< Dhanieri 8 >

1 Mugore rechitatu rokutonga kwaMambo Bherishazari, ini, Dhanieri, ndakaona nechiratidzo, shure kwechimwe chandakanga ndamboona kare.
In year three of [the] reign of Belshazzar the king a vision it appeared to me I Daniel after the [one] which it appeared to me at the beginning.
2 Muchiratidzo changu, ndakazviona ndiri munhare yeShushani munyika yeEramu, muchiratidzo imomo, ndakanga ndiri parutivi rwoMugero weUrai.
And I saw in the vision and it was when saw I and I [was] in Susa the citadel which [is] in Elam the province and I saw in the vision and I I was at [the] canal of Ulai.
3 Ndakatarisa kumusoro, ndokuona hapo pamberi pangu pakanga pane gondobwe raiva nenyanga mbiri, rakamira parutivi rwomugero, uye nyanga dzacho dzakanga dzakareba. Rumwe runyanga rwakanga rwakareba kupfuura rumwe asi ndirwo rwakamera mumashure.
And I lifted up eyes my and I saw and there! - a ram one [was] standing before the canal and [belonged] to it two horns and the two horns [were] high and the one [was] high more than the second and the high [one] [was] growing up at the last.
4 Ndakatarira gondobwe parakanga richitunga rakananga kumavirira nokumusoro nezasi. Hakuna mhuka yaigona kumisidzana naro, uye hakuna aigona kununura kubva pasimba raro. Raiita zvaraida uye rikava guru.
I saw the ram thrusting west-ward and north-ward and south-ward and any living creatures not they stood before it and there not [was one] delivering from hand its and it did according to pleasure its and it magnified itself.
5 Ndakati ndichifunga pamusoro peizvi, pakarepo nhongo yakanga ine runyanga rukuru pakati pameso ayo yakabva kumavirira, ichidarika napanyika yose isingatsiki pasi.
And I - I was observing and there! [the] he-goat of the goats [was] coming from the west over [the] surface of all the earth and not [it was] touching the earth and the he-goat a horn of conspicuousness [was] between eyes its.
6 Yakauya yakananga kugondobwe raiva nenyanga mbiri randakanga ndaona rimire parutivi rwomugero ndokuritunga zvine hasha kwazvo.
And it came to the ram [the] possessor of the two horns which I had seen standing before the canal and it ran against it in [the] rage of strength its.
7 Ndakaiona ichirwisa gondobwe nehasha kwazvo, ikaritunga ndokuvhuna nyanga dzaro mbiri. Gondobwe rakanga risina simba rokurwisana nayo; nhongo yakariwisira pasi ikaritsika-tsika, uye hakuna akagona kununura gondobwe pasimba rayo.
And I saw it approaching - beside the ram and it was enraged against it and it struck the ram and it broke [the] two horns its and not it was strength in the ram to stand before it and it threw it [the] ground towards and it trampled it and not anyone was delivering the ram from hand its.
8 Nhongo yakava huru kwazvo, asi yakati yasimba kwazvo, runyanga rwayo rukuru rwakavhunika, uye panzvimbo yarwo pakamera dzimwe nyanga ina dzakasimba dzakananga kumhepo ina dzokudenga.
And [the] he-goat of the goats it magnified itself up to muchness and just as became mighty it it was broken the horn great and they grew up conspicuousness four in place its to [the] four [the] winds of the heavens.
9 Pano rumwe runyanga pakabuda rumwe runyanga, rwakatanga rwuri ruduku asi rwakakura musimba kurutivi rwezasi uye nechokumabvazuva uye rwakananga kuNyika Yakaisvonaka.
And from the one of them it came out a horn one from a small [thing] and it became great excess to the south and to the east and to the beauty.
10 Rwakakura kusvikira rwasvika kuhondo dzokudenga, uye rukakanda dzimwe nyeredzi panyika pasi ndokudzitsika-tsika.
And it became great to [the] host of the heavens and it made fall [the] ground towards some of the host and some of the stars and it trampled them.
11 Rwakazvikudza kuti rukure soMuchinda wehondo, rwakabvisa zvibayiro zvezuva nezuva kubva kwaari, uye nzvimbo yeimba yake tsvene ikaputsirwa pasi.
And to [the] commander of the host it magnified itself and from him (it was removed *Q(K)*) the perpetual [offering] and it was thrown down [the] place of sanctuary his.
12 Nokuda kwokumukira, hondo yavatsvene uye chibayiro chamazuva ose zvakapiwa kwarwuri. Rwakabudirira pane zvose zvarwaiita, uye chokwadi chikakandirwa pasi.
And an army it will be set over the perpetual [offering] in transgression and it will throw down truth [the] ground towards and it will act and it will succeed.
