< Mabasa 7 >
1 Ipapo muprista mukuru akamubvunza akati, “Izvi zvauri kupomerwa ndezvechokwadi here?”
And the chief priest said, “Are then these things so?”
2 Iye akapindura achiti, “Hama dzangu nemi madzibaba, nditeererei! Mwari wokubwinya akazviratidza kuna baba vedu Abhurahama paakanga achiri kuMesopotamia, asati agara muHarani.
And he said, “Men, brothers, and fathers, listen! The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham, being in Mesopotamia, before his dwelling in Haran,
3 Mwari akati kwaari, ‘Ibva munyika yako nokuhama dzako, uende kunyika yandichakuratidza.’
and He said to him, Go forth out of your land, and out of your relatives, and come to a land that I will show you.
4 “Saka akabva munyika yavaKaradhea akandogara muHarani. Shure kwokufa kwababa vake, Mwari akamutuma munyika ino yamugere zvino.
Then having come forth out of the land of the Chaldeans, he dwelt in Haran, and from there, after the death of his father, He removed him to this land wherein you now dwell,
5 Haana kumupa nhaka imomo, kunyange paangatsika norutsoka rwake. Asi Mwari akamuvimbisa kuti iye nezvizvarwa zvake zvaimutevera vaizotora nyika ino, kunyange panguva iyoyo Abhurahama akanga asina mwana.
and He gave him no inheritance in it, not even a footstep, and promised to give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him—he having no child.
6 Mwari akataura naye achiti, ‘Zvizvarwa zvako zvichava vatorwa munyika isiri yavo, uye vachaitwa varanda vagotambudzwa kwamakore mazana mana.
And God spoke thus, that his seed will be sojourning in a strange land, and they will cause it to serve, and will do it evil [for] four hundred years.
7 Asi ndicharanga rudzi rwavachashandira senhapwa,’ ndizvo zvakataurwa naMwari, ‘uye shure kwaizvozvo vachabuda munyika iyoyo vagondishumira panzvimbo ino.’
And the nation whom they will serve I will judge, said God; And after these things they will come forth and will do Me service in this place.
8 Ipapo akapa Abhurahama sungano yokudzingiswa. Abhurahama akabereka Isaka akamudzingisa zuva rorusere shure kwokuberekwa kwake. Shure kwaizvozvo Isaka akabereka Jakobho, uye Jakobho akabereka madzitateguru ane gumi navaviri.
And He gave to him a covenant of circumcision, and so he begot Isaac, and circumcised him on the eighth day, and Isaac [begot] Jacob, and Jacob—the twelve patriarchs;
9 “Nokuti madzitateguru akaitira godo Josefa, vakamutengesa senhapwa kuIjipiti. Asi Mwari akanga anaye
and the patriarchs, having been moved with jealousy, sold Joseph to Egypt, and God was with him,
10 akamununura kubva pamatambudziko ake ose. Akapa Josefa uchenjeri uye akaita kuti adikanwe naFaro mambo weIjipiti; saka akamuita mutongi weIjipiti nomuzinda wake wose.
and delivered him out of all his tribulations, and gave him favor and wisdom before Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he set him—governor over Egypt and all his house.
11 “Zvino nzara yakasvika muIjipiti yose neKenani, kukava nokutambudzika kukuru, uye madzibaba edu akashayiwa zvokudya.
And there came a scarcity on all the land of Egypt and Canaan, and great tribulation, and our fathers were not finding sustenance,
12 Jakobho akati anzwa kuti kuIjipiti kwaiva nezviyo, akatuma madzibaba edu parwendo rwavo rwokutanga.
and Jacob having heard that there was grain in Egypt, sent forth our fathers a first time;
13 Parwendo rwavo rwechipiri, Josefa akaudza madzikoma ake kuti iye aiva ani uye Faro akanzwa nezvemhuri yaJosefa.
and at the second time was Joseph made known to his brothers, and Joseph’s family became disclosed to Pharaoh,
14 Shure kwaizvozvo, Josefa akatuma shoko kuti baba vake Jakobho, nemhuri yavo yose, vanhu makumi manomwe navashanu pamwe chete, vauye.
and Joseph having sent, called for his father Jacob, and all his relatives—with seventy-five souls—
15 Ipapo Jakobho akaburuka akaenda kuIjipiti, uko kwaakandofira iye namadzibaba edu.
and Jacob went down to Egypt, and died, himself and our fathers,
16 Mitumbi yavo yakatakurwa ikaendeswa kuShekemu vakavigwa muguva rakanga ratengwa naAbhurahama kubva kuvanakomana vaHamori, paShekemu, nomutengo wemari yakati kuti.
and they were carried over into Shechem, and were laid in the tomb that Abraham bought for a price in money from the sons of Emmor, of Shechem.
17 “Nguva yakati yaswedera yokuti Mwari azadzise chipikirwa chake kuna Abhurahama, uwandu hwavanhu vedu muIjipiti hwakawedzerwa zvikuru.
And according as the time of the promise was drawing near, which God swore to Abraham, the people increased and multiplied in Egypt,
18 Ipapo mumwe mambo, akanga asingazivi nezvaJosefa, akava mutongi weIjipiti.
until another king rose, who had not known Joseph;
19 Akabata vanhu vedu zvakaipa akadzvinyirira madzitateguru edu achivamanikidza kuti varase vana vachangoberekwa kuitira kuti vagofa.
this one, having dealt subtly with our family, did evil to our fathers, causing to expose their babies, that they might not live;
20 “Panguva iyoyo Mozisi akaberekwa, uye akanga asiri mwanawo zvake. Akachengetwa mumba mababa vake kwemwedzi mitatu.
in which time Moses was born, and he was fair to God, and he was brought up [for] three months in the house of his father;
21 Paakasiyiwa kunze, mwanasikana waFaro akamutora akamurera somwanakomana wake.
and he having been set outside, the daughter of Pharaoh took him up, and reared him to herself for a son;
22 Mozisi akadzidziswa uchenjeri hwose hweIjipiti uye aigona kwazvo kutaura nokuita zvinhu.
and Moses was taught in all wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was powerful in words and in works.
23 “Mozisi paakanga ava namakore makumi mana okuberekwa, akafunga zvokundoshanyira hama dzake ivo vaIsraeri.
And when forty years were fulfilled to him, it came on his heart to look after his brothers, the sons of Israel;
24 Akaona mumwe wavo achitambudzwa nomuIjipita, saka akasvika akamurwira akatsiva nokuuraya muIjipita uya.
and having seen a certain one suffering injustice, he defended, and did justice to the oppressed, having struck the Egyptian;
25 Mozisi akafunga kuti vanhu vake vachaziva kuti Mwari ainge achimushandisa kuti avanunure, asi ivo havana kuzviziva.
and he was supposing his brothers to understand that God gives salvation through his hand; and they did not understand.
26 Fume mangwana Mozisi akasvikowana vaIsraeri vaviri vachirwa. Akaedza kuvayananisa achiti, ‘Varume, muri hama imi; munodireiko kukuvadzana?’
On the succeeding day, also, he showed himself to them as they are striving, and urged them to peace, saying, Men, you are brothers, why do you do injustice to one another?
27 “Asi murume uya akanga achitambudza mumwe akasundidzira Mozisi padivi akati, ‘Ndianiko akakuita mubati nomutongi wedu?
And he who is doing injustice to the neighbor, thrusted him away, saying, Who set you a ruler and a judge over us?
28 Unoda kundiuraya sokuuraya kwawakaita muIjipita nezuro?’
Do you wish to kill me, as you killed the Egyptian yesterday?
29 Mozisi paakanzwa izvozvo, akatiza akaenda kuMidhiani, uko kwaakandogara ari mutorwa uye akabereka vanakomana vaviri.
And Moses fled at this word, and became a sojourner in the land of Midian, where he begot two sons,
30 “Makore makumi mana akati apfuura, mutumwa akazviratidza kuna Mozisi ari mumurazvo womoto mugwenzi, mugwenga raiva pedyo neGomo reSinai.
and forty years having been fulfilled, there appeared to him in the wilderness of Mount Sinai [the] Messenger of the LORD, in a flame of fire of a bush,
31 Paakaona chinhu ichi, akashamiswa nezvaakaona. Akati achiswedera kuti anyatsoona, akanzwa inzwi raIshe richiti,
and Moses having seen, wondered at the sight; and he drawing near to behold, there came a voice of the LORD to him,
32 ‘Ndini Mwari wamadzibaba ako, Mwari waAbhurahama, Isaka naJakobho.’ Mozisi akadedera nokutya akatadza kana kutarisa.
I [am] the God of your fathers; the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses having become terrified, did not dare behold,
33 “Ipapo Jehovha akati kwaari, ‘Bvisa shangu dzako; nokuti nzvimbo yaumire pairi itsvene.
and the LORD said to him, Loose the sandal of your feet, for the place in which you have stood is holy ground;
34 Zvirokwazvo ndaona kudzvinyirirwa kwavanhu vangu muIjipiti. Ndanzwa kugomera kwavo, saka ndaburuka kuti ndizovasunungura. Zvino uya, ndinoda kukutuma udzokere kuIjipiti.’
seeing I have seen the affliction of My people that [is] in Egypt, and I heard their groaning, and came down to deliver them; and now come, I will send you to Egypt.
35 “Ndiye Mozisi uya wavakanga varamba namashoko okuti, ‘Ndianiko akakuita mubati nomutongi wedu?’ Ndiye akatumwa naMwari pachake kuti ave mubati nomusununguri wavo, kubudikidza nomutumwa akazviratidza kwaari mugwenzi.
This Moses, whom they refused, saying, Who set you a ruler and a judge? This one God sent [as] a ruler and a redeemer, by the hand of [the] Messenger who appeared to him in the bush;
36 Ndiye akavabudisa muIjipiti uye akaita zvishamiso nezviratidzo muIjipiti, paGungwa Dzvuku uye kwamakore makumi mana murenje.
this one brought them forth, having done wonders and signs in the land of Egypt, and in the Red Sea, and in the wilderness forty years;
37 “Ndiye Mozisi uya akaudza vaIsraeri kuti, ‘Mwari achakutumirai muprofita akaita seni anobva muvanhu venyu chaivo.’
this is the Moses who said to the sons of Israel: The LORD your God will raise up to you a Prophet out of your brothers, like to me, Him will you hear.
38 Akanga ari muungano yaiva murenje, pamwe chete nomutumwa akataura kwaari paGomo reSinai, uye namadzibaba edu; uye akagamuchira mashoko mapenyu kuti azoasvitsa kwatiri.
This is he who was in the assembly in the wilderness, with the Messenger who is speaking to him in Mount Sinai, and with our fathers who received the living oracles to give to us;
39 “Asi madzibaba edu akaramba kumuteerera. Vakamuramba uye mumwoyo yavo vakadzokerazve kuIjipiti.
to whom our fathers did not wish to become obedient, but thrusted away, and turned back in their hearts to Egypt,
40 Vakati kuna Aroni, ‘Tiitire vamwari vachatitungamirira. Kana ari Mozisi uyu akatibudisa muIjipiti, hatizivi zvakamuwira!
saying to Aaron, Make to us gods who will go on before us, for this Moses, who brought us forth out of the land of Egypt, we have not known what has happened to him.
41 Ndiyo nguva yavakaumba chifananidzo chakaita semhuru. Vakauya nezvibayiro kwachiri vakachipemberera vachikudza chinhu chakaitwa namaoko avo.
And they made a calf in those days, and brought a sacrifice to the idol, and were rejoicing in the works of their hands,
42 Asi Mwari akavafuratira akavasiya kuti vanamate hondo dzokudenga, sezvazvakanyorwa mubhuku ravaprofita zvichinzi: “‘Makandivigira zvibayiro nezvipo makore makumi mana murenje here, imi imba yaIsraeri?
and God turned, and gave them up to do service to the host of Heaven, according as it has been written in the scroll of the Prophets: Did you offer slain beasts and sacrifices to Me forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?
43 Makatakura tabhenakeri yaMoreki nenyeredzi yamwari wenyu Refani, zvifananidzo zvamakaita kuti muzvinamate. Naizvozvo ndichakuendesai kuutapwa’ mberi kweBhabhironi.
And you took up the dwelling place of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan—the figures that you made to worship them, and I will remove your dwelling beyond Babylon.
44 “Madzitateguru edu akanga ane tabhenakeri yeChipupuriro pakati pavo murenje. Yakanga yakagadzirwa sokurayirwa kwakanga kwaitwa Mozisi naMwari, maererano nomufananidzo waakanga aona.
The Dwelling Place of the Testimony was among our fathers in the wilderness, according as He directed, who is speaking to Moses, to make it according to the figure that he had seen;
45 Vakagamuchira tabhenakeri, vachitungamirirwa naJoshua, madzibaba edu akauya pamwe chete nayo paya pavakatora nyika kubva kundudzi dzakanga dzadzingwa pamberi pavo naMwari. Tabhenakeri yakagara munyika iyo kusvikira panguva yaDhavhidhi,
which also our fathers having in succession received, brought in with Joshua, into the possession of the nations whom God drove out from the presence of our fathers, until the days of David,
46 uyo akaitirwa zvakanaka naMwari uye akakumbira kuti avakire Mwari waJakobho nzvimbo yokugara.
who found favor before God, and requested to find a dwelling place for the God of Jacob;
47 Asi Soromoni ndiye akazomuvakira imba.
and Solomon built Him a house.
48 “Kunyange zvakadaro, Wokumusoro-soro haagari mudzimba dzakavakwa navanhu. Sezvinorehwa nomuprofita achiti:
But the Most High does not dwell in sanctuaries made with hands, according as the prophet says:
49 “‘Denga ndicho chigaro changu choushe uye nyika ndiyo chitsiko chetsoka dzangu. Ko, muchandivakira imba yakaita sei? ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe. Kana kuti nzvimbo yangu yokuzorora ichava kupiko?
Heaven [is] My throne, And the earth My footstool, What house will you build to Me? Says the LORD; Or what [is] the place of My rest?
50 Ko, ruoko rwangu haruna kuita izvozvi zvose here?’
Has My hand not made all these things?
51 “Imi vanhu vemitsipa mikukutu, vane mwoyo nenzeve dzisina kudzingiswa! Makangoita samadzibaba enyu: Munogara muchidzivisa Mweya Mutsvene!
You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and in ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers—also you;
52 Kwakambova nomuprofita asina kutambudzwa namadzibaba enyu here? Vakauraya kunyange vaya vakaprofita kuuya kwaIye Oga Akarurama. Uye zvino makamupandukira mukamuuraya,
which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who declared before about the coming of the Righteous One, of whom you have now become betrayers and murderers,
53 iyemi makagamuchira murayiro wamakapiwa kubudikidza navatumwa, asi mukasauteerera.”
who received the Law by arrangement of messengers, and did not keep [it].”
54 Vakati vanzwa izvi, vakashatirwa zvikuru uye vakamurumanyira meno avo.
And hearing these things, they were cut to the hearts, and gnashed the teeth at him;
55 Asi Sitefani, azere noMweya Mutsvene, akatarisa kudenga akaona kubwinya kwaMwari, uye Jesu amire kuruoko rworudyi rwaMwari.
and being full of the Holy Spirit, having looked steadfastly to the sky, he saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,
56 Akati, “Tarirai, ndinoona denga razaruka uye Mwanakomana woMunhu amire kuruoko rworudyi rwaMwari.”
and he said, “Behold, I see the heavens having been opened, and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God.”
57 Pavakanzwa izvi vakadzivira nzeve dzavo vakamhanyira kwaari vose, vachidanidzira namanzwi ari pamusoro-soro,
And they, having cried out with a loud voice, stopped their ears, and rushed with one accord on him,
58 vakamuzvuzvurudzira kunze kweguta vakatanga kumutaka namabwe. Uye, vaya vaiva zvapupu vakandoisa nguo dzavo patsoka dzejaya rainzi Sauro.
and having cast him forth outside of the city, they were stoning [him]—and the witnesses put down their garments at the feet of a young man called Saul—
59 Vachiri kumutaka namabwe, Sitefani akanyengetera, akati, “Ishe Jesu, gamuchirai mweya wangu.”
and they were stoning Stephen, [as he was] calling and saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit”;
60 Ipapo akapfugama namabvi ake akadanidzira achiti, “Ishe, musavapa mhosva yechivi ichi.” Akati ataura izvi, akavata.
and having bowed the knees, he cried with a loud voice, “LORD, may You not lay to them this sin”; and having said this, he fell asleep.