< Mabasa 14 >
1 PaIkoniamu Pauro naBhanabhasi vakasvikopinda musinagoge ravaJudha sezvavaisiita nguva dzose. Imomo vakataura zvinobata mwoyo kwazvo zvokuti vaJudha vazhinji neveDzimwe Ndudzi vakatenda.
The same thing occurred in Iconium, where Paul and Barnabas went into the Jewish synagogue, and spoke in such a way that a great number of both Jews and Greeks believed in Christ.
2 Asi vaJudha vakaramba kutenda vakamutsa mwoyo yeveDzimwe Ndudzi uye vakavakanganisa pfungwa dzavo kuti vavenge hama.
But the Jews who refused to believe stirred up the Gentiles, and poisoned their minds against the Lord’s followers.
3 Saka Pauro naBhanabhasi vakapedza nguva refu varipo, vachitaura zvaIshe vasingatyi, iye akasimbisa shoko renyasha dzake nokuvagonesa kuita zviratidzo nezvishamiso.
Therefore Paul and Barnabas spent a long time there, and spoke out fearlessly, relying on the Lord, who confirmed the message of his love by permitting signs and wonders to take place at their hands.
4 Vanhu vomuguta vakapesana; vamwe vakatsigira vaJudha, vamwewo vakatsigira vapostori.
But the townspeople were divided, some siding with the Jews, some with the apostles;
5 VeDzimwe Ndudzi navaJudha, pamwe chete navatungamiri vavo vakarangana kuvaitira zvakaipa nokuvataka namabwe.
and, when there was an attempt on the part of both Gentiles and Jews, with their leaders, to resort to violence and to stone them,
6 Asi vakazviziva vakabva vatizira kuRistira neDhebhe maguta avaRikonia nokudunhu rose rakanga rakapoteredza,
the apostles heard of it, and took refuge in Lystra and Derbe, towns in Lycaonia, and in the district around,
7 uko kwavakaramba vachiparidza vhangeri.
and there they continued to tell the good news.
8 MuRistira maigara mumwe murume akanga ari mhetamakumbo, akanga ari chirema kubva pakuberekwa kwake uye akanga asina kumbofamba.
In the streets of Lystra there used to sit a man who had no power in his feet; he had been lame from his birth, and had never walked.
9 Akateerera Pauro paakanga achitaura. Pauro akamutarisisa, akaona kuti akanga ano kutenda kuti angaporeswa
This man was listening to Paul speaking, when Paul, looking intently at him, and seeing that he had the faith to be healed,
10 akadanidzira akati, “Simuka netsoka dzako!” Ipapo, murume akakwakuka akatanga kufamba.
said loudly, “Stand upright on your feet.” The man leaped up, and began walking about,
11 Vazhinji vakati vaona zvakanga zvaitwa naPauro, vakadanidzira norurimi rwechiRikonia vachiti, “Vamwari vaburuka kwatiri muchimiro chavanhu!”
and the crowd, seeing what Paul had done, called out in the Lycaonian language, “The Gods have come down to us in human form.”
12 Bhanabhasi vakamutumidza kuti Zeusi, uye Pauro vakamutumidza kuti Herimesi nokuti ndiye aiva mutauri mukuru.
So they called Barnabas ‘Zeus,’ and Paul ‘Hermes,’ because he took the lead in speaking;
13 Muprista waZeusi aiva netemberi yake yakanga iri kunze kweguta, akauya nehando namaruva kumasuo eguta nokuti iye navanhu vazhinji vaida kupa zvibayiro kwavari.
and the priest of Zeus-beyond-the-Walls, accompanied by the crowd, brought bullocks and garlands to the gates, with the intention of offering sacrifices.
14 Asi vapostori Bhanabhasi naPauro vakati vazvinzwa, vakabvarura nguo dzavo vakamhanyira mukati moruzhinji, vakadanidzira vachiti,
But, when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of it, they tore their clothes and rushed out into the crowd. “Friends, why are you doing this?” they shouted.
