< Mabasa 6 >

1 Mumazuva iwayo vadzidzi zvavakanga vachiwedzerwa pauwandu, vaJudha vaitaura chiGiriki vaiva pakati pavo vakagununʼuna pamusoro pavaJudha vaitaura chiHebheru nokuti chirikadzi dzavo dzaidarikwa pakugoverwa kwezvokudya zvemisi yose.
And in these days, the disciples multiplying, there came a murmuring of the Hellenists at the Hebrews, because their widows were being overlooked in the daily ministry,
2 Saka vane gumi navaviri vakaunganidza vadzidzi vose pamwe chete vakati, “Hazvingavi zvakanaka kwatiri kuti tirege ushumiri hweshoko raMwari kuti tishande pamatafura.
and the Twelve, having called near the multitude of the disciples, said, “It is not pleasing that we, having left the word of God, minister at tables;
3 Hama, sarudzai varume vanomwe pakati penyu vanozivikanwa kuti vakazadzwa noMweya nouchenjeri. Isu tichaisa basa iri kwavari,
look out, therefore, brothers, seven men of you who are testified well of, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may set over this necessity,
4 uye ticharamba tiri pakunyengetera napaushumiri hweshoko.”
and we to prayer, and to the ministry of the word, will give ourselves continually.”
5 Shoko iri rakafadza boka rose. Vakasarudza Sitefani, murume akanga azere nokutenda uye noMweya Mutsvene; uyezve Firipi, Pirokorasi, Nikano, Timoni, Pamenasi, naNikorasi aibva kuAndioki, akanga akatendeukira kuchitendero chechiJudha.
And the thing was pleasing before all the multitude, and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolaus, a proselyte of Antioch,
6 Vakaisa varume ava kuvapostori, ivo vakavanyengeterera vakaisa maoko pamusoro pavo.
whom they set before the apostles, and they, having prayed, laid [their] hands on them.
7 Saka shoko raMwari rakapararira. Vadzidzi vakawanda kwazvo paJerusarema, uye boka guru ravaprista rakagamuchira kutenda.
And the word of God increased, and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem exceedingly; a great multitude of the priests were also obedient to the faith.
8 Zvino Sitefani, murume akanga azere nenyasha dzaMwari nesimba, akaita zvishamiso zvikuru nezviratidzo pakati pavanhu.
And Stephen, full of faith and power, was doing great wonders and signs among the people,
9 Kusapindirana kwakamuka, kuchibva kunhengo dzeSinagoge reVokusununguka (ndiro raiva zita ravo), vaJudha vokuSairini nevokuArekizandiria pamwe chete namatunhu eKirikia neEzhia. Varume ava vakatanga kukakavadzana naSitefani,
and there arose certain of those of the synagogue, the [one] called Libertines (and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of those from Cilicia, and Asia), disputing with Stephen,
10 asi havana kugona kukunda uchenjeri hwake kana Mweya waaitaura nawo.
and they were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking;
11 Ipapo vakakurudzira vamwe varume muchivande kuti vati, “Tanzwa Sitefani achitaura mashoko okumhura Mozisi naMwari.”
then they suborned men, saying, “We have heard him speaking slanderous sayings in regard to Moses and God.”
12 Nokudaro vakamutsa mwoyo yavanhu navakuru uye navadzidzisi vomurayiro. Vakabata Sitefani vakamuuyisa pamberi peDare Guru.
They also stirred up the people, and the elders, and the scribes, and having come on [him], they caught him, and brought [him] to the Sanhedrin;
13 Vakabudisa zvapupu zvenhema, zvikati, “Munhu uyu haamboregi kutaura zvakaipa pamusoro penzvimbo tsvene ino uye napamusoro pomurayiro.
they also set up false witnesses, saying, “This one does not cease to speak evil sayings against this holy place and the Law,
14 Nokuti takamunzwa achiti Jesu uyu weNazareta achaparadza nzvimbo ino uye agoshandura tsika dzatakapiwa naMozisi.”
for we have heard him saying that this Jesus the Nazarean will overthrow this place, and will change the customs that Moses delivered to us”;
15 Vose vakanga vagere muDare Guru vakatarisisa Sitefani vakaona kuti chiso chake chakanga chaita sechiso chomutumwa.
and gazing at him, all those sitting in the Sanhedrin saw his face as it were the face of a messenger.

< Mabasa 6 >