< 2 Makoronike 29 >

1 Hezekia aiva namakore makumi maviri namashanu paakava mambo, akatonga muJerusarema kwamakore makumi maviri namapfumbamwe. Zita ramai vake rainzi Abhija mwanasikana waZekaria.
Hezekiah was twenty-five when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem for twenty-nine years. His mother's name was Abijah, the daughter of Zechariah.
2 Akaita zvakanaka pamberi paJehovha, sezvakanga zvangoitwa naDhavhidhi baba vake.
He did what was right in the Lord's sight, just as his forefather David had done.
3 Mumwedzi wokutanga wegore rokutanga kutonga kwake akazarura masuo etemberi akaagadziridza.
In the first month of the first year of his reign, Hezekiah opened the doors of the Lord's Temple and repaired them.
4 Akauyisa vaprista navaRevhi akavaunganidza muchivara chokudivi rokumabvazuva.
He summoned the priests and the Levites, and had them gather on the square to the east.
5 Uye akati, “Teererai kwandiri, vaRevhi! Zvinatsei zvino uye munatse temberi yaJehovha, Mwari wamadzibaba enyu. Mubvise kusvibiswa kwose munzvimbo tsvene.
He told them, “Listen to me, Levites. Purify yourselves now and purify the Temple of the Lord, the God of your forefathers. Take away from the Holy Place everything that is filthy.
6 Madzibaba edu akanga asina kutendeka; vakaita zvakaipa pamberi paJehovha Mwari uye vakamusiya. Vakabvisa zviso zvavo panzvimbo inogara Jehovha, vakamufuratira.
For our fathers were sinful, and did what was evil in the Lord's sight. They abandoned him and paid no attention to the Lord's Temple, turning their backs on him.
7 Vakapfigawo mikova yebiravira uye vakadzima mwenje. Havana kupisira zvinonhuhwira kana kupa zvipiriso zvinopiswa panzvimbo tsvene kuna Mwari waIsraeri.
They shut the doors at the entrance to the Temple and put out the lamps. They didn't burn incense or present burnt offerings at the sanctuary of the God of Israel.
8 Naizvozvo, kutsamwa kwaJehovha kwakawira pamusoro peJudha neJerusarema, akavaita chinhu chinotyisa, chinovhundutsa nechinosekwa, sezvamunoona nameso enyu chaiwo.
So the Lord's anger fell on Judah and Jerusalem, and he made them into something appalling, terrifying, and ridiculous, as you can see for yourselves.
9 Ndokusaka madzibaba edu akaurayiwa nomunondo uye vanakomana navanasikana vedu navakadzi vedu vava muutapwa.
As a result, our fathers have died in battle, and our sons and our daughters and our wives have been captured.
10 Zvino ndinoda kuita mhiko naJehovha, Mwari waIsraeri; kuitira kuti kutsamwa kwake kunotyisa kubve kwatiri.
But now I'm going to make an agreement with the Lord, the God of Israel, so that his fierce anger will no longer fall on us.
11 Vanakomana vangu, musava vanhu vasina hanya zvino, nokuti Jehovha akakusarudzai kuti mumire pamberi pake, uye mumushandire, kuti mushumire pamberi pake uye mupise zvinonhuhwira.”
My sons, don't neglect your responsibilities, for the Lord has chosen you to stand in his presence to serve him, and to be his ministers presenting burnt offerings.”
12 Ipapo vaRevhi ava vakasimuka vakashanda: kubva kuvaKohati, Mahati mwanakomana waAmasai naJoere mwanakomana waAzaria; kubva kuvaMerari, Kishi mwanakomana waAbhidhi naAzaria mwanakomana waJeharereri; kubva kuvaGerishoni, Joa mwanakomana waZima naEdheni mwanakomana waJoa;
Then the Levites went to work. They were Mahath, son of Amasai, and Joel, son of Azariah, from the Kohathites; Kish, son of Abdi, and Azariah, son of Jehallelel, from the Merarites; Joah, son of Zimmah, and Eden, son of Joah, from the Gershonites;
13 kubva kuzvizvarwa zvaErizafani, Shimiri naJeyeri; kubva kuzvizvarwa zvaAsafi, Zekaria naMatania;
from the sons of Elizaphan, Shimri and Jeiel; and from the sons of Asaph, Zechariah and Mattaniah;
14 kubva kuzvizvarwa zvaHemani, Jehieri naShimei; kubva kuzvizvarwa zvaJedhutuni, Shemaya naUzieri.
from the sons of Heman, Jehiel and Shimei; and from the sons of Jeduthun, Shemaiah and Uzziel.
