< 2 Samueri 17 >

1 Ahitoferi akati kuna Abhusaromu, “Regai ndisarudze varume zviuru gumi nezviviri ndigosimuka usiku huno nditevere Dhavhidhi.
Ahithophel said to Absalom, “Let me choose twelve thousand men and set off in pursuit of David tonight.
2 Uye ndichamurwisa achakaneta uye asina simba. Ndichamutyisidzira, uye ipapo vanhu vose vaanavo vachatiza. Ndichauraya mambo chete.
I'll attack him while he is tired and weak. I'll catch him by surprise and all his men will run away. I'll only kill the king
3 Ndichadzosera vanhu vose kwamuri. Kufa kwomunhu wamunotsvaka kuchareva kudzoka kwavose; ipapo vanhu vose vachava norugare.”
and bring everybody else back to you. When everybody returns apart from the one man you're after, the whole country will be at peace.”
4 Shoko iri rakafadza Abhusaromu navakuru vose veIsraeri.
This plan looked good to Absalom and to all the elders of Israel.
5 Asi Abhusaromu akati, “Danaiwo Hushai muAriki, kuti tigonzwa kuti anoti kudii.”
But then Absalom said, “Call in Hushai the Archite too, and let's hear what he's got to say as well.”
6 Hushai akati asvika kwaari, Abhusaromu akati, “Ahitoferi apa zano iri. Toita zvaareva here? Kana zvisizvo, tipewo pfungwa yako.”
When Hushai came in, Absalom, asked him, “Ahithophel has recommended this plan. Should we go ahead with it? If not, what's your suggestion?”
7 Hushai akapindura Abhusaromu akati, “Zano ramapiwa naAhitoferi harina kunaka panguva ino.
“For once Ahithophel's advice isn't good,” Hushai replied.
8 Munoziva baba venyu navanhu vavo; varwi, uye vanotyisa kunge bere rabvutirwa vana varo. Pamusoro pezvo, baba venyu murwi ano ruzivo; havangavati namauto usiku.
“You know what your father and his men are like. They're great fighters, and now they're as furious as a she-bear robbed of her cubs. In any case, your father is experienced in military tactics, and he won't spend the night with his men.
9 Kunyange izvozvi vakavanda mubako kana pane imwe nzvimbo. Kana vakatanga kurwa navarwi venyu, ani naani anonzwa nezvazvo achati, ‘Pakati pavarwi vanotevera Abhusaromu paurayiwa vanhu.’
Right now he's holed up in a cave or some place like that. If he attacks first and some of your men are killed, people who hear about it will say, ‘Absalom's men are being slaughtered.’
10 Ipapo kunyange murwi akashinga kwazvo, ane mwoyo wakaita soweshumba, achati rukutu nokutya, nokuti vaIsraeri vose vanoziva kuti baba venyu murwi uye kuti vose vavanavo vakashinga.
Then even the bravest soldier who has the heart of a lion will be scared to death, because everyone in Israel knows that your father is a powerful man who has brave men with him.
11 “Saka zano rangu nderiri: VaIsraeri vose, kubva kuDhani kusvikira kuBheerishebha, vakawanda sejecha rokumhenderekedzo dzegungwa, ngavaungane kwamuri, iyemi pachenyu muchivatungamirira kundorwa.
My recommendation is that you call up the entire Israelite army from Dan to Beersheba—an army as numerous as the sand on the seashore! Once they've assembled, then you yourself lead them into battle!
12 Ipapo tichavarwisa kwose kwavanenge vari, uye tichawira paari sedova rinowira pasi. Hakuna kana mumwe wavo zvake achasara ari mupenyu.
Then we'll attack David wherever he is, and we'll fall on him as dew falls on the ground. Neither he nor a single one of all the men with him will be left alive!
13 Kana akadzokera muguta, ipapo vaIsraeri vose vachauya namabote kuguta iroro, uye ticharizvuzvurudzira pasi kumupata kusvikira pasisina kunyange nechimedu charo chingawanikwa.”
If he tries to find protection in a town, all of Israel will bring ropes to that town, and we will pull it down into the valley so that not even a stone will be left.”
14 Abhusaromu navarume vose veIsraeri vakati, “Zano raHushai muAriki riri nani pane raAhitoferi.” Nokuti Jehovha aida kukonesa zano rakanaka raAhitoferi kuitira kuti auyise njodzi pamusoro paAbhusaromu.
Absalom and all the Israelite leaders said, “Hushai the Arkite's advice is better than Ahithophel's.” For the Lord had decided to block Ahithophel's good advice in order that he might bring disaster on Absalom.
15 Ipapo Hushai akati kuna Zadhoki naAbhiatari, vaprista, “Ahitoferi arayira Abhusaromu navakuru veIsraeri kuti vaite ichi nechocho.
Hushai spoke to Zadok and Abiathar, the priests, and told them, “Ahithophel has advised Absalom and the Israelite leaders to act in one way, but I have advised them to act in this different way.
16 Zvino chituma shoko nokukurumidza uye uudze Dhavhidhi kuti, ‘Musavata pamazambuko omurenje usiku huno; yambukai musamborega, nokuti mambo navanhu vose vaanavo vangamedzwa.’”
