< Dhanieri 9 >

1 Mugore rokutanga raDhariasi mwanakomana waAhasuerasi (chizvarwa cheMedhia), uyo akaitwa mutongi pamusoro poumambo hwavaBhabhironi,
In the first year of Darius the son of Assuerus, of the seed of the Medes, who reigned over the kingdom of the Chaldeans,
2 mugore rokutanga rokutonga kwake, ini Dhanieri, ndakanzwisisa kubva muMagwaro, sezvakataura shoko raJehovha rakapiwa kuna Jeremia muprofita, kuti Jerusarema richagara riri dongo kwamakore makumi manomwe.
I Daniel understood by books the number of the years which was the word of the Lord to the prophet Jeremias, [even] seventy years for the accomplishment of the desolation of Jerusalem.
3 Saka ndakatendeukira kuna Ishe Mwari ndikamukumbira mukunyengetera nokuteterera, ndichitsanya, uye ndikafuka nguo dzamasaga namadota.
And I set my face towards the Lord God, to seek [him] diligently by prayer and supplications, with fastings and sackcloth.
4 Ndakanyengetera kuna Jehovha Mwari wangu ndikareurura ndichiti: “Haiwa Ishe, Mwari mukuru anotyisa, iye anochengeta sungano yake yorudo navose vanomuda uye vanoteerera mirayiro yake,
And I prayed to the Lord my God, and confessed, and said, O Lord, the great and wonderful God, keeping your covenant and your mercy to them that love you, and to them that keep your commandments; we have sinned,
5 takatadza tikaita zvakaipa. Takaita zvinhu zvakaipa uye takakumukirai; takatsauka tikava kure nemitemo nemirayiro yenyu.
we have done iniquity, we have transgressed, and we have departed and turned aside from your commandments and from your judgements:
6 Hatina kuteerera varanda venyu vaprofita, vakataura muzita renyu kumadzimambo, machinda edu namadzibaba edu, uye nokuvanhu vose venyika.
and we have not listened to your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, and our princes, and our fathers, and to all the people of the land.
7 “Ishe, imi makarurama, asi nhasi takafukidzwa nenyadzi, vanhu veJudha navanhu veJerusarema navaIsraeri vose, vari pedyo navose vari kure, munyika dzose kwamakatiparadzira nokuda kwokusatendeka kwedu kwamuri.
To you, O Lord, [belongs] righteousness, an to us confusion of face, as at this day; to the men of Juda, and to the dwellers in Jerusalem, and to all Israel, to them that are near, and to them that are far off in all the earth, wherever you has scattered them, for the sin which they committed.
8 Haiwa Jehovha, isu namadzimambo edu, machinda edu namadzibaba edu takafukidzwa nenyadzi nokuti takakutadzirai.
In you, O Lord, is our righteousness, and to us [belongs] confusion of faced, and to our kings, and to our princes, and to our fathers, forasmuch as we have sinned.
9 Ishe Mwari wedu ndiye ane ngoni uye anokanganwira, kunyange dai takamumukira.
To you, the Lord our God, [belong] compassions and forgivenesses, whereas we have departed [from you];
10 Hatina kuteerera Jehovha Mwari wedu kana kuchengeta mirayiro yaakatipa kubudikidza navaranda vake vaprofita.
neither have we listened to the voice of the Lord our God, to walk in his laws, which he set before us by the hands of his servants the prophets.
11 VaIsraeri vose vakadarika murayiro wenyu ndokutsauka, vachiramba kukuteererai imi. “Naizvozvo kutukwa nokutonga kwaakapika kwakanyorwa mumurayiro waMozisi, muranda waMwari, zvakadururirwa pamusoro pedu, nokuti takakutadzirai imi.
Moreover all Israel have transgressed your law, and have refused to listen to your voice; so the curse has come upon us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God, because we have sinned against him.
12 Makazadzisa mashoko akataurwa pamusoro pedu napamusoro pamadzishe edu nokuuyisa pamusoro pedu njodzi huru. Hakuna kumbova nechinhu chakaitwa pasi pedenga rose chakafanana nezvakaitwa paJerusarema.
And he has confirmed his words, which he spoke against us, and against our judges who judged us, [by] bringing upon us great evils, such as have not happened under the whole heaven, according to what has happened in Jerusalem.
13 Sezvazvakanyorwa muMurayiro waMozisi, njodzi iyi yose yakawira pamusoro pedu, kunyange zvakadaro hatina kutsvaka nyasha dzaJehovha Mwari wedu nokutendeuka kubva pazvivi zvedu tichiteerera chokwadi chenyu.
As it is written in the law of Moses, all these evils have come upon us: yet we have not implored the Lord our God, that we might turn away from our iniquities, and have understanding in all your truth.
14 Jehovha haana kunonoka kuuyisa njodzi pamusoro pedu, nokuti Jehovha Mwari wedu akarurama pazvinhu zvose zvaanoita; asi hatina kumuteerera.
The Lord also has watched, and brought the evils upon us: for the Lord our God is righteous in all his work which he has executed, but we have not listened to his voice.
15 “Zvino, imi Ishe Mwari wedu, makabudisa vanhu venyu kubva muIjipiti noruoko rune simba uye mukazviitira zita rinogara kusvikira iye nhasi, takatadza, takaita zvakaipa.
And now, O Lord our God, who brought your people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, and made to yourself a name, as [at] this day; we have sinned, we have transgressed.
