< Mabasa 2 >
1 Zuva rePendekosti rakati rasvika, vakanga vakaungana vose panzvimbo imwe chete.
And when the days of pentecost were fully come, while they were all assembled together,
2 Pakarepo kutinhira sokwemhepo inovhuvhuta nesimba kwakabva kudenga kukazadza imba yose yavakanga vagere.
suddenly there was a sound from heaven, as of a violent wind; and the whole house where they were sitting was filled with it.
3 Vakaona zvakanga zvakaita sendimi dzomoto dzakaparadzana uye dzakamhara pamusoro pomumwe nomumwe wavo.
And there appeared to them tongues, which were divided like flame; and they rested upon each of them.
4 Vose vakazadzwa noMweya Mutsvene vakatanga kutaura nedzimwe ndimi sokupiwa kwavakaitwa noMweya.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in diverse languages, as the Spirit gave them to speak.
5 Zvino muJerusarema maigara vaJudha vaitya Mwari vaibva kundudzi dzose pasi pedenga.
Now there were resident at Jerusalem persons who feared God, Jews from all the nations under heaven.
6 Vakati vanzwa kutinhira uyu, vazhinji vakaungana pamwe chete vachishamiswa, nokuti mumwe nomumwe akavanzwa vachitaura norurimi rwake chairwo.
And when that sound occurred, all the people collected together; and they were agitated, because they every one heard them speaking in their own languages.
7 Vakashamiswa kwazvo, vakabvunzana vachiti, “Ko, vanhu ava vose havasi vaGarirea here vari kutaura?
And they were all astonished, and wondered, saying one to another: All these who speak behold, are they not Galileans?
8 Zvino seiko mumwe nomumwe wedu achivanzwa nomutauro waakaberekwa nawo?
And how do we hear, each his own language, in which we were born?
9 VaPatio, vaMedhia navaEramu; navanogara kuMesopotamia, Judhea neKapadhokia, Pondasi neEzhia,
Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and those dwelling between the rivers, Jews and Cappadocians, and those from the region of Pontus and of Asia,
10 Firigia nePamufiria, Ijipiti namativi eRibhia pedyo neKureni; vaeni vanobva kuRoma
and those from the region of Phrygia, and of Pamphylia, and of Egypt, and of the parts of Lybia near Cyrene, and those who have come from Rome, Jews and proselytes;
11 (zvose vaJudha navakatendeukira kuchiJudha); vaKirete navaArabhu, tinovanzwa vachitaura zvishamiso zvaMwari nendimi dzedu chaidzo!”
and those from Crete, and Arabians. Lo, we hear them speak in our own languages the wonders of God.
12 Vakakatyamara uye vakakanganisika, vakabvunzana vachiti, “Zvinoreveiko izvi?”
And they all wondered and were astonished, saying one to another: From whom is this thing?
13 Kunyange zvakadaro, vamwe vakavaseka vakati, “Vanwa waini yakawanda.”
Others however ridiculed them, saying: They have drunken new wine, and are intoxicated.
14 Ipapo Petro akamira pamwe chete navane gumi nomumwe, akadanidzira kuvanhu vazhinji achiti, “Hama imi vaJudha nemi mose mugere muJerusarema, regai ndikutsanangurirei chinhu ichi; nyatsoteererai mashoko angu.
And afterwards Simon Cephas rose up, with the eleven legates, and elevated his voice, and said to them: Men, Jews, and all ye that reside at Jerusalem; be this known to you, and hearken ye to my words.
15 Vanhu ava havana kudhakwa sezvamunofungidzira zvaichiri nguva yepfumbamwe mangwanani kudai!
For these are not intoxicated, as ye suppose: for lo, it is yet but the third hour.
16 Kwete, izvi ndizvo zvakataurwa nomuprofita Joere achiti,
But this is what was spoken by Joel the prophet:
17 “‘Mumazuva okupedzisira,’ ndizvo zvinotaura Mwari, ‘ndichadurura Mweya wangu pamusoro pavanhu vose. Vanakomana navanasikana venyu vachaprofita, majaya enyu achaona zviratidzo, vatana venyu vacharota hope.