15 Pavakaunganidza hama dzavo vakazvinatsa, vakapinda mukati kuti vachenese temberi yaJehovha sokurayira kwakanga kwaitwa namambo, vachitevera shoko raJehovha.
They called together the other Levites and all of them purified themselves. Then they went in to clean the Lord's Temple, as the king had commanded, following the instructions as required by the Lord.
16 Vaprista vakaenda munzvimbo tsvene yaJehovha kuti vandoichenesa. Vakabudisa kuchivanze chetemberi yaJehovha zvose zvakanga zvisina kuchena zvavakaona mutemberi yaJehovha. VaRevhi vakazvitora vakaenda nazvo kuMupata weKidhironi.
The priests went into the inner sanctuary of the Lord's Temple to clean it. They removed all the unclean things that they found in the Lord's Temple and placed them in the Temple courtyard. Then the Levites took them out and carried them to the Kidron Valley.
17 Vakatanga kunatsa pazuva rokutanga romwedzi wokutanga uye pazuva rorusere romwedzi vakasvika pabiravira raJehovha. Kwamamwezve mazuva masere vakanatsa temberi yaJehovha pachayo, vakapedza nezuva regumi namatanhatu romwedzi wokutanga.
They started the work of purification on the first day of the first month, and by the eighth day of the month they had reached the Temple porch. For eight more days they worked on purifying the Temple itself, and finished on the sixteenth day of the first month.
18 Ipapo vakaenda kuna mambo Hezekia vakandomuzivisa kuti: “Tachenesa temberi yaJehovha yose, aritari yezvipiriso zvinopiswa nemidziyo yayo yose, netafura yekuisira chingwa chakatsaurwa, nemidziyo yayo yose.
Then they went in to tell King Hezekiah, “We have cleaned the entire Temple of the Lord, the altar of burnt offering with all its utensils, and the table of the showbread with all its utensils.
19 Tagadzira uye tanatsa midziyo yose yakabviswa naMambo Ahazi mukusatendeka kwake paakanga ari mambo. Zvino yava pamberi pearitari yaJehovha.”
We have recovered and purified all the items that King Ahaz threw away during his reign when he was unfaithful. They are now before the Lord's altar.”
20 Mangwanani ezuva raitevera Mambo Hezekia akaunganidza vakuru veguta pamwe chete vakakwira kutemberi yaJehovha.
King Hezekiah got up early, summoned the city officials, and went to the Lord's Temple.
21 Vakauya nehando nomwe, makondobwe manomwe, namakwai makono manomwe nembudzi hono nomwe sechibayiro chezvivi choushe, chenzvimbo tsvene necheJudha. Mambo akarayira vaprista, zvizvarwa zvaAroni kuti vapisire zvibayiro izvi paaritari yaJehovha.
They brought seven bulls, seven rams, seven male lambs, and seven male goats as a sin offering for the kingdom, for the sanctuary, and for Judah. The king ordered the priests, the descendants of Aaron, to offer them on the altar of the Lord.
22 Saka vakauraya hando dziya, uye vaprista vakatora ropa vakarisasa paaritari mushure mezvo vakauraya makondobwe vakasasa ropa rawo paaritari; uye vakauraya makwayana vakasasa ropa rawo paaritari.
So they killed the bulls, and the priests took the blood and sprinkled it on the altar. They killed the rams and sprinkled the blood on the altar. They killed the lambs and sprinkled the blood on the altar.
23 Mbudzi dzechipiriso chechivi dzakauyiswa pamberi pamambo neungano, uye vakaisa maoko avo pamusoro padzo.
Then they brought the goats for the sin offering before the king and the assembly, who placed their hands on them.
24 Ipapo vaprista vakadziuraya vakaisa ropa radzo paaritari sechipiriso chechivi kuti vayananisire Israeri yose, nokuti mambo akanga arayira kuti kuitwe chipiriso chinopiswa nechipiriso chechivi zvichiitirwa Israeri yose.
Then the priests killed the goats and placed their blood on the altar for a sin offering, to make atonement for the whole of Israel, because the king had ordered that the burnt offering and sin offering were for the whole of Israel.
25 Akaisa vaRevhi mutemberi yaJehovha vane makandira, nemitengeranwa nembira sezvaakanga arayirwa naDhavhidhi naGadhi muoni wamambo naNatani muprofita. Izvi ndizvo zvakarayirwa naJehovha kubudikidza navaprofita vake.
