< 2 VaKorinde 8 >
1 Uye zvino, hama, tinoda kuti muzive pamusoro penyasha dzakapiwa naMwari kukereke dzeMasedhonia.
Now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the churches of Macedonia.
2 Pakati pokuedzwa kukuru, mufaro wavo mukuru nokushayiwa kwavo kukuru zvakaita kuti vape zvizhinji.
In the terrible ordeal they suffered, their abundant joy and deep poverty overflowed into rich generosity.
3 Nokuti ndinopupura kuti vakapa napavaigona napo, uye kunyange kutopfuura pavaigona napo. Vakaita zvose izvi nokuda kwavo,
For I testify that they gave according to their ability and even beyond it. Of their own accord,
4 vakakumbirisa kwazvo kwatiri kuti vawane mukana wokugoverana nesu muushumiri uhu kuvatsvene.
they earnestly pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints.
5 Uye havana kuita sezvataifunga bedzi, asi kuti vakazvipa ivo pachavo kutanga kuna Ishe mushure mezvo vakazvipa kwatiri maererano nokuda kwaMwari.
And not only did they do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us, because it was the will of God.
6 Saka takakumbira zvikuru Tito, kuti sezvaakanga atanga, apedzisewo basa iri renyasha kwamuri.
So we urged Titus to help complete your act of grace, just as he had started it.
7 Asi sezvamakagonesesa pazvinhu zvose, pakutenda, pakutaura, pakuziva, napakushingaira kwose uye nomurudo rwenyu, onaiwo kuti mugonesese munyasha idzi dzokupa.
But just as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness, and in the love we inspired in you —see that you also excel in this grace of giving.
8 Handisi kukurayirai, asi kuti ndinoda kuedza kutendeka kwerudo rwenyu nokukuenzanisa nokushingaira kwavamwe.
I am not making a demand, but I am testing the sincerity of your love in comparison to the earnestness of others.
9 Nokuti munoziva nyasha dzaIshe wedu Jesu Kristu, kuti kunyange zvake akanga ari mupfumi, asi nokuda kwenyu akava murombo, kuitira kuti kubudikidza nourombo hwake imi mugopfumiswa.
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.
10 Uye herino zano rangu pane zvichakubatsirai pachinhu ichi: Gore rakapera makava vokutanga kwete pakupa chete asiwo pakuva nechishuvo chokuzviita.
And this is my opinion about what is helpful for you in this matter: Last year you were the first not only to give, but even to have such a desire.
11 Zvino pedzisai basa, kuitira kuti shungu dzenyu dzokuda kuita izvi, dzienzaniswe nokuzvizadzisa kwenyu, maererano nepamunogona napo.
Now finish the work, so that you may complete it just as eagerly as you began, according to your means.
12 Nokuti kana chido chiripo, chipo chinogamuchirwa, maererano nezvine munhu, kwete maererano nezvaasina.
For if the eagerness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have.
13 Chishuvo chedu hachisi chokuti vamwe varerukirwe asi imi muchiremerwa, asi kuti pave nokuenzana.
It is not our intention that others may be relieved while you are burdened, but that there may be equality.
14 Panguva ino kuwana kwenyu kuchavawanisa zvavanoshayiwa, kuitirawo kuti kuwana kwavo kugokuwanisaiwo zvamunoshayiwa. Ipapo pachava nokuenzana,
At the present time, your surplus will meet their need, so that in turn their surplus will meet your need. Then there will be equality.
15 sezvazvakanyorwa zvichinzi: “Akaunganidza zvakawanda haana kuva nezvakawandisa, uye akaunganidza zvishoma haana kuva nezvishoma shoma.”
As it is written: “He who gathered much had no excess, and he who gathered little had no shortfall.”
16 Ndinovonga Mwari, akaisa mumwoyo maTito hanya seyandinayo kwamuri.
But thanks be to God, who put into the heart of Titus the same devotion I have for you.
17 Nokuti Tito haana kugamuchira chikumbiro chedu bedzi, asi kuti ari kuuyawo kwamuri nokushingaira kukuru uye nokuda kwake hake.
For not only did he welcome our appeal, but he is eagerly coming to you of his own volition.
18 Uye tiri kumutumira kwamuri pamwe chete nehama inorumbidzwa nekereke dzose paushumiri hwevhangeri.
Along with Titus we are sending the brother who is praised by all the churches for his work in the gospel.
19 Hazvisizvo zvoga, akasarudzwawo nekereke kuti atiperekedze pakutakura chipo chatiri kundopa, kuti tikudze Ishe pachake uye kuti tiratidze shungu dzedu dzokuda kubatsira.
More than that, this brother was chosen by the churches to accompany us with the offering —the gracious gift we administer to honor the Lord Himself and to show our eagerness to help.
20 Tinoda kuchenjerera kuti kurege kuva nomunhu angatipa mhosva pamusoro pamabatiro atichaita chipo ichi chikuru.
We hope to avoid any criticism of the way we administer this generous gift.
21 Nokuti tiri kuedza kwazvo kuita zvakanaka, kwete pamberi paShe chete asiwo pamberi penyu.
For we are taking great care to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord, but also in the eyes of men.
22 Pamusoro pezvo, tiri kutuma hama yedu pamwe chete navo uyo akaratidza kwatiri nenzira dzakawanda kuti anoshingaira, uye kunyanya iye zvino nokuda kwokuvimba kwake kukuru nemi.
And we are sending along with them our brother whose earnestness has been proven many times and in many ways, and now even more so by his great confidence in you.
23 Kana ari Tito, ndiye shamwari yangu nomubati pamwe chete neni pakati penyu; kana dziri hama dzedu, ndivo vamiririri vekereke uye kukudzwa kwaKristu.
As for Titus, he is my partner and fellow worker among you. As for our brothers, they are messengers of the churches, to the glory of Christ.
24 Naizvozvo ratidzai varume ava chiratidzo chorudo rwenyu uye chikonzero chokuzvirumbidza kwenyu, kuitira kuti kereke dzigogona kuzviona.
In full view of the churches, then, show these men the proof of your love and the reason for our boasting about you.