< VaEfeso 3 >

1 Nokuda kwaizvozvi, ini Pauro, musungwa waKristu Jesu nokuda kwenyu imi veDzimwe Ndudzi:
Because [God has done all this for] you non-Jews, I, Paul, [pray for you. I want you to know that it is because I serve] Christ Jesus for your sake that I am in prison.
2 Zvirokwazvo makanzwa zvokugoverwa kwenyasha dzaMwari dzakapiwa kwandiri nokuda kwenyu,
I (assume that/think that probably) someone has told you how God acted very kindly toward me, appointing me [so that I would proclaim the gospel to you non-Jews].
3 kuti chakavanzika chakaziviswa kwandiri nokuzarurirwa, sezvandakatonyora muchidimbu.
God revealed to me the message that he had not revealed to others. When you read what I have already written briefly about that,
4 Mukuverenga izvi, ipapo muchagona kunzwisisa maonero andinoita chakavanzika chaKristu,
you will be able to understand that I understand clearly that message about Christ.
5 chisina kuziviswa kuvanhu kana mamwe marudzi sezvachakaratidzwa zvino noMweya kuvapostori navaprofita vatsvene vaMwari.
Formerly, [God] did not reveal that message to anyone, but now his Spirit has revealed that message to (his holy apostles and prophets/people who tell messages that come directly from God).
6 Chakavanzika ichi ndechokuti, kubudikidza nevhangeri, veDzimwe Ndudzi vava vadyi venhaka pamwe chete navaIsraeri uye vava nhengo pamwe chete dzomuviri mumwe chete, vagovani pamwe chete muchivimbiso chiri muna Kristu Jesu.
That message, which he has now revealed, is that because of our [(inc)] relationship with Christ Jesus, [all of us], non-Jews as well as Jews [MTY], will receive the [great spiritual blessings that God has] promised as we all form one group [MET] [as a result of our believing] the good news [about Christ].
7 Ndakava muranda wevhangeri iri nechipo chenyasha dzaMwari dzakapiwa kwandiri kubudikidza nokushanda kwesimba rake.
By God powerfully enabling me, and because God acted kindly toward me, doing what I did not deserve, and chose me [to do that work], I became someone who tells others this good message.
8 Kunyange ndiri muduku pavanhu vose vaMwari, idzi nyasha dzakapiwa kwandiri: kuti ndiparidze vhangeri kune veDzimwe Ndudzi pfuma yaKristu isinganzwisisiki;
Although I am the least [worthy] of all God’s people, God kindly [appointed] me to proclaim to the non-Jews the message about the great spiritual blessings that [they can receive] from Christ,
9 uye kuti ndiratidze pachena kuvanhu vose kugoverwa kwechakavanzika ichi, icho panguva yakare chakanga chakavigwa muna Mwari, iye akasika zvinhu zvose. (aiōn g165)
and to enable everyone to understand clearly how God accomplished what he planned. God, who created everything, [has now revealed] this message, which he never revealed to anyone before. (aiōn g165)
10 Zvaaida zvino ndezvokuti, kubudikidza nekereke, uchenjeri hwaMwari hukuru huziviswe kuvatongi navane simba vari muchadenga,
[What he planned] was that all (believers/people who belong to Christ) would be the ones who would reveal to all the ranks [DOU] of spiritual beings in heaven that what God had planned is wise in every way.
11 maererano nevavariro yake isingaperi yaakakwanisa muna Kristu Jesu Ishe wedu. (aiōn g165)
That is what God had always planned, and it is what he accomplished by what our Lord Jesus [has done]. (aiōn g165)
12 Maari, uye kubudikidza nokutenda kwaari tinogona kusvika kuna Mwari takasununguka uye tisingatyi.
Because of what he has done and because of our relationship with him, [when we pray] we can approach God confidently and without being afraid.
13 Naizvozvo, ndinokukumbirai, kuti murege kuora mwoyo nokuda kwamatambudziko angu nokuda kwenyu, anova kukudzwa kwenyu.
So I ask that you do not be discouraged because of my suffering many things for you [here in prison]. You should feel honored that I am [willing to] suffer [these things for your sake].
14 Nokuda kwaizvozvi, ndinopfugama pamberi paBaba,
Because [God has done all this for you], I kneel [and pray] [MTY] to [God our] Father.
15 nokuti mhuri yavo yose iri kudenga napanyika inowana zita rayo kubva kwavari.
He is the one who is [like] a father of all [the believers who are now in] heaven and those who are still on the earth.
16 Ndinonyengetera kuti kubva papfuma yokubwinya kwavo vakusimbisei nesimba noMweya wavo mumunhu womukati,
I pray that, using his unlimited resources, he will cause you to be strengthened by his Spirit {cause his Spirit to strengthen you} in your (inner beings/hearts) with all [God’s] power.
17 kuti Kristu agare mumwoyo yenyu nokutenda. Uye ndinonyengetera kuti imi, muve nemidzi uye musimbiswe murudo,
That is, I pray that because of your trusting in Christ, his [Spirit] may live in your (inner beings/hearts) (OR, he may live in your hearts). And I pray that because you love [Christ] firmly and faithfully/continually [MET], you,
18 muve nesimba, pamwe chete navatsvene vose, kuti mubate kuti kupamhamha, nokureba uye kukwirira, nokudzika kworudo rwaKristu kwakadii,
along with all other believers, may be able to know how very [DOU] much Christ loves [us(inc)].
19 uye muzive rudo urwu runopfuura ruzivo, kuti muzadzwe kusvikira pachiyero chokuzara kwose kwaMwari.
I want you to experience how very deeply he loves us, even though it is not possible for us to understand fully [how much he loves us]. And I pray that God will enable you to be filled with {have a full measure of} all the [qualities of his character that] he himself has.
20 Zvino iye anogona kuita zvikuru zvisingagoni kuyerwa kupfuura zvose zvatingakumbira kana kufunga, maererano nesimba rake riri kushanda mukati medu,
[God] is able to do much (greater things/more) than we could ask him to do, or even that we might think that he can do, by his power that is working within us.
21 ngaave nokubwinya mukereke uye nomuna Kristu Jesu kumarudzi namarudzi, nokusingaperi-peri! Ameni. (aiōn g165)
Because of our relationship with Christ Jesus, may all (believers/those who belong to him) praise him forever. (Amen!/May it be so!) (aiōn g165)

< VaEfeso 3 >