It shall be in the last days, saith God, that I will pour my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons shall prophesy, and your daughters and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.
18 Kunyange napamusoro pavaranda vangu, zvose varume navakadzi, ndichadurura Mweya wangu mumazuva iwayo, uye vachaprofita.
And upon: my servants and my handmaids will I pour my Spirit, in those days, and they shall prophesy.
19 Ndicharatidza zvishamiso kudenga kumusoro, nezviratidzo panyika pasi, ropa nomoto uye nemhute youtsi.
And I will give signs in heaven, and prodigies on earth, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.
20 Zuva richashanduka rikava rima, uye mwedzi uchashanduka ukava ropa, zuva guru raShe uye rinobwinya risati rasvika.
And the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and fearful day of the Lord come.
21 Uye ani naani anodana kuzita raShe achaponeswa.’
And it shall be, that whoever will call on the name of the Lord, shall live.
22 “Imi vaIsraeri, teererai izvi: Jesu weNazareta akanga ari murume akaratidzwa kwamuri naMwari namabasa esimba, nezvishamiso uye nezviratidzo, zvakaitwa naMwari pakati penyu kubudikidza naye, sezvamunoziva imi pachenyu.
Men, sons of Israel, hear ye these words: Jesus the Nazarean, a man made manifest among you by God, by those deeds of power and prodigies which God wrought among you by his hand, as ye yourselves know;
23 Murume uyu akaiswa mumaoko enyu nourongwa uye nokuziva zviri mberi kwaMwari; uye imi, mukamuroverera pamuchinjikwa muchibatsirwa navanhu vakaipa.
him, being hereto appointed by the prescience and the good pleasure of God, ye have delivered into the hands of the wicked; and have crucified and slain.
24 Asi Mwari akamumutsa kubva kuvakafa, akamusunungura kubva pakurwadza kworufu, nokuti zvakanga zvisingagoni kuti rufu rumubate.
But God hath resuscitated him, and hath loosed the cords of the grave; because it could not be, that he should be held in the grave.
25 Dhavhidhi akataura nezvake achiti: “‘Ndakaona Ishe mberi kwangu nguva dzose. Nokuti ari kuruoko rwangu rworudyi, handingatongozungunuswi.
For David said of him: I foresaw my Lord at all times; for he is on my right hand, so that I shall not be moved.
26 Naizvozvo mwoyo wangu unofara uye rurimi rwangu runofarisisa; uyezve muviri wangu uchararama netariro,
Therefore my heart doth rejoice, and my glory exult, and also my body shall abide in hope.
27 nokuti imi hamuzondisiyi muguva, uye hamungaregi Mutsvene wenyu achiona kuora. (Hadēs )
For thou wilt not leave my soul in the grave, nor wilt thou give thy pious one to see corruption. (Hadēs )
28 Makandizivisa nzira dzoupenyu; muchandizadza nomufaro pamberi penyu.’
Thou hast revealed to me the path of life; thou wilt fill me with joy with thy presence.
29 “Hama, ndingakuudzai ndiine chokwadi kuti tateguru wedu Dhavhidhi akafa akavigwa, uye guva rake richiri pano kusvikira nhasi.
Men, brethren, I may speak to you explicitly of the patriarch David, that he died, and also was buried; and his sepulchre is with us to this day.
30 Asi akanga ari muprofita uye aiziva kuti Mwari akanga amuvimbisa nemhiko kuti aizogadza mumwe wezvizvarwa zvake pachigaro choushe.
For he was a prophet, and he knew, that God had sworn to him by an oath: Of the fruit of thy bowels, I will seat one on thy throne.
31 Achiona zviri mberi, akataura nezvokumuka kwaKristu, kuti akanga asina kusiyiwa muguva, uye muviri wake hauna kuona kuora. (Hadēs )
And he foresaw, and spoke of the resurrection of Messiah, that he was not left in the grave, neither did his body see corruption. (Hadēs )
32 Mwari akamutsa Jesu uyu kubva kuvakafa, uye isu tose tiri zvapupu zvacho.
This Jesus hath God resuscitated; and we all are his witnesses.
