< VaKorose 3 >
1 Sezvo, zvino, makamutswa pamwe chete naKristu, isai mwoyo yenyu pazvinhu zviri kumusoro, uko kugere Kristu kuruoko rworudyi rwaMwari.
Since, therefore, you were raised to Life with the Christ, seek for the things that are above; for it is there that the Christ is ‘seated at the right hand of God.’
2 Isai pfungwa dzenyu pazvinhu zviri kumusoro, kwete pazvinhu zvenyika.
Fix your thoughts upon the things that are above, not upon those that are on earth.
3 Nokuti makafa, uye upenyu hwenyu hwakavigwa zvino naKristu muna Mwari.
For you died, and your Life now lies hidden, with the Christ, in God.
4 Panoonekwa Kristu, iye upenyu hwenyu, ipapo nemiwo muchaonekwa pamwe chete naye mukubwinya.
When the Christ, who is our Life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
5 Naizvozvo, urayai zvose zvenyu zvenyika zvinoti: upombwe, netsvina, nokusachena, nokuchiva, nokuda zvakaipa uye kukara, ndiko kunamata zvifananidzo.
Therefore destroy all that is earthly in you — immorality, uncleanness, passions, evil desires, and that greed which is idolatry.
6 Nokuda kwaizvozvi, kutsamwa kwaMwari kuri kuuya.
These are the things on account of which the Wrath of God comes,
7 Imi maimbofamba mazviri, muupenyu hwamaimborarama.
and to which you, like others, once devoted your lives, when you lived for them.
8 Asi zvino munofanira kuzvidzora pane zvose zvakadai sezvizvi zvinoti: kutsamwa, hasha, ruvengo, makuhwa, nokutaura zvakaora zvichibva pamiromo yenyu.
You, however, must now lay aside all such things — anger, passion, malice, slander, abuse.
9 Musareverana nhema, sezvo makabvisa munhu wenyu wekare namabasa ake
Never lie to one another. Get rid of your old self and its habits,
10 mukafuka munhu mutsva, ari kuvandudzwa mukuziva, mumufananidzo woMusiki wake.
and clothe yourselves with that new self, which, as it gains in knowledge, is being constantly renewed ‘in resemblance to him who made it.’
11 Apa hapachina muGiriki kana muJudha, kudzingiswa kana kusadzingiswa, mutorwa kana muSitia, nhapwa kana akasununguka, asi Kristu ndiye zvose, uye ari mune zvose.
In that new life there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, freeman; but Christ is all! — and in all!
12 Naizvozvo savasanangurwa vaMwari, vatsvene uye vanodikanwa kwazvo, zvifukidzei netsitsi, nounyoro, nokuzvininipisa, nokupfava uye nomwoyo murefu.
Therefore, as God’s People, consecrated and dear to him, clothe yourselves with tenderness of heart, kindliness, humility, gentleness, forbearance;
13 Munzwirane tsitsi uye mukanganwirane pamhosva ipi zvayo yamunenge matadzirana. Mukanganwire sezvamakakanganwirwa naShe.
bearing with one another, and, when there is any ground for complaint, forgiving one another freely. As the Master freely forgave you, so you must forgive one another.
14 Uye pazvinhu zvose izvi fukai rudo, runokusunganidzai pamwe chete muhumwe hwakakwana.
Over all these virtues put on love; for that is the girdle which makes all complete.
15 Rugare rwaKristu ngarutonge mumwoyo yenyu, sezvo senhengo dzomuviri mumwe makadanirwa kurugare. Uye munofanira kuvonga.
Let the Peace that the Christ gives decide all doubts within your hearts; for you also were called to the enjoyment of peace as members of one Body. And show yourselves thankful.
16 Shoko raKristu ngarigare zvakakwana mamuri pamunenge muchidzidzisana muchirayirana nouchenjeri hwose, uye muchiimba mapisarema, dzimbo nenziyo dzomweya muchivonga Mwari mumwoyo yenyu.
Let the Message of the Christ dwell in your minds in all its wealth, bringing all wisdom with it. Teach and admonish one another with psalms, and hymns, and sacred songs, full of the loving-kindness of God, lifting your hearts in song to him.
17 Uye zvose zvamunoita, mushoko kana mumabasa, itai zvose muzita raIshe Jesu, muchivonga Mwari ivo Baba kubudikidza naye.
And, whatever you say or do, do everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus; and through him offer thanksgiving to God the father.
18 Vakadzi, zviisei pasi pavarume venyu, sezvazvakafanira muna She.
Wives, submit to your husbands, as befits those who belong to the Lord.
19 Varume, idai vakadzi venyu musingavabati nehasha.
Husbands, love your wives, and never treat them harshly.
20 Vana, teererai vabereki venyu pazvinhu zvose, nokuti izvi zvinofadza Ishe.
Children, always obey your parents; for that is pleasant to see in those who belong to the Lord.
21 Madzibaba, musanetsa vana venyu, nokuti vanozoora mwoyo.
Fathers, never irritate your children, lest they should become disheartened.
22 Varanda, teererai vatenzi venyu vapanyika muzvinhu zvose; uye muzviite, kwete kuti vakuonei chete uye kuti mudikanwe navo, asi nokutendeka kwomwoyo uye nokutya Ishe.
Slaves, always obey your earthly masters, not only when their eyes are on you, as if you had but to please men, but giving them ungrudging service, in your reverence for the Master.
23 Zvose zvamunoita, itai zvose nomwoyo wose, savanhu vanoshandira Ishe, kwete munhu,
Whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as if working for the Master and not for men,
24 sezvo muchiziva kuti muchagamuchira nhaka kubva kuna She somubayiro. NdiIshe Kristu wamunoshumira.
since you know that it is from the Master that you will receive the inheritance which will be your recompense. You are serving Christ, the Master.
25 Ani naani anoita zvakaipa achatsiviwa nokuda kwezvakaipa zvake, uye hapana kutsaura vanhu.
Those who do wrong will reap the wrong they have done; and there will be no partiality.