< VaEfeso 3 >

1 Nokuda kwaizvozvi, ini Pauro, musungwa waKristu Jesu nokuda kwenyu imi veDzimwe Ndudzi:
For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus on behalf of you Gentiles -
2 Zvirokwazvo makanzwa zvokugoverwa kwenyasha dzaMwari dzakapiwa kwandiri nokuda kwenyu,
for surely you have heard of the stewardship of the grace of God entrusted to me for you?
3 kuti chakavanzika chakaziviswa kwandiri nokuzarurirwa, sezvandakatonyora muchidimbu.
You have heard how by direct revelation the secret truth was made known to me, as I have already briefly written you.
4 Mukuverenga izvi, ipapo muchagona kunzwisisa maonero andinoita chakavanzika chaKristu,
By reading what I have written, you can judge of my insight into that secret truth of Christ
5 chisina kuziviswa kuvanhu kana mamwe marudzi sezvachakaratidzwa zvino noMweya kuvapostori navaprofita vatsvene vaMwari.
which was not disclosed to the sons of men in former generations, as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to his holy apostles and prophets,
6 Chakavanzika ichi ndechokuti, kubudikidza nevhangeri, veDzimwe Ndudzi vava vadyi venhaka pamwe chete navaIsraeri uye vava nhengo pamwe chete dzomuviri mumwe chete, vagovani pamwe chete muchivimbiso chiri muna Kristu Jesu.
namely, that in Christ Jesus the Gentiles form one body with us the Jews, and are coheirs and copartners in the promise, through the gospel.
7 Ndakava muranda wevhangeri iri nechipo chenyasha dzaMwari dzakapiwa kwandiri kubudikidza nokushanda kwesimba rake.
It is of this gospel I became a minister according to the gift of the power of the grace of God, bestowed on me by the energy of his power.
8 Kunyange ndiri muduku pavanhu vose vaMwari, idzi nyasha dzakapiwa kwandiri: kuti ndiparidze vhangeri kune veDzimwe Ndudzi pfuma yaKristu isinganzwisisiki;
To me, who am less than the least of all saints, has this grace been given, that I should proclaim among the Gentiles the gospel of the unsearchable riches of Christ;
9 uye kuti ndiratidze pachena kuvanhu vose kugoverwa kwechakavanzika ichi, icho panguva yakare chakanga chakavigwa muna Mwari, iye akasika zvinhu zvose. (aiōn g165)
and should make all men see the new dispensation of that secret purpose, hidden from eternity in the God who founded the universe, (aiōn g165)
10 Zvaaida zvino ndezvokuti, kubudikidza nekereke, uchenjeri hwaMwari hukuru huziviswe kuvatongi navane simba vari muchadenga,
in order that now his manifold wisdom should, through the church, be made known to the principalities and powers in the heavenly sphere,
11 maererano nevavariro yake isingaperi yaakakwanisa muna Kristu Jesu Ishe wedu. (aiōn g165)
according to his eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (aiōn g165)
12 Maari, uye kubudikidza nokutenda kwaari tinogona kusvika kuna Mwari takasununguka uye tisingatyi.
In him we have this fearless confidence and boldness of access through our faith in him.
13 Naizvozvo, ndinokukumbirai, kuti murege kuora mwoyo nokuda kwamatambudziko angu nokuda kwenyu, anova kukudzwa kwenyu.
So I beg you not to lose heart over my tribulations in your behalf; they are your glory.
14 Nokuda kwaizvozvi, ndinopfugama pamberi paBaba,
For this cause I bend my knees before the Father,
15 nokuti mhuri yavo yose iri kudenga napanyika inowana zita rayo kubva kwavari.
from whom every fatherhood in heaven and earth is named,
16 Ndinonyengetera kuti kubva papfuma yokubwinya kwavo vakusimbisei nesimba noMweya wavo mumunhu womukati,
praying him to grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in your inmost being;
17 kuti Kristu agare mumwoyo yenyu nokutenda. Uye ndinonyengetera kuti imi, muve nemidzi uye musimbiswe murudo,
that Christ may make his home in your hearts through your faith; that you may be so deeply rooted and so firmly grounded in love,
18 muve nesimba, pamwe chete navatsvene vose, kuti mubate kuti kupamhamha, nokureba uye kukwirira, nokudzika kworudo rwaKristu kwakadii,
that you may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is "the breadth," "the length," "the depth," and "the height,"
19 uye muzive rudo urwu runopfuura ruzivo, kuti muzadzwe kusvikira pachiyero chokuzara kwose kwaMwari.
and may know the love of Christ which transcends all knowing, so that you may be filled with all the "plenitude" of God.
20 Zvino iye anogona kuita zvikuru zvisingagoni kuyerwa kupfuura zvose zvatingakumbira kana kufunga, maererano nesimba rake riri kushanda mukati medu,
Now unto him who, according to his might that is at work within us, is able to do infinitely more than all we ask or even think,
21 ngaave nokubwinya mukereke uye nomuna Kristu Jesu kumarudzi namarudzi, nokusingaperi-peri! Ameni. (aiōn g165)
to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus, to all generations, world without end, Amen. (aiōn g165)

< VaEfeso 3 >