< Mabasa 7 >

1 Ipapo muprista mukuru akamubvunza akati, “Izvi zvauri kupomerwa ndezvechokwadi here?”
Then the high priest asked Stephen, “Are the things that [these people are saying about you(sg)] true?”
2 Iye akapindura achiti, “Hama dzangu nemi madzibaba, nditeererei! Mwari wokubwinya akazviratidza kuna baba vedu Abhurahama paakanga achiri kuMesopotamia, asati agara muHarani.
Stephen replied, “Fellow Jews and respected leaders, [please] listen to me! The glorious God [whom we(inc) worship] appeared to our ancestor Abraham while he was still [living] in Mesopotamia [region], before he moved to Haran [town].
3 Mwari akati kwaari, ‘Ibva munyika yako nokuhama dzako, uende kunyika yandichakuratidza.’
God said to him, ‘Leave this land where you [(sg)] and your relatives [are living], and go into the land to which I will lead you.’
4 “Saka akabva munyika yavaKaradhea akandogara muHarani. Shure kwokufa kwababa vake, Mwari akamutuma munyika ino yamugere zvino.
So Abraham left that land, [which was also called] Chaldea, and he arrived in Haran and lived there. After his father died, God told him to move to this land in which you [and I] are now living.”
5 Haana kumupa nhaka imomo, kunyange paangatsika norutsoka rwake. Asi Mwari akamuvimbisa kuti iye nezvizvarwa zvake zvaimutevera vaizotora nyika ino, kunyange panguva iyoyo Abhurahama akanga asina mwana.
“[At that time] God did not give Abraham any [land here], not even a small plot of [this] land that would belong to him. God promised that he would [later] give this land to him and his descendants, and that it would [always] belong [to them. However], at that time Abraham did not have any children [who would] ([inherit it/receive it after he died]).”
6 Mwari akataura naye achiti, ‘Zvizvarwa zvako zvichava vatorwa munyika isiri yavo, uye vachaitwa varanda vagotambudzwa kwamakore mazana mana.
“[Later] God told Abraham, ‘Your descendants will go and live in a foreign country. They [will live there] for 400 years, and [during that time their leaders] will mistreat your descendants and force them to work as slaves.’
7 Asi ndicharanga rudzi rwavachashandira senhapwa,’ ndizvo zvakataurwa naMwari, ‘uye shure kwaizvozvo vachabuda munyika iyoyo vagondishumira panzvimbo ino.’
But God [also] said, ‘I will punish the people who make them work as slaves. Then, after that, your descendants will leave [that land] and they will [come and] worship me in this land.’”
8 Ipapo akapa Abhurahama sungano yokudzingiswa. Abhurahama akabereka Isaka akamudzingisa zuva rorusere shure kwokuberekwa kwake. Shure kwaizvozvo Isaka akabereka Jakobho, uye Jakobho akabereka madzitateguru ane gumi navaviri.
“Then God commanded Abraham that [every male in his household and all of his male descendants] should be circumcised [to show that they all belonged to God] and that they would obey what he had told Abraham to do. Later Abraham’s son, Isaac, was born, and when Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him. [Later] Isaac’s son, Jacob, was born, and Isaac [similarly circumcised] him. And Jacob [similarly circumcised] his twelve sons. They are the twelve men [from whom we(inc) Jews have all descended].”
9 “Nokuti madzitateguru akaitira godo Josefa, vakamutengesa senhapwa kuIjipiti. Asi Mwari akanga anaye
“[You know that] Jacob’s [older] sons became jealous [because their father favored their younger brother] Joseph. So they sold him [to merchants/traders who took him] [MTY] to Egypt. There he became a slave [of an official who lived there]. But God [helped] Joseph.
10 akamununura kubva pamatambudziko ake ose. Akapa Josefa uchenjeri uye akaita kuti adikanwe naFaro mambo weIjipiti; saka akamuita mutongi weIjipiti nomuzinda wake wose.
He protected him whenever people caused him to suffer. He enabled Joseph to be wise; and he caused Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, to think well of Joseph. So Pharaoh appointed him to rule [over] Egypt and to look after all of Pharaoh’s property [MTY].”
11 “Zvino nzara yakasvika muIjipiti yose neKenani, kukava nokutambudzika kukuru, uye madzibaba edu akashayiwa zvokudya.
“[While Joseph was doing that work], there was a time (when there was very little food/of famine) throughout Egypt and also throughout Canaan. People did not have enough food to eat. People were suffering. [At that time] Jacob and his sons [in Canaan] also could not find [enough] food.
12 Jakobho akati anzwa kuti kuIjipiti kwaiva nezviyo, akatuma madzibaba edu parwendo rwavo rwokutanga.
When Jacob heard [people report that] there was grain/food [that people could buy] in Egypt, he sent Joseph’s older brothers [to go there to buy grain. They went and bought grain from Joseph, but they did not recognize him. Then they returned home].
13 Parwendo rwavo rwechipiri, Josefa akaudza madzikoma ake kuti iye aiva ani uye Faro akanzwa nezvemhuri yaJosefa.
When Joseph’s brothers went to Egypt the second time, [they again bought grain from Joseph]. But this time [he] told them who he was. [And] people told Pharaoh that Joseph’s people were Hebrews [and that those men who had come from Canaan were his brothers].
14 Shure kwaizvozvo, Josefa akatuma shoko kuti baba vake Jakobho, nemhuri yavo yose, vanhu makumi manomwe navashanu pamwe chete, vauye.
Then after Joseph sent [his brothers back home, they] told their father Jacob [that Joseph wanted] him and his entire family to come [to Egypt. At that time] ([Jacob’s family consisted of] 75 people/there were 75 people in Jacob’s family) [SYN].
15 Ipapo Jakobho akaburuka akaenda kuIjipiti, uko kwaakandofira iye namadzibaba edu.
[So when] Jacob [heard that, he and all his family] went to [live in] Egypt.” Acts 7:15b-16 “[Later on], Jacob died [there], and our [other] ancestors, [his sons, also died there].
16 Mitumbi yavo yakatakurwa ikaendeswa kuShekemu vakavigwa muguva rakanga ratengwa naAbhurahama kubva kuvanakomana vaHamori, paShekemu, nomutengo wemari yakati kuti.
[But] the bodies [of Jacob and Joseph] were brought {[they] brought the bodies [of Jacob and Joseph]} [back to our land], and [Jacob’s body] was buried {they buried [Jacob’s body]} [in the tomb that Abraham had bought, and they buried Joseph’s body] in Shechem in the ground that [Jacob] had bought from Hamor’s sons.”
17 “Nguva yakati yaswedera yokuti Mwari azadzise chipikirwa chake kuna Abhurahama, uwandu hwavanhu vedu muIjipiti hwakawedzerwa zvikuru.
“Our ancestors had become very numerous when it was almost time for [God to rescue them] from Egypt, [as] he had promised Abraham that he would do.
18 Ipapo mumwe mambo, akanga asingazivi nezvaJosefa, akava mutongi weIjipiti.
Another king had begun to rule in Egypt. He did not know that Joseph, [long before that time, had greatly helped the people of Egypt] [MTY].
19 Akabata vanhu vedu zvakaipa akadzvinyirira madzitateguru edu achivamanikidza kuti varase vana vachangoberekwa kuitira kuti vagofa.
That king cruelly tried to get rid of our ancestors. He oppressed them and caused them to suffer greatly. He [even commanded] them to leave their baby [boys] outside [their homes] so that they would die.”
20 “Panguva iyoyo Mozisi akaberekwa, uye akanga asiri mwanawo zvake. Akachengetwa mumba mababa vake kwemwedzi mitatu.
“During that time Moses was born, and he was a very beautiful [LIT] [child]. So his parents [secretly] cared for him in their house for three months.
21 Paakasiyiwa kunze, mwanasikana waFaro akamutora akamurera somwanakomana wake.
Then they had to put him outside [the house, but] Pharaoh’s daughter [found him and] adopted him and cared for him as [though he were] her own son.
22 Mozisi akadzidziswa uchenjeri hwose hweIjipiti uye aigona kwazvo kutaura nokuita zvinhu.
Moses was taught {[The Egyptian teachers] taught Moses} many kinds of wise things [HYP] that the people in Egypt knew, and [when he grew up], he spoke powerfully and did things powerfully.”
23 “Mozisi paakanga ava namakore makumi mana okuberekwa, akafunga zvokundoshanyira hama dzake ivo vaIsraeri.
“[One day] when Moses was about 40 years old, he decided that he would [go and] see his fellow Israelis. [So he went to the place where they worked].
24 Akaona mumwe wavo achitambudzwa nomuIjipita, saka akasvika akamurwira akatsiva nokuuraya muIjipita uya.
He saw an Egyptian beating one of the Israelis. So he went over to help [MTY] the Israeli man who was being hurt/beat {whom [the Egyptian] was hurting/beating}, and he (got revenge on/paid back) the Israeli man by killing the Egyptian [who was hurting/beating him].
25 Mozisi akafunga kuti vanhu vake vachaziva kuti Mwari ainge achimushandisa kuti avanunure, asi ivo havana kuzviziva.
Moses was thinking that his fellow Israelis would understand that God had sent him to free them [from being slaves]. But they did not understand that.
26 Fume mangwana Mozisi akasvikowana vaIsraeri vaviri vachirwa. Akaedza kuvayananisa achiti, ‘Varume, muri hama imi; munodireiko kukuvadzana?’
The next day, Moses saw two Israeli men fighting [each other]. He tried to make them stop fighting by saying to them, ‘Men, you two are fellow [Israelis! So] (stop hurting each other!/why are you hurting each other?) [RHQ]’
27 “Asi murume uya akanga achitambudza mumwe akasundidzira Mozisi padivi akati, ‘Ndianiko akakuita mubati nomutongi wedu?
But the man who was injuring the other man pushed Moses away and said to him, ‘(No one appointed you [(sg)] to rule and judge us [(exc)]!/Do you [(sg)] think someone appointed you [(sg)] to rule and judge us [(exc)]?) [RHQ]
28 Unoda kundiuraya sokuuraya kwawakaita muIjipita nezuro?’
Do you want to kill me as you killed the Egyptian yesterday?’
29 Mozisi paakanzwa izvozvo, akatiza akaenda kuMidhiani, uko kwaakandogara ari mutorwa uye akabereka vanakomana vaviri.
When Moses heard that, [he thought to himself, ‘Obviously, people know what I have done, and someone will kill me.’ He was afraid, so] he fled [from Egypt] to Midian land. He lived there [for some years]. He [got married, and he and his wife] had two sons.”
30 “Makore makumi mana akati apfuura, mutumwa akazviratidza kuna Mozisi ari mumurazvo womoto mugwenzi, mugwenga raiva pedyo neGomo reSinai.
“[One day] 40 years later, [the Lord God appeared as] an angel to Moses. He appeared in a bush that was burning in the desert near Sinai Mountain.
31 Paakaona chinhu ichi, akashamiswa nezvaakaona. Akati achiswedera kuti anyatsoona, akanzwa inzwi raIshe richiti,
When Moses saw that, he was greatly surprised, [because the bush was not burning up]. As he went over to look more closely, he heard the Lord [God] say [to him],
32 ‘Ndini Mwari wamadzibaba ako, Mwari waAbhurahama, Isaka naJakobho.’ Mozisi akadedera nokutya akatadza kana kutarisa.
‘I [am] the God [whom] your ancestors [worshipped]. I [am] the God that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob [worship].’ Moses [was so afraid that he] began to shake. He was afraid to look [at the bush any longer].
33 “Ipapo Jehovha akati kwaari, ‘Bvisa shangu dzako; nokuti nzvimbo yaumire pairi itsvene.
Then the Lord [God] said to him, ‘Take your sandals off [to show that you(sg) revere me]. Because I [am here], the place where you are standing is holy/sacred.
34 Zvirokwazvo ndaona kudzvinyirirwa kwavanhu vangu muIjipiti. Ndanzwa kugomera kwavo, saka ndaburuka kuti ndizovasunungura. Zvino uya, ndinoda kukutuma udzokere kuIjipiti.’
I have surely seen how the people of Egypt are continually causing my people to suffer. I have heard my people when they groan [because those people continually oppress them]. So I have come down to rescue them [from Egypt]. Now get ready, because I am going to send you [back] to Egypt [to do that].’”
35 “Ndiye Mozisi uya wavakanga varamba namashoko okuti, ‘Ndianiko akakuita mubati nomutongi wedu?’ Ndiye akatumwa naMwari pachake kuti ave mubati nomusununguri wavo, kubudikidza nomutumwa akazviratidza kwaari mugwenzi.
“This Moses [is the one who had tried to help our Israeli people, but] whom they rejected [by saying], ‘No one [RHQ] appointed you to rule and judge [us!’] Moses [is the one whom] God [himself] sent to rule them and to free them [from being slaves. He is the one whom] an angel in the bush [commanded to do that].
36 Ndiye akavabudisa muIjipiti uye akaita zvishamiso nezviratidzo muIjipiti, paGungwa Dzvuku uye kwamakore makumi mana murenje.
Moses [is the one who] led our ancestors out [from Egypt]. He did many kinds of miracles in Egypt, at the Red Sea, and during the 40 years [that the Israelite people lived] in the desert.