16 Haiwa Ishe, dzorai kutsamwa kwenyu nehasha dzenyu kubva paJerusarema, guta renyu nechikomo chenyu chitsvene, nokuda kwamabasa enyu ose akarurama. Zvivi zvedu nezvakaipa zvamadzibaba edu zvakaita kuti Jerusarema nevanhu zvive chinhu chinosekwa neavo vose vakatipoteredza.
O Lord, your mercy is over all: let, I pray you, your wrath turn away, and your anger from your city Jerusalem, [even] your holy mountain: for we have sinned, and because of our iniquities, and those of our fathers, Jerusalem and your people are become a reproach amongst all that are round about us.
17 “Zvino, imi Mwari wedu, inzwai minyengetero nemikumbiro yomuranda wenyu. Haiwa Ishe, nokuda kwenyu, mutarire nenyasha pamusoro petemberi yenyu yakaparara.
And now, O lord our God, listen to the prayer of your servant, and his supplications, and cause your face to shine on your desolate sanctuary, for your [own] sake, O Lord.
18 Rerekai nzeve yenyu imi Mwari, uye munzwe; zarurai meso enyu muone kuparadza kweguta rakatumidzwa Zita renyu. Hatikumbiri kwamuri nokuda kwokuti takarurama, asi nokuda kwenyasha dzenyu huru.
Incline your ear, O my God, and hear; open your eyes and behold our desolation, and that of your city on which your name is called: for we do not bring our pitiful case before you on [the ground of] our righteousness, but on [the ground of] your manifold compassions, O Lord.
19 Haiwa Ishe, inzwai! Haiwa Ishe kanganwirai! Haiwa Ishe, inzwai muite! Haiwa Mwari wangu, nokuda kwenyu musanonoka, nokuti vanhu venyu neguta renyu vakatumidzwa Zita renyu.”
Listen, O Lord; be propitious, O Lord; attend, O Lord; delay not, O my God, for your own sake: for your name is called upon your city and upon your people.
20 Pandakanga ndichitaura uye ndichinyengetera, ndichireurura chivi changu nechivi chavanhu vangu vaIsraeri ndichiisa chikumbiro changu kuna Jehovha Mwari wangu nokuda kwechikomo chake chitsvene,
And while I was yet speaking, and praying, and confessing my sins and the sins of my people Israel, and bringing my pitiful case before the Lord my God concerning the holy mountain;
21 ndichiri pakunyengetera, Gabhurieri, murume wandakanga ndaona muchiratidzo changu chokutanga, akasvika pandiri achibhururuka kwazvo nenguva inenge yechibayiro chamadekwana.
yes, while I was yet speaking in prayer, behold the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, [came] flying, and he touched me about the hour of the evening sacrifice.
22 Akandirayira uye akati kwandiri, “Dhanieri, ndauya zvino kuzokupa njere nokunzwisisa.
And he instructed me, and spoke with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to impart to you understanding.
23 Pawakangotanga kunyengetera, mhinduro yakabva yapiwa, ndiyo yandauya kuzokuudza, nokuti iwe unokudzwa kwazvo. Naizvozvo rangarira shoko iri uye unzwisise chiratidzo:
At the beginning of your supplication the word came forth, and I am come to tell you; for you are a man much beloved: therefore consider the matter, understand the vision.
24 “Vhiki makumi manomwe dzakatemerwa vanhu vako uye neguta rako dzvene kuti vapedze kudarika kwavo, varege kutadza, kana kuyanana nezvakaipa, vauye nokururama kusingaperi, kusimbisa chiratidzo nechiprofita nokuzodza iye mutsvene-tsvene.
Seventy weeks have been determined upon your people, and upon the holy city, for sin to be ended, and to seal up transgressions, and to blot out the iniquities, and to make atonement for iniquities, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal the vision and the prophet, and to anoint the Most Holy.
25 “Uzive uye unzwisise izvi: Kubva pakupiwa kwechirevo chokuvandudza nokuvaka Jerusarema kusvikira Muzodziwa, iye mutongi, auya, kuchava nevhiki nomwe uye vhiki makumi matanhatu nembiri. Richavakwa rine migwagwa uye nomugero, asi munguva dzokutambudzika.
And you shall know and understand, that from the going forth of the command for the answer and for the building of Jerusalem until Christ the prince [there shall be] seven weeks, and sixty-two weeks; and then [the time] shall return, and the street shall be built, and the wall, and the times shall be exhausted.
26 Shure kwevhiki makumi matanhatu nembiri, Muzodziwa achagurwa uye achashaya chinhu. Vanhu vomutongi vachasvika vagoparadza guta nenzvimbo tsvene. Kuguma kuchauya sokudira kwemvura. Hondo icharamba iripo kusvikira kumagumo, uye kuparadzwa kwakatemwa kare.
And after the sixty-two weeks, the anointed one shall be destroyed, and there is no judgement in him: and he shall destroy the city and the sanctuary with the prince that is coming: they shall be cut off with a flood, and to the end of the war which is rapidly completed he shall appoint [the city] to desolations.
27 Achasimbisa sungano navazhinji kwevhiki imwe. Pakati pevhiki achagumisa chibayiro nechipiriso. Uye pano rumwe rutivi rwetemberi achaisa chinyangadzo chinokonzera kuparadzwa, kusvikira kuguma kwakatemwa kwadururirwa pamusoro pake.”
And one week shall establish the covenant with many: and in the midst of the week my sacrifice and drink-offering shall be taken away: and on the temple [shall be] the abomination of desolations; and at the end of time an end shall be put to the desolation.

< Dhanieri 9 >