< Muparidzi 1 >

1 Mashoko oMuparidzi, mwanakomana waDhavhidhi, mambo muJerusarema:
The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.
2 Zvanzi noMuparidzi, “Hazvina maturo! Hazvina maturo! Hazvina maturo chose! Zvose hazvina maturo.”
All is to no purpose, said the Preacher, all the ways of man are to no purpose.
3 Munhu achawaneiko kubva pakushanda kwake kwose kwaanoita nesimba pasi pezuva?
What is a man profited by all his work which he does under the sun?
4 Zvizvarwa zvinouya uye zvizvarwa zvinoenda, asi nyika inogara nokusingaperi.
One generation goes and another comes; but the earth is for ever.
5 Zuva rinobuda uye zuva rinovira, uye rinokurumidza kudzokerazve kwarinobudira.
The sun comes up and the sun goes down, and goes quickly back to the place where he came up.
6 Mhepo inovhuvhuta ichienda zasi, yozodzokera kumusoro; inotenderera nokutenderera ichingodzokerazve pagwara rayo.
The wind goes to the south, turning back again to the north; circling round for ever.
7 Nzizi dzose dzinodira mugungwa, kunyange zvakadaro gungwa harizari. Kunzvimbo kwadzinobva nzizi, ikoko ndiko kwadzinodzokerazve.
All the rivers go down to the sea, but the sea is not full; to the place where the rivers go, there they go again.
8 Zvinhu zvose zvinonetesa, zvisina ani angazvitaura. Ziso hariguti kuona, uye nzeve haizari nokunzwa.
All things are full of weariness; man may not give their story: the eye has never enough of its seeing, or the ear of its hearing.
9 Chakanga chiripo, chichazovapozve, chakamboitwa chichaitwazve; hapana chitsva pasi pezuva.
That which has been, is that which is to be, and that which has been done, is that which will be done, and there is no new thing under the sun.
10 Chiripo here chinhu chinganzi nomunhu, “Tarira! Chinhu ichi chitsva?” Chakanga chichingovapo, kare kare; chakanga chiripo isu tisati tavapo.
Is there anything of which men say, See, this is new? It has been in the old time which was before us.
11 Vanhu vakare havacharangarirwi; uye kunyange vanovatevera, havachazorangarirwi nevanozotevera.
There is no memory of those who have gone before, and of those who come after there will be no memory for those who are still to come after them.
12 Ini muparidzi ndakanga ndiri mambo weIsraeri muJerusarema.
I, the Preacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem.
13 Ndakazvipira kunzvera nokutsvaka nouchenjeri zvose zvinoitwa pasi pedenga. Ibasa rinotambudza rakapiwa vanakomana vavanhu naMwari kuti vazvitambudze naro.
And I gave my heart to searching out in wisdom all things which are done under heaven: it is a hard thing which God has put on the sons of men to do.
14 Ndakaona zvinhu zvose zvinoitwa pasi pezuva; zvose hazvo hazvina maturo, kudzingana nemhepo bedzi.
I have seen all the works which are done under the sun; all is to no purpose, and desire for wind.
15 Chakakombamiswa hachingatwasanudzwi; chinoshayikwa hachingaverengwi.
That which is bent may not be made straight, and that which is not there may not be numbered.
16 Ndakafunga mumwoyo mangu ndikati, “Tarira, ndazviwanira uchenjeri hwakawanda kupfuura vose vakanditangira kutonga muJerusarema; ndava nouchenjeri uye noruzivo rwakawanda.”
I said to my heart, See, I have become great and am increased in wisdom more than any who were before me in Jerusalem — yes, my heart has seen much wisdom and knowledge.
17 Ipapo ndakazvipira kutsvaka kunzwisisa uchenjeri uyezve noupengo noupenzi, asi ndakadzidzawo zvakare kuti, naizvozviwo kudzingana nemhepo.
And I gave my heart to getting knowledge of wisdom, and of the ways of the foolish. And I saw that this again was desire for wind.
18 Nokuti muuchenjeri huzhinji mune kusuwa kuzhinji; kuwanda kwezivo, kuwandawo kwokuchema.
Because in much wisdom is much grief, and increase of knowledge is increase of sorrow.

< Muparidzi 1 >