among them, and so that you may know that I am the Lord.”
3 Saka Mozisi naAroni vakaenda kuna Faro vakandoti kwaari, “Zvanzi naJehovha: Mwari wavaHebheru, ‘Uchasvika riniko uchiramba kuzvininipisa pamberi pangu? Rega vanhu vangu vaende kuti vanondinamata.
Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and told him, “This is what the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says: ‘How long are you going to refuse to humble yourself before me? Let my people go, so that they can worship me.
4 Kana uchiramba kuvatendera kuenda, ini ndichauyisa mhashu munyika yako mangwana.
If you refuse to let my people leave, tomorrow I will send a plague of locusts into your country.
5 Dzichafukidza nyika yose zvokuti pasi hapangaonekwi. Dzichadya zvishoma zvawakanga wasiyirwa shure kwechimvuramabwe, pamwe chete nemiti yose iri kumera muminda yako.
There will be so many of them that they'll cover the ground so no one can see it. They will eat whatever crops were left by the hail, as well as every tree growing in your fields.
6 Dzichazadza dzimba dzako nedzamachinda ako nedzavaIjipita vose, chinhu chisina kumboonekwa namadzibaba ako kana madzitateguru ako kubva pazuva ravakagara munyika ino kusvika zvino.’” Ipapo Mozisi akatendeuka akabva pana Faro.
They will swarm into your houses and into the houses of all your officials—in fact into the houses of every Egyptian. This is something that none of your forefathers ever saw from the time they arrived in this country.’” Then Moses and Aaron turned and left Pharaoh.
7 Machinda aFaro akati kwaari, “Munhu uyu acharamba ari musungo kwatiri kusvikira riniko? Regai vanhu vaende, kuti vagonamata Jehovha Mwari wavo. Ko, hamusi kuzviona here nazvino kuti Ijipiti yaparara?”
Pharaoh's officials came to him and asked, “How long are you going to let this man cause us trouble? Let these people go so they can worship the Lord their God. Don't you realize that Egypt has been destroyed?”
8 Ipapo Mozisi naAroni vakadzoswazve kuna Faro. Iye akati, “Endai mundonamata Jehovha Mwari wenyu. Asi vachaenda ndivanaaniko?”
Moses and Aaron were brought back to see Pharaoh. “Go and worship the Lord your God,” he told them. “But who of you will be going?”
9 Mozisi akapindura akati, “Tichaenda navaduku vedu uye navakuru, pamwe chete navanakomana vedu navanasikana vedu, uye namakwai edu nemombe dzedu, nokuti tinofanira kuita mutambo wokupemberera Jehovha.”
“We will all go,” Moses replied. “Young and old, sons and daughters—and we'll take our flocks and herds with us, for we're going to have a religious festival for the Lord.”
10 Faro akati, “Jehovha ngaave nemi, kana ndikakutenderai kuenda, pamwe chete navakadzi navana venyu! Zviri pachena kuti imi muri kuda kuita zvakaipa.
“The Lord really would have to be with you if I let your children go with you!” Pharaoh answered. “Clearly you're planning some kind of evil trick!
11 Kwete! Varume chete ngavaende; vandonamata Jehovha, sezvo zviri izvo zvamanga muchikumbira.” Ipapo Mozisi naAroni vakadzingwa pamberi paFaro.
So no! Only the men can go and worship the Lord, because that's what you've been asking for.” Then he had Moses and Aaron thrown out.
12 Uye Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi, “Tambanudza ruoko rwako pamusoro peIjipiti kuitira kuti mhashu dzigoita bute pamusoro dzigodya zvose zvinomera muminda, zvose zvakasiyiwa nechimvuramabwe.”
The Lord told Moses, “Lift up your hand over Egypt, so that the locusts may swarm over it and eat every plant in the country—everything that was left by the hail.”
13 Saka Mozisi akatambanudza tsvimbo yake pamusoro peIjipiti, uye Jehovha akaita kuti mhepo yokumabvazuva ivhuvhute munyika zuva rose nousiku hwose. Mangwanani, mhepo yakanga yauyisa mhashu;
Moses held out his staff over Egypt, and all through that day and night the Lord sent an east wind blowing over the land. By the time morning came the east wind had brought in the locusts.
14 dzakazadza Ijipiti yose uye dzikamhara munzvimbo dzose dzenyika dzakawanda zvikuru. Hakuna kutongova nedambudziko remhashu rakadai, uye harichazombovapozve.