So send a message quickly to David and tell him, ‘Don't wait and spend the night at the fords of the wilderness, but cross over immediately or the king and everybody with him will be destroyed.’”
17 Jonatani naAhimaazi vakanga vachigara paEni Rogeri uye mumwe murandakadzi ndiye aifanira kundovazivisa, uye ivo vachienda kundoudza Mambo Dhavhidhi, nokuti havazaifanira kuonekwa vachipinda muguta.
Jonathan and Ahimaaz were staying at En-rogel because they couldn't be seen entering the city. A servant girl would come and tell them what was happening. Then they would go and let King David know.
18 Asi mumwe mujaya akavaona ndokubva andoudza Abhusaromu. Saka vaviri ava vakabva nokukurumidza vakaenda kumba yomumwe murume aiva muBhahurimi. Akanga ane tsime muruvazhe, uye vakapinda mariri.
But a boy did see them and he told Absalom. So the two left immediately and went to the house of a man in the town of Bahurim. He had a well in his courtyard, and they climbed into it.
19 Mukadzi wake akatora chifukidzo akachiwaridza pamusoro pomuromo wetsime uye akayanika zviyo pamusoro pacho. Hakuna akaziva chinhu pamusoro pazvo.
His wife took a cloth to cover the well and spread it out over the opening and then scattered grain over it. No one knew the men were there.
20 Varume vokwaAbhusaromu vakati vasvika kumukadzi akanga ari pamba, vakabvunza vakati, “VanaAhimaazi naJonatani varipi?” Mukadzi akati kwavari, “Vayambuka rukova.” Varume vakatsvaka asi havana munhu wavakawana, saka vakadzokera kuJerusarema.
When Absalom's officers arrived they asked the woman, “Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?” “They crossed over the stream,” she replied. The men searched for them but didn't find them, so they went back to Jerusalem.
21 Shure kwokunge varume ava vaenda, vaviri vaya vakakwira vakabuda mutsime uye vakaenda kundozivisa Mambo Dhavhidhi izvozvo. Vakati kwaari, “Simukai izvozvi muyambuke rwizi urwu; Ahitoferi apa zano rokuti nerokuti pamusoro penyu.”
After Absalom's officers left, the two men climbed out of the well and rushed off to give the king their message. “Have everybody get up and cross the river right away, for Ahithophel's advice is to attack you immediately.”
22 Saka Dhavhidhi navanhu vose vakanga vanaye vakasimuka vakayambuka Jorodhani. Kuchiedza, hapana akanga asara asati ayambuka Jorodhani.
David and everybody with him got up and crossed the Jordan. By the time it got light there wasn't anybody who hadn't crossed over.
23 Ahitoferi akati aona kuti zano rake rakanga risina kutevedzwa, akaisa chigaro pambongoro yake akaenda kumba kwake muguta rokwake. Akaronga zvose zveimba yake ndokubva azvisungirira. Saka akafa uye akavigwa muhwiro rababa vake.
When Ahithophel realized that his advice had been ignored, he saddled up his donkey and left for his home in the town where he lived. He put his affairs in order and then he hanged himself. He died and was buried in his father's tomb.
24 Dhavhidhi akaenda kuMahanaimi, uye Abhusaromu akayambuka Jorodhani navarume vose veIsraeri.
David went on to Mahanaim, and Absalom crossed over the Jordan with the entire Israelite army.
25 Abhusaromu akanga agadza Amasa kuti ave mutungamiri wehondo pachinzvimbo chaJoabhu. Amasa akanga ari mwanakomana womumwe murume ainzi Jeteri, muIsraeri akanga awana Abhigairi, mwanasikana waNahashi uye ari mununʼuna waZeruya mai vaJoabhu.
Absalom had put Amasa in charge of the army to replace Joab. Amasa was the son of a man named Ithra, the Ishmaelite who lived with Abigail, the daughter of Nahash and sister of Zeruiah, Joab's mother.
26 VaIsraeri naAbhusaromu vakadzika misasa yavo munyika yeGireadhi.
The Israelites under Absalom set up camp in the land of Gilead.
27 Dhavhidhi akati asvika kuMahanaimi, Shobhi mwanakomana waNahashi aibva kuRabha ravaAmoni, naMakiri mwanakomana waAmieri weRo Dhebha, uye Bhazirai muGireadhi wokuRogerimi
When David arrived at Mahanaim, he was welcomed by Shobi, son of Nahash, from Rabbah of the Ammonites, Machir, son of Ammiel, from Lo-debar, and Barzillai the Gileadite from Rogelim.
28 vakauya nenhoo nembiya nemidziyo yevhu. Vakauyawo negorosi nebhari, upfu hwakatsetseka nezviyo zvakakangwa, nyimo nenyemba,
They brought bedding, bowls, and clay jars, as well as wheat, barley, flour, roasted grain, beans, lentils,
29 uchi namafuta, makwai uye noruomba rwaibva mumukaka wemhou, kuti Dhavhidhi navanhu vake vadye. Nokuti vakati, “Vanhu vava nenzara, vaneta uye vava nenyota murenje.”
honey, curds, sheep, and cheese made from cow's milk for David and the people with him to eat. For they said, “The people are hungry, tired, and thirsty from their time in the wilderness.”

< 2 Samueri 17 >