< Dhuteronomi 19 >
1 Kana Jehovha Mwari wenyu aparadza ndudzi dzaari kukupai nyika yadzo, uye kana muchinge madzidzinga mukagara mumaguta avo nedzimba dzavo,
If he will cut off Yahweh God your the nations which Yahweh God your [is] about to give to you land their and you will dispossess them and you will dwell in cities their and in houses their.
2 ipapo muzvitsaurire maguta matatu ari pakati penyika yamuri kupiwa naJehovha Mwari wenyu kuti ive yenyu.
Three cities you will set apart for yourself in [the] midst of land your which Yahweh God your [is] about to give to you to take possession of it.
3 Mugadzire migwagwa inoenda kwaari uye mugoganhura, muzvikamu zvitatu nyika yamuri kupiwa naJehovha Mwari wenyu senhaka, kuitira kuti ani naani anenge auraya munhu agotizirako.
You will establish for yourself the journey and you will divide into three [the] territory of land your which he will give as an inheritance you Yahweh God your and it will be to flee there towards every killer.
4 Uyu ndiwo murayiro pamusoro pomunhu anenge auraya mumwe munhu anotizirako kuti aponese upenyu hwake, munhu anouraya muvakidzani wake asingazivi, asina kunge amuvenga kare.
And this [will be] [the] case of the killer who he will flee there towards and he will live who he will strike companion his with not knowledge and he not [was] hating him from yesterday [the] third day.
5 Somuenzaniso, munhu anogona kupinda musango nomuvakidzani wake kundotema huni, paanosimudza demo kuti ateme muti, demo rovhomoka rotema muvakidzani wake ofa. Munhu iyeye anogona kutizira kune rimwe ramaguta aya agoponesa mweya wake.
And who he will go with companion his in the forest to cut wood and it will be impelled hand his by the axe to cut down the tree and it will slip off the iron from the tree and it will find companion his and he will die he he will flee to one of the cities these and he will live.
6 Zvimwe, mutsivi weropa angamutevera mukutsamwa, akamubata kana rwendo rwuri rurefu kwazvo, akamuuraya kunyange zvake akanga asingafaniri kufa, sezvo asina kuzviita kumuvakidzani wake noruvengo.
Lest he should pursue [the] avenger of blood after the killer for it will be hot heart his and he will overtake him for it will be great the journey and he will strike him life and [belonged] to him not a sentence of death for not [was] hating he him from yesterday [the] third day.
7 Ndokusaka ndichikurayirai kuti muzvitsaurire maguta matatu.
There-fore I [am] commanding you saying three cities you will set apart for yourself.
8 Kana Jehovha Mwari wenyu achinge azokurisa nyika yenyu, sezvaakavimbisa madzitateguru enyu nemhiko, uye kana achinge akupai nyika yose yaakavimbisa,
And if he will enlarge Yahweh God your territory your just as he swore to ancestors your and he will give to you all the land which he spoke to give to ancestors your.
9 nokuti mukachenjerera kutevera mirayiro iyi yose yandinokurayirai nhasi, kuti mude Jehovha Mwari wenyu uye mufambe munzira dzake nguva dzose, ipapo munofanira kutsaura maguta matatu.
If you will keep all the commandment this to do it which I [am] commanding you this day to love Yahweh God your and to walk in ways his all the days and you will add for yourself again three cities to the three [cities] these.
10 Muite izvi kuitira kuti ropa risina mhosva rirege kuteurwa munyika yenyu, yamuri kupiwa naJehovha Mwari wenyu kuti ive nhaka yenyu, uye kuti murege kuva nemhosva yokuteura ropa.
And not it will be shed blood innocent in [the] midst of land your which Yahweh God your [is] about to give to you an inheritance and it will be on you blood.
11 Asi kana munhu achivenga muvakidzani wake akamuvandira, akamurova uye akamuuraya, akatizira kune rimwe ramaguta aya,
And if he will be anyone hating neighbor his and he will lie in wait for him and he will rise up on him and he will strike him life and he will die and he will flee to one of the cities these.
12 vakuru veguta rake vanofanira kutuma munhu kuti andomutora kubva kuguta, uye vagomuisa mumaoko omutsivi weropa kuti afe.
And they will send [the] elders of city his and they will take him from there and they will give him in [the] hand of [the] avenger of blood and he will die.
13 Musamunzwira tsitsi. Munofanira kubvisa muIsraeri mhosva yokuteurwa kweropa risina mhaka, kuitira kuti zvigokunakirai.
Not it will look with pity eye your on him and you will remove [the] blood of the innocent [person] from Israel and it will be good to you.
14 Musabvisa dombo romuganhu nomuvakidzani wenyu, rakaiswa nevakakutangirai munhaka yamunogamuchira munyika yamunopiwa naJehovha Mwari wenyu kuti ive yenyu.
Not you will displace [the] boundary of neighbor your which they set bounds ancestors in inheritance your which you will inherit in the land which Yahweh God your [is] about to give to you to take possession of it.
15 Chapupu chimwe chete hachifaniri kupupurira munhu kuti agobatwa nemhosva yokupupura mhaka, kunyange dai akapara mhaka. Nyaya inofanira kusimbiswa nouchapupu hwevaviri kana vatatu.
Not he will stand a witness one in anyone to any iniquity and to any sin in any sin which he will sin on [the] mouth of - two witnesses or on [the] mouth of three witnesses it will stand a matter.
16 Kana chapupu chenhema chikapupurira munhu kuti ane mhaka,
That he will stand a witness of injustice in anyone to testify against him rebellion.
17 varume ava vari vaviri vari kuitirana nharo vanofanira kumira pamberi paJehovha napamberi pavaprista navatongi vanenge vachitonga panguva iyoyo.
And they will stand [the] two the people whom [belongs] to them the dispute before Yahweh before the priests and the judges who they will be in the days those.
18 Vatongi vanofanira kunyatsoferefeta nyaya iyi, zvino kana chapupu ichi chikabatwa kuti chinoreva nhema, chichipa uchapupu hwenhema pamusoro pehama yake,
And they will investigate the judges thoroughly and there! [is] a witness of falsehood the witness falsehood he has testified against countryman his.
19 ipapo itai kwaari sezvaanga achida kuita kuhama yake. Munofanira kubvisa chakaipa pakati penyu.
And you will do to him just as he planned to do to countryman his and you will remove the evil from midst your.
20 Vanhu vose vachanzwa izvi vagotya uye chakaipa chakadai hachizoitwizve pakati penyu.
And the remainder they will hear and they may fear and not they will repeat to do again like the thing evil this in midst your.
21 Musaratidza tsitsi, upenyu noupenyu, ziso neziso, zino nezino, ruoko noruoko, tsoka netsoka.
And not it will look with pity eye your life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot.