< Dhuteronomi 9 >

1 Inzwa, iwe Israeri. Wava kuda kuyambuka Jorodhani zvino kuti upinde ugotorera ndudzi dzakakura uye dzakasimba kukupfuura, dzina maguta makuru ane masvingo akareba kwazvo.
Hear, Israel: you are to pass over the Jordan this day, to go in to dispossess nations greater and mightier than yourself, cities great and fortified up to the sky,
2 Vanhu vacho vakasimba uye varefu vaAnaki! Unoziva nezvavo uye wakanzwa zvichinzi, “Ndiani angamira kuti arwise vaAnaki?”
a people great and tall, the sons of the Anakim, whom you know, and of whom you have heard say, "Who can stand before the sons of Anak?"
3 Asi nhasi uzive kuti Jehovha Mwari wako ndiye achayambuka ari pamberi pako somoto unoparadza. Achavaparadza; achavakunda pamberi pako. Uye uchavadzinga ugovaparadza nokukurumidza sezvawakavimbiswa naJehovha.
Know therefore this day, that YHWH your God is he who goes over before you as a devouring fire; he will destroy them, and he will bring them down before you: so you shall drive them out, and make them to perish quickly, as YHWH has spoken to you.
4 Shure kwokunge Jehovha Mwari wako avadzinga pamberi pako, usataura mumwoyo mako uchiti, “Jehovha akandiuyisa muno kuti nditore nyika ino nokuda kwokururama kwangu.” Kwete, Jehovha achadzinga ndudzi idzi pamberi pako nokuda kwokuipa kwadzo.
Do not say in your heart, after YHWH your God has thrust them out from before you, saying, "For my righteousness YHWH has brought me in to possess this land"; because YHWH drives them out before you because of the wickedness of these nations.
5 Haupindi munyika yavo kuti ive yako nokuda kwokururama kwako kana kururama kwomwoyo wako; asi Jehovha Mwari wako achadzinga ndudzi idzi pamberi pako, nokuda kwokuipa kwadzo, kuti azadzise zvaakapika kumadzibaba ako, kuna Abhurahama, kuna Isaka, nokuna Jakobho.
Not for your righteousness, or for the uprightness of your heart, do you go in to possess their land; but for the wickedness of these nations YHWH does drive them out from before you, and that he may establish the word which he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
6 Naizvozvo nzwisisa kuti Jehovha Mwari wako haakupi nyika iyi yakanaka kuti ive yako nokuda kwokururama kwako, nokuti uri rudzi rune mutsipa mukukutu.
Know therefore, that YHWH your God doesn't give you this good land to possess it for your righteousness; for you are a stiff-necked people.
7 Rangarirai izvi uye musakanganwa kuti makatsamwisa Jehovha Mwari wenyu sei murenje. Kubva nezuva ramakabuda muIjipiti kusvikira muchisvika pano, makaramba muchimukira Jehovha.
Remember, do not forget, how you provoked YHWH your God to wrath in the wilderness: from the day that you went forth out of the land of Egypt, until you came to this place, you have been rebellious against YHWH.
8 PaHorebhi makamutsa hasha dzaJehovha zvokuti akatsamwa zvokuda kukuparadzai.
Also in Horeb you provoked YHWH to wrath, and YHWH was angry with you to destroy you.
9 Pandakakwira pagomo kundogamuchira mahwendefa amabwe, iwo mahwendefa esungano iyo yakanga yaitwa naJehovha nemi, ndakagara mugomo kwamazuva makumi mana nousiku huna makumi mana; ndakanga ndisingadyi zvokudya kana kunwa mvura.
When I was gone up onto the mountain to receive the tablets of stone, even the tablets of the covenant which YHWH made with you, then I stayed on the mountain forty days and forty nights; I neither ate bread nor drank water.
10 Jehovha akandipa mahwendefa maviri amabwe akanga akanyorwa nomunwe waMwari. Paari pakanga pakanyorwa mirayiro yose yakanga yataurwa kwamuri naJehovha pagomo ari mukati memoto, nezuva reungano.
YHWH delivered to me the two tablets of stone written with the finger of God; and on them were all the words which YHWH spoke with you on the mountain out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly.
11 Pakupera kwamazuva makumi mana nousiku huna makumi mana Jehovha akandipa mahwendefa maviri amabwe, iwo mahwendefa esungano.
It came to pass at the end of forty days and forty nights, that YHWH gave me the two tablets of stone, even the tablets of the covenant.
12 Ipapo Jehovha akandiudza kuti, “Buruka ubve pano iye zvino, nokuti vanhu vako vawakabudisa kubva muIjipiti vaita zvakaipa. Vatsauka nokukurumidza kubva pane zvandakavarayira uye vazviitira chifananidzo chakaumbwa.”
YHWH said to me, "Arise, get down quickly from here; for your people whom you have brought out of Egypt have corrupted themselves; they have quickly turned aside out of the way which I commanded them; they have made them a molten image."
13 Uye Jehovha akati kwandiri, “Ndaona rudzi urwu, uye rudzi rune mutsipa mukukutu kwazvo!
Furthermore YHWH spoke to me, saying, "I have seen this people, and look, it is a stiff-necked people:
14 Rega ndivaparadze ndigodzima zita ravo pasi pedenga. Uye ndichakuita rudzi rwakasimba rwakawanda kupfuura zvavari.”
let me alone, that I may destroy them, and blot out their name from under the sky; and I will make of you a nation mightier and greater than they."