33 Akasimudzirwa kuruoko rworudyi rwaMwari, akagamuchira kubva kuna Baba chipikirwa choMweya Mutsvene uye akadurura izvi zvamuri kuona nokunzwa iye zvino.
And he it is, who is exalted by the right hand of God, and hath received from the Father a promise respecting the Holy Spirit, and hath sent this gift which, lo, ye see and hear.
34 Nokuti Dhavhidhi haana kukwira kudenga, asi iye akati: “‘Ishe akati kuna She wangu: “Gara kuruoko rwangu rworudyi
For David hath not ascended into heaven; because he himself said: The Lord said to my Lord, seat thyself at my right hand,
35 kusvikira ndaita kuti vavengi vako vave chitsiko chetsoka dzako.”’
until I shall place thy enemies a footstool to thy feet.
36 “Naizvozvo vaIsraeri vose ngavazive izvi: Jesu uyu, wamakaroverera pamuchinjikwa, Mwari akamuita Ishe naKristu.”
Therefore, let all the house of Israel know, assuredly, that God hath made that Jesus whom ye crucified, to be Lord and Messiah.
37 Vanhu vakati vachinzwa izvozvo, vakabayiwa pamwoyo vakati kuna Petro navamwe vapostori, “Hama, tichaiteiko?”
And when they heard these things, they were agitated in their heart; and they said to Simon and to the rest of the legates: Brethren, what shall we do?
38 Petro akapindura akati, “Tendeukai mubhabhatidzwe, mumwe nomumwe wenyu, muzita raJesu Kristu kuti muregererwe zvivi zvenyu, uye mugogamuchira chipo choMweya Mutsvene.
Simon said to them: Repent, and be baptized every one of you, in the name of the Lord Jesus, for the remission of sins; so that ye may receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
39 Chipikirwa ndechenyu navana venyu navose vari kure, navose vachazodanwa naShe Mwari wedu.”
For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all those afar off whom God will call.
40 Akavayambira namamwe mashoko mazhinji; uye akavakumbirisa achiti, “Muzviponese parudzi urwu rwakaora.”
And in many other words he testified to them, and entreated of them, saying: Live ye from this perverse generation.
41 Avo vakagamuchira shoko rake vakabhabhatidzwa, uye pazuva iro, vanhu vanenge zviuru zvitatu vakawedzerwa pauwandu hwavo.
And some of them readily received his discourse, and believed, and were baptized. And there were added, on that day, about three thousand souls.
42 Vakazvipira pakudzidzisa kwavapostori napakuwadzana, pakumedura chingwa uye napakunyengetera.
And they persevered in the doctrine of the legates; and were associated together in prayer, and in breaking the eucharist.
43 Vanhu vose vakabatwa nokutya, uye zvishamiso zvizhinji nezviratidzo zvakaitwa navapostori.
And fear was on every mind: and many signs and prodigies were wrought by the hand of the legates in Jerusalem.
44 Vatendi vose vaiva pamwe chete uye vakagoverana zvinhu zvose.
And all they who believed, were together; and whatever belonged to them, was of the community.
45 Vachitengesa zvavaiva nazvo nenhumbi dzavo, vakapa kuna ani naani aishayiwa.
And they who had a possession, sold it, and divided to each one as he had need.
46 Mazuva ose vairamba vachiungana pamwe chete mutemberi. Vaimedura chingwa mudzimba dzavo uye vachidya pamwe chete nomufaro uye nomwoyo wakanaka,
And they continued daily in the temple, with one soul: and at home, they broke bread and took food rejoicing, and in the simplicity of their heart.
47 vachirumbidza Mwari uye vachidikanwa navanhu vose. Uye Ishe akawedzera pauwandu hwavo zuva rimwe nerimwe avo vakanga vachiponeswa.
And they praised God, and had favor with all the people. And our Lord added daily to the assembly those who became alive.