13 Ipapo ndakanzwa mumwe mutsvene achitaura, uye mumwe mutsvene akati kwaari, “Zvichatora nguva yakadini kuti chiratidzo chizadziswe, chiratidzo pamusoro pechibayiro chamazuva ose, kumukira kunokonzera kuparadzwa, uye kusiyiwa kwenzvimbo tsvene nehondo zvichatsikwa-tsikwa pasi petsoka?”
And I heard! one holy [one] speaking and he said one holy [one] to the certain [one] who was speaking until when? [will be] the vision the perpetual [offering] and the transgression desolate to give over and [the] sanctuary and an army trampling.
14 Akati kwandiri, “Zvichatora madekwana namangwanani ane zviuru zviviri zvina mazana matatu; ipapo nzvimbo tsvene ichanatswazve.”
And he said to me until evening morning two thousand and three hundreds and it will be put right [the] sanctuary.
15 Ini, Dhanieri, pandakanga ndichakatarira chiratidzo ndichiedza kuchinzwisisa, ndakaona hapo pamberi pangu mumwe akanga achiratidzika somunhu.
And it was when saw I I Daniel the vision and I sought! understanding and there! [was] standing to before me like [the] appearance of a man.
16 Uye ndakanzwa inzwi romunhu richibva kuUrai richidana richiti, “Gabhurieri, taurira munhu uyu zvinoreva chiratidzo.”
And I heard [the] voice of a person between Ulai and he called and he said O Gabriel explain to this [one] the vision.
17 Paakaswedera panzvimbo yandakanga ndimire, ndakatya ndikawira pasi nechiso changu. Iye akati kwandiri, “Mwanakomana womunhu, nzwisisa kuti chiratidzo ichi ndechenguva yokupedzisira.”
And he came beside standing place my and when came he I was terrified and I fell! on face my and he said to me understand O son of humankind that [is] for [the] time of [the] end the vision.
18 Paakanga achataura neni, ndakabatwa nehope huru kwazvo, chiso changu chakatarira pasi. Ipapo akandibata akandisimudza ndikamira netsoka dzangu.
And when spoke he with me I was dazed on face my [the] ground towards and he touched me and he made stand me on standing place my.
19 Akati, “Ndichakuzivisa zvichaitika pakupedzisira munguva yehasha, nokuti chiratidzo ndechenguva yakatarwa yokupedzisira.
And he said here I [am] making known to you [that] which it will be at [the] end of the indignation for [it is] for [the] appointed time of [the] end.
20 Gondobwe rine nyanga rawakaona rinomirira madzimambo eMedhia nePezhia.
The ram which you saw [the] possessor of the two horns [is] [the] kings of Media and Persia.
21 Nhongo ine mvere dzakamvirimvinyika ndiyo mambo weGirisi, uye runyanga rukuru rwuri pakati pameso ndirwo mambo wokutanga.
And the he-goat hairy [is] [the] king of Greece and the horn great which [is] between eyes its it [is] the king first.
22 Nyanga ina dzakatsiva ruya rwakavhunika dzinomirira ushe una huchabuda murudzi rwake asi hahuzovi nesimba rakaenzana.
And the broken [horn] and they arose four [horns] in place its four kingdoms from a nation they will arise and not with power its.
23 “Panguva yokupedzisira yokutonga kwavo, vapanduki pavachanyanya kuipa, mambo ane chiso chakaomarara, mukuru wouipi, achamuka.
And at [the] end of reign their when are completed the rebels he will arise a king strong of face and understanding of intrigue.
24 Achava nesimba kwazvo, asi risiri simba rake chairo. Achakonzera kuparadzwa kunoshamisa uye achabudirira pane zvose zvaanoita. Achaparadza varume vane simba navanhu vatsvene.
And it will be mighty power his and not by own power his and wonders he will destroy and he will succeed and he will act and he will destroy mighty [ones] and a people of holy [ones].
25 Achaita kuti kunyengera kubudirire, uye achazviona somunhu wapamusoro. Achaparadza vazhinji pavanofunga kuti vagarika uye achamukirawo Muchinda wamachinda. Asi zvazvo achazoparadzwa, asi kwete nesimba romunhu.
And on insight his and he will make successful deceit by hand his and in heart his he will magnify himself and in prosperity he will destroy many [people] and on a prince of princes he will stand and by not a hand he will be broken.
26 “Chiratidzo chamadekwana nechamagwanani chakapiwa kwauri ndechechokwadi, asi vanza chiratidzo icho, nokuti ndechenguva inouya.”
And [the] vision of the evening and the morning which it has been told [is] truth it and you keep secret the vision for [it is] for days many.
27 Ini, Dhanieri, ndakapera simba ndikarwara kwamazuva mazhinji. Ipapo ndakamuka hangu ndikandobata basa ramambo. Ndakatyiswa nechiratidzo; chakanga chisinganzwisisike.
And I Daniel I was done [in] and I was sick days and I arose and I did [the] work of the king and I was appalled on the vision and there not [was one] giving understanding.

< Dhanieri 8 >