< 2 Samueri 5 >

1 Marudzi ose avaIsraeri akauya kuna Dhavhidhi paHebhuroni akati, “Tiri nyama yenyu neropa renyu.
Then all the tribes of Israel came to David in Hebron and said, Truly, we are your bone and your flesh.
2 Panguva yakapfuura, Sauro paakanga ari mambo wedu, ndimi maitungamirira vaIsraeri kuhondo dzavo. Uye Jehovha akati kwamuri, ‘Uchafudza vanhu vangu Israeri, ugova mutongi wavo.’”
In the past when Saul was king over us, it was you who went at the head of Israel when they went out or came in: and the Lord said to you, You are to be the keeper of my people Israel and their ruler.
3 Vakuru vose veIsraeri vakati vauya kuna Dhavhidhi paHebhuroni, mambo akaita sungano navo paHebhuroni pamberi paJehovha, uye vakazodza Dhavhidhi kuti ave mambo weIsraeri.
So all the responsible men of Israel came to the king at Hebron; and King David made an agreement with them in Hebron before the Lord: and they put the holy oil on David and made him king over Israel.
4 Dhavhidhi akanga ava namakore makumi matatu paakava mambo, uye akatonga kwamakore makumi mana.
David was thirty years old when he became king, and he was king for forty years,
5 MuHebhuroni akatonga Judha kwamakore manomwe nemwedzi mitanhatu, uye muJerusarema akatonga Israeri yose neJudha kwamakore makumi matatu namatatu.
Ruling over Judah in Hebron for seven years and six months, and in Jerusalem, over all Israel and Judah, for thirty-three years.
6 Mambo navanhu vakafamba vachienda kuJerusarema kundorwisa vaJebhusi, vaigarako. VaJebhusi vakati kuna Dhavhidhi, “Haungapindi muno; kunyange mapofu kana zvirema vanokwanisa kukudzinga.” Vakafunga pachavo vachiti, “Dhavhidhi haambokwanisi kupinda muno.”
And the king and his men went to Jerusalem against the Jebusites, the people of the land: and they said to David, You will not come in here, but the blind and the feeble-footed will keep you out; for they said, David will not be able to come in here.
7 Kunyange zvakadaro, Dhavhidhi akakunda nhare yeZioni, Guta raDhavhidhi.
But David took the strong place of Zion, which is the town of David.
8 Pazuva iro, Dhavhidhi akati, “Wose anoda kukunda vaJebhusi ngaatange apinda nomugero wemvura kuti asvike pane ‘zvirema namapofu’ vanova ndivo vavengi vaDhavhidhi.” Ndokusaka zvichinzi, “‘Mapofu nezvirema’ vasapinda muimba yaMambo.”
And that day David said, Whoever makes an attack on the Jebusites, let him go up by the water-pipe, and put to death all the blind and feeble-footed who are hated by David. And this is why they say, The blind and feeble-footed may not come into the house.
9 Dhavhidhi akagara munhare uye akaitumidza kuti Guta raDhavhidhi. Akavaka nzvimbo yose yakaipoteredza, kubva panheyo dzaitsigira rusvingo zvichipinda mukati.
So David took the strong tower for his living-place, naming it the town of David. And David took in hand the building of the town all round, starting from the Millo.
10 Simba rake rakaramba richiwedzerwa, nokuti Jehovha Mwari Wamasimba Ose aiva naye.
And David became greater and greater; for the Lord, the God of armies, was with him.
11 Zvino Hiramu mambo weTire akatuma nhume kuna Dhavhidhi, namatanda omusidhari, navavezi navavaki vanoshandisa matombo uye vakavakira Dhavhidhi muzinda.
And Hiram, king of Tyre, sent men to David, with cedar-trees and woodworkers and stoneworkers: and they made David a house.
12 Dhavhidhi akaziva kuti Jehovha akanga amusimbisa samambo weIsraeri uye akanga asimudzira umambo hwake nokuda kwavanhu vake Israeri.
And David saw that the Lord had made his position safe as king over Israel, and that he had made his kingdom great because of his people Israel.
13 Mushure mokunge abva paHebhuroni, Dhavhidhi akazvitorera vamwe varongo navakadzi muJerusarema, uye akaberekerwa vamwe vanakomana navanasikana.
And David took more women and wives in Jerusalem, after he had come from Hebron: and he had more sons and daughters.
14 Aya ndiwo mazita avana vaakaberekerwa ikoko: Shobhabhi, Natani, Soromoni,
These are the names of those whose birth took place in Jerusalem: Shammua and Shobab and Nathan and Solomon
15 Ibhari, Erishua, Shamua, Nefegi, Jafia,
And Ibhar and Elishua and Nepheg and Japhia
16 Erishama, Eriadha naErifereti.
And Elishama and Eliada and Eliphelet.
17 VaFiristia vakati vanzwa kuti Dhavhidhi azodzwa kuti ave mambo weIsraeri, vakakwidza vose kundomutsvaka, asi Dhavhidhi akazvinzwa ndokubva aburukira kunhare.
And when the Philistines had news that David had been made king over Israel, they all went up in search of David; and David, hearing of it, went down to the strong place.
18 Zvino vaFiristia vakanga vauya vakapararira muMupata weRefaimi.
And when the Philistines came, they went in every direction in the valley of Rephaim.
19 Saka Dhavhidhi akabvunza Jehovha akati, “Ndoenda here kundorwisa vaFiristia? Ko, muchavaisa mumaoko angu here?” Jehovha akamupindura akati, “Enda, nokuti zvirokwazvo ndichaisa vaFiristia mumaoko ako.”
And David, desiring directions from the Lord, said, Am I to go up against the Philistines? will you give them up into my hands? And the Lord said, Go up, for I will certainly give up the Philistines into your hands.
20 Naizvozvo Dhavhidhi akaenda kuBhaari Perazimu, uye ikoko akavakunda. Akati, “Sokupaza kunoita mvura, Jehovha apaza vavengi vangu pamberi pangu.” Naizvozvo nzvimbo iyo yakanzi Bhaari Perazimu.
And David went to Baal-perazim, and overcame them there; and he said, The Lord has let the forces fighting against me be broken before me as a wall is broken by rushing waters. So that place was named Baal-perazim.
21 VaFiristia vakasiya zvifananidzo zvavo ipapo, Dhavhidhi navanhu vake vakazvitakura vakaenda nazvo.
And the Philistines, when they went in flight, did not take their images with them, and David and his men took them away.
22 VaFiristia vakadzokazve uye vakapararira muMupata weRefaimi;
And the Philistines came up again, and went in every direction in the valley of Rephaim.
23 saka Dhavhidhi akabvunza Jehovha, akapindura akati, “Musakwidza makavananga, asi potererai nokumashure kwavo mugovarwisa mberi kwemiti yemibharisamu.
And when David went for directions to the Lord, he said, You are not to go up against them in front; but make a circle round them from the back and come on them opposite the spice-trees.
24 Pamunongonzwa ruzha rwokufamba kwavanhu pamusoro pemiti yemibharisamu, mubve mafamba nokukurumidza, nokuti zvichareva kuti Jehovha aenda mberi kwenyu kuti aparadze hondo yavaFiristia.”
Then at the sound of footsteps in the tops of the trees, go forward quickly, for the Lord has gone out before you to overcome the army of the Philistines.
25 Naizvozvo Dhavhidhi akaita sezvaakanga arayirwa naJehovha, uye akaparadza vaFiristia kubva paGibheoni kusvika kuGezeri.
And David did as the Lord had said; and he overcame the Philistines, attacking them from Gibeon to near Gezer.

< 2 Samueri 5 >