< 2 VaKorinde 6 >

1 Savashandi pamwe chete naMwari tinokukurudzirai kuti murege kugamuchira nyasha dzaMwari pasina.
Therefore, as God’s fellow workers, we also appeal to you not to receive his loving kindness in vain.
2 Nokuti iye anoti, “Ndakakunzwa panguva yenyasha dzangu, uye pazuva roruponeso ndakakubatsira.” Ndinokuudzai, zvino ndiyo nguva yenyasha dzaMwari, zvino ndiyo nguva yoruponeso.
For he says – ‘At the time for acceptance I listened to you, and on the day of deliverance I helped you.’ Now is the time for acceptance! Now is the day of deliverance!
3 Hatiisi chigumbuso munzira yomunhu, kuti ushumiri hwedu hurege kuzvidzwa.
Never do we put an obstacle in anyone’s way, so that no fault may be found with our ministry.
4 Asi savaranda vaMwari tinozvirumbidza pane zvakanaka munzira dzose: mukutsungirira kukuru, mumatambudziko, mukuomerwa, uye nemunhamo;
No, we are trying to commend ourselves under all circumstances, as God’s assistants should – in many an hour of endurance, in troubles, in hardships, in difficulties,
5 mukurohwa, kusungwa nomubope; mukushanda zvakaoma, mukusavata nokushayiwa zvokudya;
in floggings, in imprisonments, in riots, in toils, in sleepless nights, in hunger;
6 mukuchena, kunzwisisa, mwoyo murefu nengoni muMweya Mutsvene uye nomurudo rwechokwadi;
by purity, by knowledge, by patience, by kindliness, by holiness of spirit, by unfeigned love;
7 mushoko rechokwadi nomusimba raMwari; nenhumbi dzokurwa nadzo dzokururama kuruoko rworudyi nokuruboshwe,
by the message of truth, and by the power of God; by the weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left;
8 mukukudzwa nomukusakudzwa, muguhu rakaipa neguhu rakanaka; tiri vechokwadi, asi tichionekwa savanyengeri;
amid honor and disrepute, amid slander and praise; regarded as deceivers, yet proved to be true;
9 tinozivikanwa tichionekwa setisingazivikanwi; tinofa, asi tichiramba tichirarama, tinorohwa asi hatifi;
as unknown, yet well-known; as at death’s door, yet, see, we are living; as chastised, yet not killed;
10 savanochema, asi tichigara tichifara; savarombo, asi tichipfumisa vazhinji; setisina chinhu, asi tinazvo zvose.
as saddened, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet enriching many; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things!
11 Takataura kwamuri pachena, imi vaKorinde, uye takazarura mwoyo yedu kwamuri.
We have been speaking freely to you, dear friends in Corinth; we have opened our heart;
12 Hatisi kukunyimai rudo rwedu, asi imi munotinyima rwenyu.
there is room there for you, yet there is not room, in your love, for us.
13 Sokutsinhana kwakanaka, ndinotaura sokuvana vangu, zaruraiwo mwoyo yenyu.
Can you not in return – I appeal to you as I should to children – open your hearts to us?
14 Musasungwa zvisina kufanira pajoko rimwe chete navasingatendi. Nokuti kururama kungava noukama hweiko nokusarurama? Kana kuti chiedza chingawadzana seiko nerima?
Do not enter into inconsistent relations with those who reject the faith. For what partnership can there be between righteousness and lawlessness? Or what has light to do with darkness?
15 Ko, Kristu anganzwanana seiko naBheriari? Ko, mutendi angava nomugove weiko neasingatendi?
What harmony can there be between Christ and Belial? Or what can those who accept the faith have in common with those who reject it?
16 Ko, temberi yaMwari ingatenderana seiko nezvifananidzo? Nokuti tiri temberi yaMwari mupenyu. Sezvakarehwa naMwari, achiti, “Ndichagara pakati pavo ndigofamba navo, uye ndichava Mwari wavo, ivo vagova vanhu vangu.”
What agreement can there be between a temple of God and idols? And we are a temple of the living God. That is what God meant when he said – ‘I will live among them, and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they will be my people.
17 “‘Saka budai mubve pakati pavo uye muzvitsaure,’ ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe. ‘Musabata chinhu chine tsvina, ini ndigokugamuchirai.’”
Therefore “Come out from among the nations, and separate yourselves from them,” says the Lord, “And touch nothing impure; and I will welcome you;
18 “‘Ndichava baba venyu, uye imi muchava vanakomana vangu navanasikana vangu,’ ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Wamasimba Ose.”
and I will be a father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters,” says the Lord, the Ruler of all.’

< 2 VaKorinde 6 >