< 2 Makoronike 8 >

1 Kwapera makore makumi maviri, munguva iyo Soromoni akavaka temberi yaJehovha nomuzinda wake,
Now at the end of twenty years, in which time Solomon had put up the house of the Lord and a house for himself,
2 Soromoni akavaka patsva misha yaakanga apiwa naHiramu, akagarisa vaIsraeri mairi.
He took in hand the building up of the towns which Huram had given him, causing the children of Israel to make living-places for themselves there.
3 Ipapo Soromoni akaenda kuHamati Zobha, akandorikunda.
And Solomon went to Hamath-zobah and overcame it.
4 Akavaka Tadhimori murenje namaguta ose okuchengetera zvinhu aakavaka muHamati.
And he put up the buildings of Tadmor in the waste land, and of all the store-towns in Hamath;
5 Akavaka patsva Bheti Horoni Yokumusoro neBheti Horoni Yezasi samaguta akakomberedzwa namasvingo namasuo namazariro,
And of Beth-horon the higher and the lower, walled towns with walls and doorways and locks;
6 pamwe chete neBhaarati namaguta ake okuchengetera ose namaguta ose engoro dzake namabhiza ake, zvose zvaakada kuvaka muJerusarema muRebhanoni nomunyika yose yaaitonga.
And of Baalath, and all the store-towns which Solomon had, and the towns where he kept his war-carriages and his horse men, and everything which it was his pleasure to put up in Jerusalem and in Lebanon and in all the land under his rule.
7 Vanhu vose vakasara kubva kuvaHiti, vaAmori, vaPerizi, vaHivhi navaJebhusi (vanhu ava vakanga vasiri vaIsraeri)
As for all the rest of the Hittites and the Amorites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, who were not of Israel:
8 zvichireva kuti vana vavo vakasara munyika, avo vasina kuparadzwa navaIsraeri, ava Soromoni akavatora kuti vave vashandi vake vechibharo sezvazviri nanhasi.
Their men who were still living in the land, and whom the children of Israel had not put an end to, these Solomon put to forced work, as is done to this day;
9 Asi Soromoni haana kuita vaIsraeri nhapwa kuti vamuitire basa rake; vaiva varwi vake, vatungamiri vavakuru vamapoka, uye vatungamiri vengoro navachairi vengoro.
But Solomon did not make use of the children of Israel as servants for his work; they were men of war, his chiefs and his captains, and captains of his war-carriages and his horsemen.
10 Vaivazve vakuru vavabati vamambo Soromoni, vakuru mazana maviri namakumi mashanu vaitungamirira vanhu.
Now these were the chief men in authority whom King Solomon had: two hundred and fifty of them, in authority over the people.
11 Soromoni akauyisa mwanasikana waFaro kubva kuGuta raDhavhidhi akamuisa mumuzinda waakanga amuvakira nokuti akati, “Mudzimai wangu haafaniri kugara mumuzinda waDhavhidhi mambo waIsraeri nokuti nzvimbo dzose dzakambopinzwa areka yaJehovha itsvene.”
Then Solomon made Pharaoh's daughter come up from the town of David to the house which he had made for her; for he said, I will not have my wife living in the house of David, king of Israel, because those places where the ark of the Lord has come are holy.
12 Paaritari yaJehovha yaakanga avaka pamberi pebiravira, Soromoni akapisira zvipiriso zvinopiswa kuna Jehovha,
Then Solomon made burned offerings to the Lord on the altar of the Lord which he had put up in front of the covered way,
13 maererano nezvaidikanwa zuva nezuva pazvipiriso sokurayirwa kwazvakanga zvaitwa naMozisi pamaSabata, Kugara kwoMwedzi weChingwa Chisina Mbiriso, Mutambo waMavhiki noMutambo waMatumba.
Offering every day what had been ordered by Moses, on the Sabbaths and at the new moon and at the regular feasts three times a year, that is at the feast of unleavened bread, the feast of weeks, and the feast of tents.
14 Maererano nomutemo wababa wake Dhavhidhi, akapa mapoka avaprista mabasa avo uye vaRevhi kuti vatungamirire kurumbidza uye kuti vabatsire vaprista sezvaidikanwa zuva nezuva. Akapazve mabasa akasiyana-siyana, nokuti izvi ndizvo zvakanga zvarayirwa naDhavhidhi munhu waMwari.
And he gave the divisions of the priests their places for their work, as ordered by his father David, and to the Levites he gave their work of praise and waiting on the priests, to do what was needed day by day; and he gave the door-keepers their places in turn at every door; for so David, the man of God, had given orders.
15 Havana kutsauka kubva pakurayira kwamambo kuvaprista kana kuvaRevhi munyaya ipi neipi kusanganisira yenzvimbo dzokuchengetera upfumi.
All the orders given by the king to the priests and Levites, in connection with any business or stores, were done with care.
16 Basa rose raSoromoni rakaitwa kubva pazuva rokuvakwa kwenheyo dzetemberi yaJehovha kusvikira pakupedziswa kwayo. Saka temberi yaJehovha yakapera kuvakwa.
And all the work of Solomon was complete, from the day when he put the base of the Lord's house in position, till Solomon had come to the end of building the Lord's house.
17 Ipapo Soromoni akaenda kuEzioni Gebheri neErati pamahombekombe egungwa munyika yeEdhomu.
Then Solomon went to Ezion-geber and to Eloth by the sea in the land of Edom.
18 Uye Hiramu akatumira zvikepe zvake zvakatungamirirwa namachinda ake varume vaiziva gungwa. Ava navanhu vaSoromoni, vakaenda nezvikepe kuOfiri uye vakandouya namatarenda mazana mana namakumi mashanu egoridhe, vakaapa kuna Mambo Soromoni.
And Huram sent him, by his servants, ships and experienced seamen, who went with the servants of Solomon to Ophir and came back with four hundred and fifty talents of gold, which they took to King Solomon.

< 2 Makoronike 8 >