Hezekiah had the Levites stand in the Lord's Temple with cymbals, harps, and lyres, following the instructions of David, Gad the king's seer, and Nathan the prophet. The instructions had come from the Lord through His prophets.
26 Saka vaRevhi vakamira vakagadzirira vaine zviridzwa zvaDhavhidhi uye vaprista vaine hwamanda dzavo.
The Levites stood with the musical instruments provided by David, with the priests holding their trumpets.
27 Hezekia akarayira vanhu kuti vabayire chipiriso chinopiswa paaritari. Chipiriso pachakatanga, kuimbira Jehovha kwakatangawo, kuchiteverwa nehwamanda nezviridzwa zvaDhavhidhi mambo weIsraeri.
Then Hezekiah gave the order for the burnt offering to be offered on the altar. As the burnt offering began, the song of the Lord began at the same time, the trumpets sounded, and music was played on the instruments of David, once king of Israel.
28 Ungano yose yakakotama ichinamata, vaimbi pavaiimba uye varidzi vehwamanda vachiridza. Zvose izvi zvakaenderera mberi kusvikira chibayiro chechipiriso chinopiswa chapera.
All the people in the assembly were worshiping, the singers were singing, and the trumpeters were playing. This continued until the burnt offering was finished.
29 Pavakapedza kupa zvipiriso, mambo navose vaakanga anavo vakapfugama pasi vakanamata.
Once the offerings were completed, the king and everyone there with him bowed down and worshiped.
30 Mambo Hezekia namachinda ake vakarayira vaRevhi kuti varumbidze Jehovha namashoko aDhavhidhi neaAsafi muoni. Saka vakaimba nziyo dzokurumbidza nomufaro uye vakakotama vakanamata.
Then King Hezekiah and his officials ordered the Levites to sing praises to the Lord using the words of David and of Asaph the seer. So they sang praises with joy, and bowed their heads and worshiped.
31 Ipapo Hezekia akati, “Imi iye zvino mazvikumikidza kuna Jehovha. Uyai nezvipiriso zvokuvonga kutemberi yaJehovha.” Saka ungano yose yakauyisa zvipiriso nezvipo zvokuvonga, uye vose vaiva nemwoyo inoda vakauyisa zvipiriso zvinopiswa.
Then Hezekiah told them, “Now that you have dedicated yourselves to the Lord, come and bring your sacrifices and thank offerings to the Lord's Temple.” So the people in the assembly brought their sacrifices and thank offerings, and everyone who wanted to brought burnt offerings.
32 Zvipiriso zvinopiswa zvakauyiswa neungano zvaiti hando makumi manomwe, namakondobwe zana, namakwayana makono mazana maviri, zvose izvi zvaiva zvokupisira kuna Jehovha.
The total number of burnt offerings they brought was seventy bulls, a hundred rams, and two hundred lambs; all these were to be a burnt offering to the Lord.
33 Mhuka dzose dzakanga dzatsaurwa sezvipiriso dzaisvika hando mazana matanhatu namakwai nembudzi zviuru zvitatu.
In addition there were dedicated offerings of six hundred bulls and three thousand sheep.
34 Kunyange zvakadaro, vaprista vakanga vari vashoma kwazvo kuti vakwanise kuvhiya zvipiriso zvose izvi; saka hama dzavo vaRevhi vakavabatsira kusvikira basa iri rapera uye kusvikira vamwe vaprista vatsaurwa nokuti vaRevhi vakanga vakangwarira kwazvo kuzvigadza kupfuura zvaiita vaprista.
Since there weren't enough priests to skin all the burnt offerings, their Levite relatives helped them until the work was finished and the priests had been purified. (The Levites had been more conscientious in purifying themselves than the priests had.)
35 Paiva nezvipiriso zvinopiswa zvakawanda kwazvo, pamwe chete namafuta ezvipiriso zvokuyanana, nezvipiriso zvokunwa zvaipiwa pamwe chete nezvipiriso zvinopiswa. Saka temberi yaJehovha yakatanga kushanda zvakare.
Apart from the large number of burnt offerings, there was the fat of the friendship offerings, as well as the drink offerings that went with the burnt offerings. In this way the service of the Lord's Temple was restored.
36 Hezekia navanhu vose vakapemberera zvakanga zvauyiswa naMwari kuvanhu vake nokuti zvakanga zvaitwa nokukurumbidza.
Hezekiah and everyone there were so happy at what God done for the people, because everything had been achieved so quickly.

< 2 Makoronike 29 >