37 “Ndiye Mozisi uya akaudza vaIsraeri kuti, ‘Mwari achakutumirai muprofita akaita seni anobva muvanhu venyu chaivo.’
This Moses is the one who said to the Israelite people, ‘God will appoint a prophet for you from among your own people. [He will speak words from God], just like I [speak his words to you].’
38 Akanga ari muungano yaiva murenje, pamwe chete nomutumwa akataura kwaari paGomo reSinai, uye namadzibaba edu; uye akagamuchira mashoko mapenyu kuti azoasvitsa kwatiri.
This man [Moses] was [our people’s leader] when they gathered together in the desert. It is Moses to whom [God sent] the angel on Sinai Mountain to [give him our laws], and [he was the one who told] our [other] ancestors [what the angel had said]. He was the one who received [from God] words that tell us how to live [eternally, and Moses] passed [them] on to us.”
39 “Asi madzibaba edu akaramba kumuteerera. Vakamuramba uye mumwoyo yavo vakadzokerazve kuIjipiti.
“[However], our ancestors did not want to obey [Moses]. Instead, [while he was still on the mountain], they rejected him [as their leader] and decided that they wanted to return to Egypt.
40 Vakati kuna Aroni, ‘Tiitire vamwari vachatitungamirira. Kana ari Mozisi uyu akatibudisa muIjipiti, hatizivi zvakamuwira!
So they told [his older brother] Aaron, ‘Make idols for us who will be our gods to lead us [back to Egypt]! As for that fellow Moses who led us out of Egypt we [(exc)] do not know what has happened to him!’
41 Ndiyo nguva yavakaumba chifananidzo chakaita semhuru. Vakauya nezvibayiro kwachiri vakachipemberera vachikudza chinhu chakaitwa namaoko avo.
So, they made [out of gold] an image [that looked like] a calf. Then they sacrificed [animals and offered other things] to [honor] that idol, and they sang and danced to honor the idol that they themselves had made.
42 Asi Mwari akavafuratira akavasiya kuti vanamate hondo dzokudenga, sezvazvakanyorwa mubhuku ravaprofita zvichinzi: “‘Makandivigira zvibayiro nezvipo makore makumi mana murenje here, imi imba yaIsraeri?
So God rejected them. He abandoned them to worship the sun, moon and stars in the sky. This agrees with the words that one of the prophets wrote that God said, You Israelite [people] [MTY], when you [repeatedly] killed animals and offered them as sacrifices during those 40 years [that you were] in the desert, (you [most certainly] were not offering them to me!/what makes you think that you were offering them to me?) [RHQ]
43 Makatakura tabhenakeri yaMoreki nenyeredzi yamwari wenyu Refani, zvifananidzo zvamakaita kuti muzvinamate. Naizvozvo ndichakuendesai kuutapwa’ mberi kweBhabhironi.
[On the contrary], you carried [with you from place to place] the tent [that contained the idol] representing [the god] Molech [that you worshipped]. You also [carried with you] the image of the star [called] Rephan. [Those] were idols that you had made, [and you] worshipped [them instead of me]. So I will [cause you to] be taken away {[people to] take you} [from your own country. You will be taken] {[They will take you]} [far from your homes to regions] even farther than Babylon [Country].”
44 “Madzitateguru edu akanga ane tabhenakeri yeChipupuriro pakati pavo murenje. Yakanga yakagadzirwa sokurayirwa kwakanga kwaitwa Mozisi naMwari, maererano nomufananidzo waakanga aona.
“While our ancestors were in the desert, they worshipped God at the tent that showed [that he was there with them]. They had made the tent exactly like God had commanded Moses [to make it. It was] exactly like the model that Moses had seen [when he was up on the mountain].
45 Vakagamuchira tabhenakeri, vachitungamirirwa naJoshua, madzibaba edu akauya pamwe chete nayo paya pavakatora nyika kubva kundudzi dzakanga dzadzingwa pamberi pavo naMwari. Tabhenakeri yakagara munyika iyo kusvikira panguva yaDhavhidhi,
[Later on], other ancestors of ours carried that tent with them when Joshua led them [into this land]. That was during the time that they took this land for themselves, when God forced the people [who previously lived here] to leave. So the Israelis were able to possess this land. [The tent remained in this land and was still here] when [King] David ruled.
46 uyo akaitirwa zvakanaka naMwari uye akakumbira kuti avakire Mwari waJakobho nzvimbo yokugara.
