< Dhuteronomi 21 >

1 Kana munhu akawanikwa akafa, akatandavara musango munyika iyo Jehovha Mwari wako ari kukupai kuti ive yenyu, uye musingazivi kuti ndiani amuuraya,
“When one is found slain, fallen in a field on the ground which your God YHWH is giving to you to possess it, [and] it is not known who has struck him,
2 vakuru venyu navatongi vachaenda kundoera chinhambwe kubva pachitunha kusvika kumaguta akakomberedza.
then your elderly and yours [of those] judging have gone out and measured to the cities which [are] around the slain one,
3 Ipapo vakuru veguta riri pedyo nechitunha vanofanira kutora tsiru remombe risina kumboshandiswa uye risina kumbokweva pajoko,
and it has been, the city which [is] near to the slain one, even [the] elderly of that city have taken a heifer of the herd, which has not been worked with, which has not drawn in a yoke,
4 vagoenda naro kumupata usina kumborimwa kana kudyarwa uye pane rwizi runoerera. Imomo mumupata vanofanira kuvhuna mutsipa wetsiru.
and [the] elderly of that city have brought down the heifer to a hard valley, which is not tilled nor sown, and have beheaded the heifer there in the valley.
5 Vaprista, vanakomana vaRevhi vanofanira kuuya pamberi, nokuti Jehovha Mwari wenyu akavasarudza kuti vashumire nokuropafadza muzita raJehovha uye vanofanira kutonga pamhaka dzose dzegakava nedzokurwa.
And the priests, sons of Levi, have come near—for your God YHWH has fixed on them to serve Him and to bless in the Name of YHWH, and by their mouth is every strife and every stroke—
6 Ipapo vakuru vose veguta riri pedyo nechitunha vanofanira kushamba maoko avo pamusoro petsiru rakavhunwa mutsipa mumupata.
and all [the] elderly of that city, who are near to the slain one, wash their hands over the heifer which is beheaded in the valley,
7 Ipapo vanofanira kuti, “Maoko edu haana kudeura ropa iri, uye kana meso edu haana kuona zvichiitwa.
and they have answered and said, Our hands have not shed this blood, and our eyes have not seen—
8 Gamuchirai henyu yananiso yavanhu venyu vaIsraeri, vamakadzikinura, imi Jehovha, uye musabata vanhu venyu nemhosva yokuteura ropa romunhu asina mhaka.” Zvino kuteurwa kweropa kuchayananisirwa.
receive atonement for Your people Israel, whom You have ransomed, O YHWH, and do not permit innocent blood in the midst of Your people Israel; and the blood has been pardoned to them,
9 Saka muchabvisa pakati penyu mhosva yokuteurwa kweropa risina mhaka sezvo maita chinhu chakanaka pamberi paJehovha.
and you put away the innocent blood out of your midst, for you do that which [is] right in the eyes of YHWH.
10 Kana muchinge maenda kundorwa navavengi venyu uye kana Jehovha Mwari wenyu avaisa mumaoko enyu uye mavatapa,
When you go out to battle against your enemies, and your God YHWH has given them into your hand, and you have taken captive its captivity,
11 kana ukaona pakati pavakatapwa mukadzi akanaka ukamuda, unogona kumutora ave mukadzi wako.
and have seen a woman of beautiful form in the captivity, and have delighted in her, and have taken [her] to yourself for a wife,
12 Uya naye mumba mako ugomuveura musoro, ugogurira nzara dzake,
then you have brought her into the midst of your household, and she has shaved her head, and prepared her nails,
13 uye ugorasha nguo dzaakatapwa nadzo. Mushure mokunge agara mumba mako nokuchema baba namai vake kwomwedzi wose, ipapo ugopinda kwaari, uve murume wake naiye achava mukadzi wako.
and turned aside the raiment of her captivity from off her, and has dwelt in your house, and lamented her father and her mother [for] a month of days, and afterward you go in to her and have married her, and she has been to you for a wife.
14 Kana usina kufadzwa naye, murege aende chero kwaanoda. Haufaniri kumutengesa kana kumubata somuranda, sezvo uriwe wamunyadzisa.
And it has been, if you have not delighted in her, that you have sent her away at her desire, and surely you do not sell her for money; you do not tyrannize over her, because that you have humbled her.
15 Kana munhu aine vakadzi vaviri, uye achida mumwe asi asingadi mumwe, uye vose vakamuberekera vanakomana asi wedangwe ari mwanakomana womukadzi waasingadi,
When a man has two wives, one loved and the other hated, and they have borne sons to him (the loved one and the hated one), and the firstborn son has been to the hated one,
16 kana ogova pfuma yake kuvanakomana vake, haafaniri kupa kodzero yedangwe kumwanakomana womukadzi waanoda pachinzvimbo chomwana wake wedangwe chaiye, mwanakomana womukadzi waasingadi.
then it has been, in the day of his causing his sons to inherit that which he has, he is not able to declare firstborn the son of the loved one, in the face of the son of the hated one—the firstborn.
17 Anofanira kugamuchira mwanakomana womukadzi wake waasingadi sedangwe nokumupa mugove wakapetwa kaviri wezvose zvaanazvo. Mwanakomana iyeye ndiye chiratidzo chokutanga chesimba rababa vake. Kodzero yomwana wedangwe ndeyake.
But the firstborn, son of the hated one, he acknowledges, to give to him a double portion of all that is found with him, for he [is] the beginning of his strength; to him [is] the right of the firstborn.
18 Kana munhu aine mwanakomana akasindimara asingateereri baba vake namai vake uye asingavateereri kana vachimuranga,
When a man has a son apostatizing and being rebellious—he is not listening to the voice of his father and to the voice of his mother, and they have disciplined him, and he does not listen to them—
19 baba vake namai vake vanofanira kumubata vagoenda naye kuvakuru pasuo reguta.
then his father and his mother have laid hold on him, and they have brought him out to [the] elderly of his city, and to the gate of his place,
20 Vachati kuvakuru, “Mwanakomana wedu uyu akasindimara uye anotimukira. Haatiteereri. Anoparadza pfuma uye chidhakwa.”
and have said to [the] elderly of his city, Our son—this one—is apostatizing and being rebellious; he is not listening to our voice—a glutton and drunkard.
21 Ipapo varume vose vomuguta rake vachamutaka namabwe afe. Munofanira kubvisa chakaipa pakati penyu. Israeri yose ichazvinzwa igotya.
Then all the men of his city have stoned him with stones and he has died, and you have put away the evil out of your midst, and all Israel hears and fears.
22 Kana munhu achinge aine mhosva yakafanira rufu, akaurayiwa uye chitunha chake chikasungirirwa pamuti,
And when there is a sin in a man [with] a judgment of death, and he has been put to death, and you have hanged him on a tree,
23 hamufaniri kusiya chitunha chake chiri pamuti usiku hwose. Muone kuti mamuviga zuva rimwe chetero, nokuti ani naani akasungirirwa akatukwa naMwari. Hamufaniri kusvibisa nyika yamuri kupiwa naJehovha Mwari wenyu senhaka.
his corpse does not remain on the tree, for you certainly bury him in the day—for he who is hanged [becomes] a curse of God—and you do not defile your ground which your God YHWH is giving to you [for] an inheritance.”

< Dhuteronomi 21 >