< Esteri 3 >
1 Shure kwaizvozvo, Mambo Zekisesi akaremekedza Hamani mwanakomana waHamedhata, muAgagi, akamukwidziridza nokumupa chigaro chinokudzwa chakanga chiri pamusoro-soro kupfuura zvamamwe makurukota ose.
After these events King Ahasuerus promoted Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and advanced him to a place above all the officials who were with him.
2 Vabati vose vomuumambo vaimira pamusuo vakamupfugamira vakapa rukudzo kuna Hamani, nokuti mambo akanga arayira kuti aitirwe izvi. Asi Modhekai akanga asingamupfugamiri kana kumukudza.
All the king’s courtiers who were in the king’s gate used to bow down before Haman, for so the king had commanded, but Mordecai did not bow down nor prostrate himself.
3 Ipapo vabati vaimira pasuo ramambo vakabvunza Modhekai vakati, “Sei usingateereri murayiro wamambo?”
Then the king’s courtiers, who were in the king’s gate, said to Mordecai, “Why do you disobey the king’s command?”
4 Zuva nezuva vaitaura naye asi iye akaramba kuvanzwa. Naizvozvo vakaudza Hamani izvozvo kuti vaone kuti maitiro aModhekai angangoregererwa here, nokuti iye akanga avaudza kuti aiva muJudha.
When they had spoken to him day after day without his listening to them, they informed Haman, to see whether Mordecai’s acts would be tolerated, for he had told them that he was a Jew.
5 Hamani akati aona kuti Modhekai akanga asingamupfugamiri kana kumuremekedza, akatsamwa kwazvo.
When Haman saw that Mordecai did not bow down nor prostrate himself before him, he was furious.
6 Asi paakanzwa kuti vanhu vaModhekai vaiva vapi akafunga zvokusauraya Modhekai chete. Panzvimbo yokuita izvi, Hamani akatsvaka nzira yokuuraya vanhu vose vaModhekai, vaJudha vose vaiva muumambo hwaZekisesi.
But it seemed to him beneath his dignity to lay hands on Mordecai alone, for they had told him who Mordecai’s people were. Instead Haman sought to destroy all the people of Mordecai, all the Jews throughout the kingdom of Ahasuerus.
7 Mugore regumi namaviri raMambo Zekisesi mumwedzi wokutanga, mwedzi waNisani, vakakanda puri (ndiwo mujenya) pamberi paHamani kuti vasarudze zuva nomwedzi. Mujenya wakawira pamwedzi wegumi nemiviri, mwedzi waAdha.
In the first month (the month of Nisan) in the twelfth year of the reign of King Ahasuerus, Haman had ‘pur’ (which means ‘lot’) cast before him to determine the best day and best month for his actions. The lot fell on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month – the month of Adar.
8 Ipapo Hamani akati kuna Mambo Zekisesi, “Kuna vamwe vanhu vakapararira nokutekeshera vari pakati pamarudzi mumatunhu oushe hwenyu vane tsika yakasiyana navamwe vanhu vose uye havateereri mirayiro yamambo; hazvinganakiri mambo kuti muvaregerere.
So Haman said to King Ahasuerus, “There is a certain people scattered among the peoples in all the provinces of your kingdom, whose laws differ from those of every other and who do not keep the king’s laws. Therefore it is not right for the king to tolerate them.
9 Kana mambo achifara nazvo, ngapaiswe chirevo chokuti vaparadzwe, uye ini ndicharipa matarenda zviuru gumi esirivha mudura repfuma yamambo kuti igoshandiswa kuripira avo vachabata basa iri ramambo.”
If it seems best to the king, let an order be given to destroy them, and I will pay ten thousand silver coins into the royal treasury.”
10 Naizvozvo mambo akatora mhete yechindori kubva pamunwe wake akaipa kuna Hamani mwanakomana waHamedhata, muAgagi, muvengi wavaJudha.
So the king took off his signet ring from his hand and gave it to Haman son of Hammedatha the Agagite, the enemy of the Jews.
11 Mambo akati kuna Hamani, “Chengeta mari uye uite zvaunoda navanhu.”
“The money is yours,” the king said to Haman, “and the people also to do with them as you wish.”
12 Zvino pazuva regumi namatatu romwedzi wokutanga vanyori vamambo vakadaidzwa. Vakanyora namanyorero enyika imwe neimwe uye nomutauro worudzi rumwe norumwe zvose zvakarayirwa naHamani kumakurukota ehurumende, navabati venyika dzakasiyana-siyana namakurukota amarudzi akasiyana-siyana. Tsamba idzi dzakanyorwa muzita raMambo Zekisesi pachake uye dzikasimbiswa nemhete yake.
And so, on the thirteenth day of the first month, the king’s secretaries were summoned and as Haman instructed an edict was issued to the king’s satraps and provincial governors and the rulers of each of the peoples in their own script and their own language. The edict was written in the name of King Ahasuerus and sealed with his ring.
13 Matsamba aya akatumirwa navatakuri vamatsamba kunyika dzose dzamambo Zekisesi dziine murayiro wokuparadza, kuuraya, nokupedza vaJudha vose, vadiki navakuru, vakadzi navana vadiki, nokupamba zvinhu zvavo, nezuva rimwe chete, pazuva regumi namatatu romwedzi wegumi nemiviri, iwo mwedzi waAdha.
Dispatches were sent by couriers to all the king’s provinces, saying: Destroy, kill, put an end to all the Jews, young and old, little children and women, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, and plunder their possessions.
14 Rimwe gwaro rechirevo ichi raizodzikwa somutemo mudunhu rimwe nerimwe, vanhu vendudzi dzose vachizoziviswa kuti vagare vakagadzirira zuva iroro.
A copy of the edict was to be published as a decree in every province – publicly displayed so that everyone might be ready for that day.
15 Vatakuri vamatsamba vakabuda nokukasika sokurayira kwamambo, vakandozivisa chirevo panhare yeShushani. Mambo naHamani vakagara pasi kuti vanwe, asi guta reShushani rakanyonganiswa.
By command of the king the couriers raced off, and the edict was published in Susa itself. Then the king and Haman sat down to drink, but the city of Susa was in turmoil.