The locusts swarmed across the land and settled in every part of the country. There had never been such a swarm of locusts ever before, and there won't be ever again.
15 Dzakafukidza pasi pose kusvikira pasviba kuti svi-i. Dzakadya zvose zvakanga zvasara shure kwechimvuramabwe, zvinhu zvose zvaimera muminda uye michero yaiva pamiti. Hakuna chakasvibirira chakasara mumiti kana zvirimwa zvomunyika yose yeIjipiti.
They covered the ground until it looked black, and they ate up all the plants in the fields and all the fruit on the trees that had been left by the hail. Not a single green leaf was left on any tree or plant anywhere in Egypt.
16 Faro akakurumidza kudana Mozisi naAroni akati, “Ndatadzira Jehovha Mwari wenyu uye nemi.
Pharaoh called urgently for Moses and Aaron and said, “I have sinned against the Lord your God and against you.
17 Zvino ndiregerereizve chivi changu uye munyengetere kuna Jehovha Mwari wenyu kuti abvise kwandiri dambudziko rinouraya iri.”
So please forgive my sin just this one time and plead with the Lord your God, asking him to at least take away this deathly plague from me.”
18 Ipapo Mozisi akabva pana Faro akanyengetera kuna Jehovha.
Moses left Pharaoh and prayed to the Lord.
19 Uye Jehovha akashandura mhepo ikava mhepo ine simba yokumavirira ikasimudza mhashu ikadzikanda muGungwa Dzvuku. Hapana mhashu yakasara papi zvapo muIjipiti.
The Lord changed the direction of the wind so that a strong westerly wind blew the locusts into the Red Sea. There wasn't a single locust left anywhere in Egypt.
20 Asi Jehovha akaomesa mwoyo waFaro, uye akasatendera vaIsraeri kuti vaende.
But the Lord made Pharaoh stubborn, and he would not let the Israelites go.
21 Ipapo Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi, “Tambanudzira ruoko rwako kudenga kuti rima ripararire pamusoro peIjipiti, rima rinonzwikwa.”
The Lord told Moses, “Lift your hand toward the sky so that darkness will fall over Egypt, darkness so thick that it can be felt.”
22 Saka Mozisi akatambanudzira ruoko rwake kudenga, rima guru rikafukidza Ijipiti yose kwamazuva matatu.
Moses lifted up his hand toward heaven, and the whole of Egypt went completely dark for three days.
23 Hapana aigona kuona mumwe munhu papi zvapo kana kubva panzvimbo yake kwamazuva matatu. Asi vaIsraeri vainge vane chiedza munzvimbo dzavaigara.
No one could see anyone else, and no one moved from where they were for three days. But there was still light where all the Israelites lived.
24 Ipapo Faro akadana Mozisi akati, “Endai mundonamata Jehovha. Kunyange vakadzi venyu navana vangaenda havo nemi; musiye chete makwai enyu nemombe.”
Eventually Pharaoh called for Moses. “Go and worship the Lord,” he said. “Just leave your flocks and herds here. You can even take your children with you.”
25 Asi Mozisi akati, “Munofanira kutitendera kuti tive nezvibayiro uye nezvipiriso zvinopiswa kuti tipe kuna Jehovha Mwari wedu.
But Moses replied, “You must also let us have animals for sacrifices and burnt offerings, so we can offer them to the Lord our God.
26 Zvipfuwo zvedu zvinofanira kuendawo nesu; hapana hwanda rinofanira kusara. Tinofanira kuzvishandisa zvimwe zvacho mukunamata Jehovha Mwari wedu, uye kusvikira tasvikako hatingazivi zvatingashandisa kuti tinamate Jehovha.”
Our livestock have to go with us too—not a single animal will be left behind. We'll need some of them to worship the Lord our God, and we won't know how we are to worship the Lord until we get there.”
27 Asi Jehovha akaomesa mwoyo waFaro, saka haana kuda kuvatendera kuti vaende.
But the Lord made Pharaoh stubborn, and he would not let them go.
28 Faro akati kuna Mozisi, “Ibvai pano! Chenjerai kuti murege kuzoonekwazve pamberi pangu! Musi wamuchaona chiso changu muchafa.”
Pharaoh shouted at Moses, “Get out of here! I don't want to see you ever again! If I ever do see you again you'll die!”
29 Mozisi akapindura akati, “Sezvamareva, handichazoonekwazve pamberi penyu.”
“May it be as you say,” Moses replied. “I won't see you again.”