15 “Varume, munoitireiko izvi? Isuwo tiri vanhu semi, vanhuwo zvavo semi. Tinokuparidzirai mashoko akanaka, tichikuudzai kuti mubve pazvinhu izvi zvisina maturo mudzokere kuna Mwari mupenyu, akaita denga nenyika negungwa nezvinhu zvose zviri mukati mazvo.
“We are only people like yourselves, and we have come with the good news that you should turn away from these follies to a living God, who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything that is in them.
16 Panguva dzakapfuura, akarega hake ndudzi dzose dzichifamba nenzira dzadzo.
In bygone times he permitted all the nations to go their own ways.
17 Asi haana kusiya pasina zvingamupupurira: Akakuitirai tsitsi nokukupai mvura inobva kudenga nezvirimwa nenguva yazvo; akakupai zvokudya zvakawanda uye akazadza mwoyo yenyu nomufaro.”
Yet he has not failed to give you, in the good he does, some revelation of himself – sending you from heaven rain and fruitful seasons, and gladdening your hearts with plenty and good cheer.”
18 Kunyange namashoko iwaya, zvakanga zvakaoma chose kuti vadzivise vanhu vazhinji ava kuti varege kuvabayira.
Even with this appeal they could hardly restrain the people from offering sacrifice to them.
19 Ipapo vamwe vaJudha vaibva kuAndioki nokuIkoniamu vakauya vakasvikopindura mwoyo yavanhu vazhinji ava. Vakataka Pauro namabwe ndokumuzvuzvurudzira kunze kweguta, vachifunga kuti afa.
Presently, however, there came some Jews from Antioch, and Iconium who, after they had won over the people, stoned Paul, and dragged him out of the town, thinking him to be dead.
20 Asi shure kwokunge vadzidzi vaungana vakamukomba, akamuka akadzokera muguta zvakare. Zuva rakatevera akaenda naBhanabhasi kuDhebhe.
But, when the disciples had gathered around him, he got up and went back into the town; the next day he went with Barnabas to Derbe.
21 Vakaparidza mashoko akanaka muguta iroro vakawana vadzidzi vazhinji kwazvo. Ipapo vakadzokera kuRistira, Ikoniamu nokuAndioki,
After telling the good news throughout that town, and making a number of converts, they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch,
22 vachisimbisa vadzidzi nokuvakurudzira kuti varambe vari pakutenda. Vakati, “Tinofanira kutambudzika kuti tipinde muumambo hwaMwari.”
reassuring the minds of the disciples, urging them to remain true to the faith, and showing that it is only through many troubles that we can enter the kingdom of God.
23 Pauro naBhanabhasi vakagadza vatungamiri mukereke imwe neimwe uye nokunyengetera nokutsanya, vakavakumikidza kuna She, uyo wavaivimba naye.
They also appointed elders for them in every church, and, after prayer and fasting, commended them to the Lord in whom they had learned to believe.
24 Shure kwokupinda kwavo nomuPisidhia, vakasvika muPamufiria,
Paul and Barnabas then went through Pisidia, and came into Pamphylia,
25 uye vakati vaparidza shoko muPega, vakadzika vakaenda kuAtaria.
and, after telling the message at Perga, went down to Attaleia.
26 Kubva paAtaria vakakwira chikepe vakadzokera kuAndioki, kuya kwavakanga vakumikidzwa kunyasha dzaMwari pabasa ravakanga vapedza zvino.
From there they sailed to Antioch – the place where they had been committed to the gracious care of God for the work which they had now finished.
27 Vakati vasvika ikoko, vakaunganidza kereke pamwe chete vakavarondedzera zvose zvakanga zvaitwa naMwari kubudikidza navo uye kuti akanga avazarurira sei mukova wokutenda kune veDzimwe Ndudzi.
After their arrival, they gathered the church together, and gave an account of all that God had helped them to do, and especially how he had opened to the Gentiles the door of faith;
28 Uye vakagara navadzidzi ipapo kwenguva refu.
and at Antioch they stayed with the disciples for a considerable time.