< Muparidzi 10 >

1 Nhunzi dzakafa dzinonhuwisa mafuta akanaka, saizvozvowo upenzi hushoma hunorema kukunda uchenjeri nokukudzwa.
Dead flies make the oil of the perfumer loathsome and corrupt; thus doth a little folly weigh down wisdom and honor.
2 Mwoyo womunhu akachenjera unosimbira kurudyi, asi mwoyo webenzi unosimbira kuruboshwe.
A wise man's mind is at his right hand; but a fool's mind is at his left.
3 Kunyange richifamba pamugwagwa, benzi rinoshayiwa njere uye rinoratidza vanhu vose upenzi hwaro.
Yea, even when the fool walketh in the way, his understanding faileth him, and he saith to every one that he is a fool.
4 Kana kutsamwa kwomutongi kukakumukira, usabva panzvimbo yako; unyoro hunonyaradza mhosva huru.
If the anger of a ruler rise up against thee, leave not thy place! for gentleness pacifieth great offences.
5 Kune chinhu chakaipa chandakaona pasi pezuva, kutadza kunobva kuvatongi:
There is an evil which I have seen under the sun; an error which proceedeth from a ruler.
6 Mapenzi anoiswa munzvimbo zhinji dzapamusoro, ipapo vapfumi vachitora nzvimbo dzakaderera.
Folly is set in many high stations, and the noble sit in a low place.
7 Ndakaona varanda vakatasva mabhiza, ipapo machinda achifamba pasi netsoka savaranda.
I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants on foot.
8 Ani naani anochera gomba angangowira mariri; ani naani anopwanya naparusvingo angangorumwa nenyoka.
He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh down a wall, a serpent shall bite him.
9 Ani naani anopwanya matombo angangokuvadzwa nawo; ani naani anotsemura matanda angangozviisa panjodzi nawo.
Whoso removeth stones shall be hurt therewith, and he that cleaveth wood shall be endangered thereby.
10 Kana demo rakagomara uye rikasarodzwa, panodiwa simba rakawanda, asi unyanzvi hunouyisa kubudirira.
If the iron be blunt, and one do not whet the edge, then must he put forth more strength; but an advantage for giving success hath wisdom.
11 Kana nyoka ikaruma mupingudzi asati aibata, mupingudzi haachabatsiri.
If a serpent bite before he is charmed, then there is no advantage to the charmer.
12 Mashoko anobva mumuromo momunhu akachenjera ane unyoro, asi benzi rinomedzwa nomuromo waro.
The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool are his destruction.
13 Kutanga kwamashoko ake upenzi; nokuguma kwokutaura kwake mupengo wakashata.
The beginning of the words of his mouth is folly, and the end of his talk is mischievous madness.
14 Uye benzi rinowanza mashoko. Hapana munhu anoziva zvichauya, ndiani angamuudza zvichaitika shure kwake?
A fool also multiplieth words, though no man knoweth what shall be; and who can tell him what shall be after him?
15 Basa rebenzi rinomunetesa; haazivi nzira inoenda kuguta.
The labor of the foolish man wearieth him, because he knoweth not how to go to the city.
16 Une nhamo iwe nyika ina mambo aiva muranda uye ina machinda anoita mabiko mangwanani.
Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes feast in the morning!
17 Wakaropafadzwa iwe nyika ina mambo akaberekwa mukukudzwa uye ina machinda anodya panguva yakafanira, kuti vasimbiswe kwete kuti vadhakwe.
Happy thou, O land, when thy king is a noble, and thy princes eat in due season, for strength, and not for drunkenness!
18 Kana munhu ari simbe, denga remba rinosakara; kana achigarira maoko, imba inobvinza.
By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and by the slackness of the hands the house leaketh.
19 Mabiko anoitirwa kuseka, uye waini inofadza upenyu, asi mari imhinduro kune zvose.
A feast is made for laughter, and wine makes merry; but money answereth all things.
20 Usatuka mambo kunyange mupfungwa dzako, kana kutuka mupfumi paimba yako yokuvata, nokuti shiri yedenga ingangotakura mashoko ako, uye china mapapiro chingangozivisa zvawataura.
Curse not the king; no, not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bed-chamber! for a bird of the air shall carry the voice; and that which hath wings shall tell the matter.

< Muparidzi 10 >