15 Saka ndakadzoka ndikaburuka kubva pagomo richiri kupfuta nomoto. Uye ndakanga ndine mahwendefa maviri esungano mumaoko angu.
So I turned and came down from the mountain, and the mountain was burning with fire: and the two tablets of the covenant were in my two hands.
16 Pandakatarira, ndakaona kuti makanga matadzira Jehovha Mwari wenyu; makanga mazviitira chifananidzo chakaumbwa mumufananidzo wemhuru. Makanga matsauka nokukurumidza kubva panzira yamakanga marayirwa naJehovha.
I looked, and look, you had sinned against YHWH your God; you had made yourselves a molten calf: you had turned aside quickly out of the way which YHWH had commanded you.
17 Saka ndakatora mahwendefa maviri ndikaakanda pasi kubva mumaoko angu, akaputsika kuita zvimedu zvimedu muchizviona.
I took hold of the two tablets, and cast them out of my two hands, and broke them before your eyes.
18 Ipapo zvakare ndakawira pasi nechiso changu pamberi paJehovha kwamazuva makumi mana nousiku huna makumi mana; handina kudya zvokudya kana kunwa mvura, nokuda kwechivi chose chamakanga maita, muchiita zvakanga zvakaipa pamberi paJehovha nokudaro mukamutsa hasha dzake.
I fell down before YHWH, as at the first, forty days and forty nights; I neither ate bread nor drank water; because of all your sin which you sinned, in doing that which was evil in the sight of YHWH, to provoke him to anger.
19 Ndakatya hasha nokutsamwa kwaJehovha, nokuti akanga atsamwa zvokuti angakuparadzai. Asi Jehovha akandinzwa.
For I was afraid of the anger and hot displeasure, with which YHWH was angry against you to destroy you. But YHWH listened to me that time also.
20 Uye Jehovha akatsamwira Aroni zvokuti akada kumuparadza, asi panguva iyoyo ndakanyengetererawo Aroni.
YHWH was very angry with Aaron to destroy him: and I prayed for Aaron also at the same time.
21 Uyezve ndakatora chitadzo chenyu, chimhuru chamakanga magadzira, ndikachipisa mumoto. Mushure maizvozvo ndakachiparadza ndikachikuya kusvikira chakuyika seguruva uye ndikakanda guruva racho murukova rwaiyerera kubva mugomo.
I took your sin, the calf which you had made, and burnt it with fire, and stamped it, grinding it very small, until it was as fine as dust: and I cast its dust into the brook that descended out of the mountain.
22 Makatsamwisazve Jehovha paTabhera, napaMasa uye napaKibhuroti Hataavha.
At Taberah, and at Massah, and at Kibroth Hattaavah, you provoked YHWH to wrath.
23 Zvino nenguva iyo makatumwa naJehovha kubva paKadheshi Bharinea, iye akati, “Endai mundotora nyika iyo yandakakupai.” Asi imi makamukira murayiro waJehovha Mwari wenyu. Hamuna kuvimba naye kana kumuteerera.
When YHWH sent you from Kadesh Barnea, saying, "Go up and possess the land which I have given you"; then you rebelled against the commandment of YHWH your God, and you did not believe him, nor listen to his voice.
24 Makagara muchimukira Jehovha kubvira pazuva randakatanga kukuzivai.
You have been rebellious against YHWH from the day that I knew you.
25 Ndakawira pasi nechiso changu pamberi paJehovha kwamazuva iwayo ane makumi mana nousiku huna makumi mana nokuda kwokuti Jehovha akanga ati aizokuparadzai.
So I fell down before YHWH the forty days and forty nights that I fell down, because YHWH had said he would destroy you.
26 Ndakanyengetera kuna Jehovha ndikati, “Nhai imi Ishe Jehovha, musaparadza vanhu venyu, nhaka yenyu yamakadzikinura nesimba renyu guru mukavabudisa kubva kuIjipiti noruoko rune simba.
I prayed to God, and said, "Lord YHWH, do not destroy your people and your inheritance, that you have redeemed through your greatness, that you have brought out of Egypt with a mighty hand.
27 Rangarirai varanda venyu Abhurahama, Isaka naJakobho. Musatarira kusindimara kworudzi urwu, uipi hwavo nechivi chavo.
Remember your servants, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; do not look to the stubbornness of this people, nor to their wickedness, nor to their sin,
28 Nokuti nyika yamakatibudisa kubva mairi ingazoti, ‘Jehovha akavabudisa akavaurayira murenje, nokuti akanga asingagoni kuvapinza munyika yaakanga avapikira, uye nokuti akanga achivavenga.’
lest the land you brought us out from say, 'Because YHWH was not able to bring them into the land which he promised to them, and because he hated them, he has brought them out to kill them in the wilderness.'
29 Asi ava vanhu venyu, nhaka yenyu yamakabudisa nesimba renyu guru noruoko rwenyu rwakatambanudzwa.”
Yet they are your people and your inheritance, which you brought out by your great power and by your outstretched arm."

< Dhuteronomi 9 >