< 2 VaKorinde 1 >

1 Pauro, mupostori waKristu Jesu nokuda kwaMwari, naTimoti hama yedu, kukereke yaMwari iri muKorinde, pamwe chete navatsvene vose vari muAkaya yose:
Pavl an Apostle of JESVS Christ, by the will of God, and our brother Timotheus, to the Church of God, which is at Corinthus with all the Saints, which are in all Achaia:
2 Nyasha norugare ngazvive kwamuri zvichibva kuna Mwari Baba vedu naIshe Jesu Kristu.
Grace be with you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Iesus Christ.
3 Ngaarumbidzwe Mwari naBaba vaIshe wedu Jesu Kristu, ivo Baba vengoni naMwari wokunyaradza kwose,
Blessed be God, euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort,
4 ivo vanotinyaradza pamatambudziko edu ose, kuti tigone kunyaradza avo vari mumatambudziko nokunyaradza kwatakawana isu kubva kuna Mwari.
Which comforteth vs in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any affliction by the comfort wherewith we our selues are comforted of God.
5 Nokuti sokuwanda kunoita matambudziko aKristu muupenyu hwedu, ndiko kuwandawo kunoita kunyaradzwa kwedu naKristu.
For as the sufferings of Christ abounde in vs, so our consolation aboundeth through Christ.
6 Kana tichitambudzika, zvinoitirwa kunyaradzwa kwenyu noruponeso rwenyu, kana tichinyaradzwa, zvinoitirwa kunyaradzwa kwenyu, kunobereka mamuri kutsungirira pamatambudziko iwayo atinotambudzika nawo.
And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and saluation, which is wrought in the induring of the same sufferings, which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and saluation.
7 Uye tariro yedu kwamuri yakasimba, nokuti tinoziva kuti sezvamunogoverana nesu mumatambudziko edu, saizvozvowo muchagoverana nesu mukunyaradzwa kwedu.
And our hope is stedfast concerning you, in as much as we know that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation.
8 Hatidi kuti murege kuziva, hama, pamusoro pamatambudziko akatiwira tiri mudunhu reEzhia. Takaremerwa kwazvo, kupfuura zvatakagona kutsungirira, zvokuti takati takanga tofa.
For brethren, we woulde not haue you ignorant of our affliction, which came vnto vs in Asia, howe we were pressed out of measure passing strength, so that we altogether doubted, euen of life.
9 Zvirokwazvo mumwoyo medu takanzwa kuti takanga tatongerwa rufu. Asi izvi zvakaitika kuti tirege kuvimba nesimba redu asi naMwari, anomutsa vakafa.
Yea, we receiued the sentence of death in our selues, because we shoulde not trust in our selues, but in God, which rayseth the dead.
10 Akatidzikinura padambudziko guru rorufu rakadai, uye achatidzikinura. Paari ndipo pane tariro yedu kuti acharamba achitidzikinura,
Who deliuered vs from so great a death, and doeth deliuer vs: in whom we trust, that yet hereafter he will deliuer vs,
11 imi muchitibatsirawo neminyengetero yenyu. Ipapo vazhinji vachavonga pamusoro pedu nokuda kwenyasha zhinji dzatichapiwa pakupindurwa kweminyengetero yavazhinji.
So that ye labour together in prayer for vs, that for the gift bestowed vpon vs for many, thankes may be giuen by many persons for vs.
12 Zvino uku ndiko kuzvirumbidza kwedu: Hana dzedu dzinotipupurira: kuti takazvibata nokutendeka kunobva kuna Mwari, munyika uye kunyanya paukama hwedu nemi. Hatina kuita izvi nouchenjeri hwenyama, asi maererano nenyasha dzaMwari.
For our reioycing is this, the testimonie of our conscience, that in simplicitie and godly purenesse, and not in fleshly wisedome, but by the grace of God wee haue had our conuersation in the worlde, and most of all to you wardes.
13 Nokuti hatikunyorerei zvinhu zvamusingagoni kuverenga kana kunzwisisa. Uye ndinovimba kuti,
For wee write none other thinges vnto you, then that ye reade or els that ye acknowledge, and I trust ye shall acknowledge vnto ye end.
14 sezvamakatinzwisisa pane zvimwe, muchazosvika pakunyatsotinzwisisa zvakazara zvokuti muchazvirumbidza matiri sezvatichazvirumbidza mamuri, pazuva raIshe Jesu.
Euen as ye haue acknowledged vs partly, that we are your reioycing, euen as ye are ours, in the day of our Lord Iesus.
15 Nokuti ndaiziva chinhu ichi, ndakaronga kuti nditange kuuya kwamuri kuti mugoropafadzwa kaviri.
And in this confidence was I minded first to come vnto you, that ye might haue had a double grace,
16 Ndakaronga kukushanyirai ndiri parwendo rwangu rwokuenda kuMasedhonia, uye ndaizodzokazve nokwamuri kana ndobva kuMasedhonia, uye kuti muzondiendesa parwendo rwangu kuJudhea.
And to passe by you into Macedonia, and to come againe out of Macedonia vnto you, and to be led foorth towarde Iudea of you.
17 Pandakaronga izvi, ndakazviita ndisingarevesi here? Kana kuti ndinoita urongwa hwangu nenzira yenyama here, zvokuti ndingati nenzira imwe cheteyo, “Hongu, hongu” uye “Kwete, kwete.”
When I therefore was thus minded, did I vse lightnesse? or minde I those thinges which I minde, according to the flesh, that with me should be, Yea, yea, and Nay, nay?
18 Asi zvirokwazvo naMwari akatendeka, shoko redu kwamuri harizi “Hongu” kana “Kwete.”
Yea, God is faithfull, that our worde towarde you was not Yea, and Nay.
19 Nokuti Mwanakomana waMwari, Jesu Kristu, uyo akaparidzwa pakati penyu neni naSirasi uye naTimoti, akanga asiri, “Hongu” kana “Kwete”, asi maari zvakagara zviri “Hongu.”
For the Sonne of God Iesus Christ, who was preached among you by vs, that is, by me, and Siluanus, and Timotheus, was not Yea, and Nay: but in him it was Yea.
20 Nokuti hazvinei kuti Mwari akativimbisa zvinhu zvizhinji zvakadii, zvose i“Hongu” muna Kristu. Uye kubudikidza naiye tinoti “Ameni” kuti Mwari akudzwe.
For all the promises of God in him are Yea, and are in him Amen, vnto the glorie of God through vs.
21 Zvino ndiMwari anoita kuti tose imi nesu timire takasimba muna Kristu. Akatizodza,
And it is God which stablisheth vs with you in Christ, and hath anoynted vs.
22 akaisawo chisimbiso patiri chokuti tava vake, uye akaisa Mweya wake mumwoyo medu kuti ave rubatso, achipa chisimbiso chezvichauya.
Who hath also sealed vs, and hath giuen the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.
23 Ndinodana Mwari kuti ave chapupu changu kuti handina kuzouya kuKorinde nokuti ndakakunzwirai tsitsi.
Nowe, I call God for a recorde vnto my soule, that to spare you, I came not as yet vnto Corinthus.
24 Kwete nokuti tinoda kuremedza kutenda kwenyu, asi kuti tinobatsirana nemi kuti muve nomufaro, nokuti makamira zvakasimba nokuda kwokutenda.
Not that wee haue dominion ouer your faith, but wee are helpers of your ioy: for by faith yee stande.

< 2 VaKorinde 1 >