David pleased God, and he asked God to let him build a house where [he and] all of our Israeli people could worship God.
47 Asi Soromoni ndiye akazomuvakira imba.
But [instead, God let David’s son] Solomon build a house [where people could worship] God.”
48 “Kunyange zvakadaro, Wokumusoro-soro haagari mudzimba dzakavakwa navanhu. Sezvinorehwa nomuprofita achiti:
“However, [we(inc) know that] God is greater than everything, and he does not live in [houses that] people [SYN] have made. It is like the prophet [Isaiah] wrote. He wrote [these words that God had spoken: ]
49 “‘Denga ndicho chigaro changu choushe uye nyika ndiyo chitsiko chetsoka dzangu. Ko, muchandivakira imba yakaita sei? ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe. Kana kuti nzvimbo yangu yokuzorora ichava kupiko?
Heaven is (my throne/the place from which I rule the entire universe), and the earth is (my footstool/[merely like] a stool on which I may rest my feet). I myself [SYN] have made everything [both in heaven and on the earth]. So you [human beings], ([you] really cannot build a house that would be [adequate] for me!/do you think you can build a house that would be [appropriate] for me?) [RHQ] You cannot [RHQ] make a place good enough for me [to live in]!”
50 Ko, ruoko rwangu haruna kuita izvozvi zvose here?’
51 “Imi vanhu vemitsipa mikukutu, vane mwoyo nenzeve dzisina kudzingiswa! Makangoita samadzibaba enyu: Munogara muchidzivisa Mweya Mutsvene!
“You people are extremely stubborn [MET], not wanting to obey God or listen [MTY] [to him!] You are exactly like your ancestors! You always resist the Holy Spirit [as they did]!
52 Kwakambova nomuprofita asina kutambudzwa namadzibaba enyu here? Vakauraya kunyange vaya vakaprofita kuuya kwaIye Oga Akarurama. Uye zvino makamupandukira mukamuuraya,
Your ancestors caused [RHQ] every prophet to suffer, [including Moses]. They even killed those who long ago announced [that the Messiah] would come, the one who always did what pleased God. [And the Messiah has come! He is the one whom] you [recently] turned over [to his enemies] and [insisted that] they kill him!
53 iyemi makagamuchira murayiro wamakapiwa kubudikidza navatumwa, asi mukasauteerera.”
You [are the people] who have received God’s laws. [Those were laws] that God caused angels to give [to our ancestors]. However, [incredibly], you have not obeyed them!”
54 Vakati vanzwa izvi, vakashatirwa zvikuru uye vakamurumanyira meno avo.
When the Jewish Council members [and others there] heard all that [Stephen said], they became very angry. They were grinding their teeth [together because they were so angry] at him!
55 Asi Sitefani, azere noMweya Mutsvene, akatarisa kudenga akaona kubwinya kwaMwari, uye Jesu amire kuruoko rworudyi rwaMwari.
But the Holy Spirit completely controlled Stephen. He looked up into heaven and saw a dazzling light from God, and [he saw] Jesus standing at God’s right side.
56 Akati, “Tarirai, ndinoona denga razaruka uye Mwanakomana woMunhu amire kuruoko rworudyi rwaMwari.”
“Look,” he said, “I see heaven open, and I [see] the one who came from heaven standing at God’s right side!”
57 Pavakanzwa izvi vakadzivira nzeve dzavo vakamhanyira kwaari vose, vachidanidzira namanzwi ari pamusoro-soro,
[When the Jewish Council members and others heard that], they shouted loudly. They put their hands over their ears [so that they could not hear Stephen, and immediately] they all rushed at him.
58 vakamuzvuzvurudzira kunze kweguta vakatanga kumutaka namabwe. Uye, vaya vaiva zvapupu vakandoisa nguo dzavo patsoka dzejaya rainzi Sauro.
They dragged him outside the city [of Jerusalem] and started to throw stones at him. The people who were accusing him [took off] their outer garments [in order to throw stones more easily, and] they put their clothes [on the ground] next to a young man whose name was Saul, [so that he could guard them].
59 Vachiri kumutaka namabwe, Sitefani akanyengetera, akati, “Ishe Jesu, gamuchirai mweya wangu.”
While they continued to throw stones at Stephen, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!”
60 Ipapo akapfugama namabvi ake akadanidzira achiti, “Ishe, musavapa mhosva yechivi ichi.” Akati ataura izvi, akavata.
Then Stephen fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not punish them (OR, forgive them) [LIT] for this sin!” After he had said that, he died.

< Mabasa 7 >