< 2 VaKorinde 10 >

1 Nounyoro nokuzvidzora kwaKristu, ndinokumbira zvikuru kwamuri, ini Pauro, “ndinotya” zvikuru kana ndichitarisana nemi chiso nechiso asi, “handityi” kana ndisipo!
Now, I, Paul, make a personal appeal to you by the meekness and gentleness of the Christ – I who, “in your presence, am humble in my bearing towards you, but, when absent, am bold in my language to you” –
2 Ndinokukumbirisai zvikuru kuti kana ndichinge ndasvika kwamuri ndirege kuzova nokushinga kwandinofanira kuva nako kuna vanhu avo vanofunga kuti tinorarama namararamiro enyika ino.
I implore you not to drive me to “show my boldness,” when I do come, by the confident tone which I expect to have to adopt towards some of you, who are expecting to find us influenced in our conduct by earthly motives.
3 Nokuti kunyange dai tichigara zvedu munyika, hatirwi hondo sezvinoita nyika ino.
For, though we live an earthly life, we do not wage an earthly war.
4 Nhumbi dzatinorwa nadzo hadzizi nhumbi dzenyika ino. Asi dzine simba raMwari rokuputsa nhare.
The weapons for our warfare are not earthly, but, under God, are powerful enough to pull down strongholds.
5 Tinoputsa kukakavara nokunyengera kwose kunozvikudza kuchipikisa kuziva Mwari, uye tinotapa mifungo yose kuti iteerere Kristu.
We are engaged in confuting arguments and pulling down every barrier raised against the knowledge of God. We are taking captive every hostile thought, to bring it into submission to the Christ,
6 Uye tichange takagadzirira kuranga kuita kwose kwokusateerera, kana kuteerera kwenyu kuchinge kwazadziswa.
and are fully prepared to punish every act of rebellion, when once your submission is complete.
7 Imi muri kungoonera zvinhu pamusoro bedzi. Kana munhu achivimba kuti iye ndowaKristu, ngaarangarirewo zvakare kuti isu tiri vaKristu sezvaakaitawo iye.
You look at the outward appearance of things! Let anyone, who is confident that he belongs to Christ, reflect, for himself, again on the fact – that we belong to Christ no less than he does.
8 Nokuti kunyange dai ndichizvirumbidza pachena pamusoro pesimba ratakapiwa naIshe rokukuvakai kwete rokukuputsirai pasi, handinganyadziswi nazvo.
Even if I boast extravagantly about our authority – which the Lord gave us for building up your faith and not for overthrowing it – still I have no reason to be ashamed.
9 Handidi kuedza kuita sendinokutyisidzirai netsamba dzangu.
I say this so that it doesn’t seem as if I am trying to overawe you by my letters.
10 Nokuti vamwe vanoti, “Tsamba dzake dzina mashoko makukutu uye dzine chisimba, asi iye pachake haatyisi uye kutaura kwake hakuna maturo.”
For people say “His letters are impressive and vigorous, but his personal appearance is insignificant and his speaking contemptible.”
11 Vanhu vakadai vanofanira kuziva kuti zvatiri mumatsamba edu kana tisipo, ndizvo zvatichava pakuita kwedu kana tavapo.
Let such a person be assured of this – that our words in our letters show us to be, when absent, just what our deeds will show us to be, when present.
12 Hatidi kuedza kuzvienzanisa kana kuzvifananidza navamwe vanozvirumbidza. Pavanozviera vachizvienzanisa naivo pachavo, havana kuchenjera.
We have not indeed the audacity to class or compare ourselves with some of those who indulge in self-commendation! But, when such persons measure themselves by themselves, and compare themselves with themselves, they show a want of wisdom.
13 Zvisinei, isu hatingazvirumbidzi kupfuura mwero wakafanira, asi tinogumisa mwero wokuzvirumbidza kwedu pabasa ratakapiwa naMwari, basa rinosvika kunyange kwamuri.
We, however, will not give way to unlimited boasting, but will confine ourselves to the limits of the sphere to which God limited us, when he permitted us to come as far as Corinth.
14 Hatizi kupfurikidza mwero pakuzvirumbidza kwedu, sezvazvaizova kana dai takanga tisina kuuya kwamuri, nokuti takasvika kwamuri nevhangeri raKristu.
For it is not the case, as it would be if we were not in the habit of coming to you, that we are exceeding our bounds! Why, we were the very first to reach you with the good news of the Christ!
15 Uyezve hatipfuuri miganhu yedu nokuzvirumbidza pamusoro pebasa rakaitwa navamwe. Tariro yedu ndeyokuti, pamunoramba muchikura pakutenda kwenyu, mashandiro edu pakati penyu achakurawo kwazvo,
Our boasting, therefore, is not unlimited, nor does it extend to the labors of others; but our hope is that, as your faith grows, our influence among you may be very greatly increased – though still confined to our sphere –
16 kuitira kuti tigoparidza vhangeri kumatunhu ari mberi kwenyu. Nokuti hatidi kuzvirumbidza nebasa rakaitwa kare munzvimbo dzavamwe vanhu.
So that we will be able to tell the good news in the districts beyond you, without trespassing on the sphere assigned to others, or boasting of what has been already done.
17 Asi, “Anozvirumbidza ngaazvirumbidze muna She.”
Let anyone who boasts make their boast of the Lord.
18 Nokuti haasi uyo anozvirumbidza achanzi akatendeka, asi uyo anorumbidzwa naShe.
For it is not those who commend themselves that stand the test, but those who are commended by the Lord.

< 2 VaKorinde 10 >