< Muparidzi 4 >

1 Ndakatarirazve ndikaona udzvinyiriri hwose hwaiitika pasi pezuva: Ndakaona misodzi yavanodzvinyirirwa, uye havana munyaradzi; simba raiva kudivi ravadzvinyiriri vavo, uye havana munyaradzi.
Then I turned and saw all the oppressions which take place under the sun; and, behold, there were the tears of the oppressed, and they had no comforter; and from the hand of their oppressors there was violence, and they had no comforter.
2 Ndakati vakafa, vakanguri vafa kare, vano mufaro kupfuura vapenyu, vachiri kurarama.
Therefore I praised the dead, who have been long ago dead, more than the living, who are yet alive.
3 Asi ari nani kupfuura vose ndiye uyo asati atombovapo, uyo asati amboona zvakaipa zvinoitwa pasi pezuva.
Yea, better than both of them is he who hath not yet been, who hath not seen the evil work which is done under the sun.
4 Uye ndakaona kuti kushanda kwose nokuwana kwose kwomunhu kunobva pakuchiva muvakidzani wake. Izviwo hazvina maturo, kudzinganisana nemhepo.
And I saw all labor, and all success in work, that for this a man is envied by his neighbor. This also is vanity, and striving after wind.
5 Benzi rinopeta maoko aro, rozviparadza.
The fool foldeth his hands together and eateth his own flesh.
6 Tsama imwe yorugare inopfuura tsama mbiri dzokutambudzika nokudzingana nemhepo.
Better is a hand full of quietness, than both hands full of weariness and striving after wind.
7 Zvino ndakaona chinhu chisina maturo pasi pezuva.
Then I turned and saw other vanity under the sun.
8 Kwaiva nomunhu aigara ari oga; akanga asina mwanakomana, kana mununʼuna. Kushanda kwake kwakanga kusina magumo, kunyange zvakadaro meso ake haana kugutswa nepfuma yake. Akabvunza akati, “Ndinotambudzikira aniko, uye sei ndichizvinyima mafaro?” Naizvozviwo hazvina maturo, basa rokutambura!
There is one who is alone, and no one with him; yea, he hath neither son nor brother; yet is there no end to all his labor, and his eye is not satisfied with riches. “For whom, then [[saith he]], do I labor and deprive myself of good?” This also is vanity; yea, it is an evil thing!
9 Vaviri vari nani pano mumwe chete, nokuti vano mugove wakanaka pakushanda kwavo:
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor.
10 Kana mumwe akawira pasi, shamwari yake inogona kumubatsira kuti amire zvakare. Asi ane nhamo munhu anowira pasi, asina anomusimudza!
For if they fall, the one will lift his fellow up; but woe to him who is alone when he falleth, and hath not another to help him up!
11 Uyezve kana vaviri vachivata pamwe chete, vachadziyirwa. Asi mumwe chete angadziyirwa sei?
Again, if two lie together, then they have heat; but how can one be warm alone?
12 Munhu mumwe chete angakurirwa simba, asi vaviri vanozvidzivirira. Rwodzi rwakakoswa mutatu harungakurumidzi kudamburwa.
And if an enemy prevail against one, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
13 Jaya murombo asi rakachenjera riri nani kupfuura mambo mutana ari benzi, asisazivi kuteerera kana achipiwa yambiro.
Better is a child poor but wise, than a king old and foolish, who will no more be admonished.
14 Jaya ringava rakabva mutorongo rikazova mambo, kana angava akaberekwa ari muurombo, muushe hwokwake.
For out of prison cometh forth such a one to reign; for in his own kingdom he was born a poor man.
15 Ndakaona kuti vose vapenyu vakafamba pasi pezuva vakatevera jaya, rakazotevera panzvimbo yamambo.
I saw that all the living, who walk under the sun, were with the child who stood up in his stead.
16 Vakanga vasingaverengeki vanhu vose vaaitonga. Asi vakazouya pashure havana kufadzwa neakanga achitonga panzvimbo yamambo. Naizvozviwo hazvina maturo, kudzinganisana nemhepo.
There was no end to all the people before whom he went forth; yet they that come afterwards shall not rejoice in him. This also is vanity, and striving after wind.

< Muparidzi 4 >