< 2 Makoronike 23 >

1 Mugore rechinomwe Jehoyadha akaratidza simba rake. Akaita sungano navatungamiri vamapoka amazana: Azaria mwanakomana waJerohamu, Ishumaeri mwanakomana waJehohanani, Azaria mwanakomana waObhedhi, Maaseya mwanakomana waAdhaya naErishafati mwanakomana waZikiri.
And in the seuenth yeere Iehoiada waxed bolde, and tooke the captaines of hundreths, to wit, Azariah the sonne of Ieroham, and Ishmael the sonne of Iehohanan, and Azariah the sonne of Obed, and Maasiah the sonne of Adaiah, and Elishaphat the sonne of Zichri in couenant with him.
2 Vakaenda muJudha yose vakandokokorodza vaRevhi navakuru vemhuri dzavaIsraeri kubva kumaguta ose. Pavakauya kuJerusarema,
And they went about in Iudah, and gathered the Leuites out of all the cities of Iudah, and the chiefe fathers of Israel: and they came to Ierusale.
3 ungano yose yakaita sungano namambo patemberi yaMwari. Jehoyadha akati kwavari, “Mwanakomana wamambo achatonga sokuvimbisa kwakaita Jehovha maererano nezvizvarwa zvaDhavhidhi.
And al the Congregation made a couenant with the King in the house of God: and he sayde vnto them, Behold, the Kings sonne must reigne, as the Lord hath sayd of the sonnes of Dauid.
4 Zvino izvi ndizvo zvamunofanira kuita: Chikamu chimwe chete muzvitatu chenyu vaprista navaRevhi vanoshanda neSabata vanofanira kurinda mikova,
This is it that ye shall do, The third part of you that come on the Sabbath of the Priests, and the Leuites, shalbe porters of the doores.
5 chikamu chimwe chete muzvitatu pakati penyu kumuzinda wamambo, nechikamu chimwe chete kubva muzvitatu pakati penyu pasuo renheyo, uye vamwe varume vose vanofanira kuva muzvivanze zvetemberi yaJehovha.
And another third part towarde the Kings house, and another thirde part at the gate of the foundation, and al the people shalbe in the courts of the house of the Lord.
6 Hapana anofanira kupinda mutemberi yaJehovha kunze kwavaprista navaRevhi vanenge vari pabasa, vanokwanisa kupinda havo nokuti ivo vakanatswa. Asi vamwe varume vose vanofanira kuchengetedza basa ravakapiwa naJehovha.
But let none come into the house of the Lord, saue the Priests, and the Leuites that minister: they shall go in, for they are holy: but all the people shall keepe the watch of the Lord.
7 VaRevhi vanofanira kumira vakakomba mambo, murume mumwe nomumwe aine zvombo zvake muruoko rwake. Ani naani zvake anopinda mutemberi anofanira kuurayiwa. Garai pedyo namambo kwose kwaanoenda.”
And the Leuites shall compasse the King rounde about, and euery man with his weapon in his hand, and he that entreth into the house, shall be slaine, and be you with the King, when he commeth in, and when he goeth out.
8 VaRevhi navarume vose veJudha vakaita sezvavakanga varayirwa naJehoyadha muprista. Mumwe nomumwe akatora vanhu vake vaifanira kupinda pabasa nokuti Jehoyadha muprista akanga asina kusunungura boka ripi zvaro.
So the Leuites and all Iudah did according to all things that Iehoiada the Priest had commanded, and tooke euery man his men that came on the Sabbath, with them that went out on the Sabbath: for Iehoiada the Priest did not discharge the courses.
9 Ipapo akapa vakuru vamapoka amazana mapfumo nenhoo huru nediki dzaiva dzaMambo Dhavhidhi dzaiva mutemberi yaMwari.
And Iehoiada the Priest deliuered to the captaines of hundreths speares, and shieldes, and bucklers which had bene King Dauids, and were in the house of God.
10 Akamisa varume vose panzvimbo, mumwe nomumwe aine chombo chake muruoko rwake, vakakomberedza mambo, pedyo nearitari netemberi, kubva kurutivi rwezasi kusvika kurutivi rwokumusoro kwetemberi.
And he caused all the people to stand (euery man with his weapon in his hande) from the right side of the house, to ye left side of the house by the altar and by the house round about ye king.
11 Jehoyadha navanakomana vake vakaburitsa mwanakomana wamambo vakaisa korona paari, vakamupa gwaro resungano vakamugadza samambo. Vakamuzodza vakadaidzira vachiti, “Mambo ngaararame kwamakore akawanda!”
Then they brought out the Kings sonne, and put vpon him the crowne and gaue him the testimonie, and made him King. And Iehoiada and his sonnes anoynted him, and sayd, God saue the King.
12 Ataria paakanzwa ruzha rwavanhu vaimhanya vachipemberera mambo, akaenda kwavari patemberi yaJehovha.
But when Athaliah heard the noyse of the people running and praising the king, she came to the people into the house of the Lord.
13 Akatarisa, akaona mambo akamira pambiru yake pavanopinda napo. Vakuru navaridzi vehwamanda vakanga vamire namambo. Uye vanhu vose venyika vakanga vachipembera vachiridza hwamanda uye vaimbi vaine zviridzwa vaitungamirira mukurumbidza. Ipapo Ataria akabvarura nguo dzake akadanidzira achiti, “Ndamukirwa! Ndamukirwa!”
And when she looked, beholde, the King stoode by his pillar at the entring in, and the princes and the trumpets by the King, and all the people of the land reioyced, and blew the trumpets, and the singers were with instruments of musike, and they that could sing prayse: then Athaliah rent her clothes, and said, Treason, treason.
14 Jehoyadha muprista akatuma vakuru vamapoka ezana, vaitungamirira varwi akati kwavari, “Muburitsei kunze pakati pavanhu, uye muuraye ani naani anenge amutevera.” Nokuti muprista akanga ati, “Musamuurayire patemberi yaJehovha.”
Then Iehoiada the Priest brought out the captaines of hundreths that were gouernours of the hoste, and said vnto them, Haue her foorth of the ranges, and he that followeth her, let him dye by the sword: for the Priest had said, Slay her not in the house of the Lord.
15 Saka vakamubata paakasvika pamukova weSuo Ramabhiza pachivanze chomuzinda uye ipapo vakamuuraya.
So they layde hands on her: and when she was come to the entring of the horsegate by the Kings house, they slew her there.
16 Ipapo Jehoyadha akaita sungano yokuti iye navanhu namambo vachava vanhu vaJehovha.
And Iehoiada made a couenant betweene him, and all the people, and the King, that they would be the Lords people.
17 Vanhu vose vakaenda kutemberi yaBhaari vakandoiparadza, vakaputsa aritari nezvifananidzo vakauraya Matani muprista waBhaari pamberi pearitari.
And all the people went to the house of Baal, and destroyed, and brake his altars and his images, and slew Mattan the priest of Baal before the altars.
18 Ipapo Jehoyadha akaisa temberi yaJehovha mumaoko avaprista, vaiva vaRevhi vakanga vapiwa mabasa naDhavhidhi, omutemberi, okupisira zvipiriso zvinopiswa zvaJehovha sezvazvakanyorwa muMurayiro waMozisi, vachifara uye vachiimba, sokurayira kwakanga kwaitwa naDhavhidhi.
And Iehoiada appointed officers for the house of the Lord, vnder the handes of the Priestes and Leuites, whome Dauid had distributed for the house of the Lord, to offer burnt offrings vnto the Lord, as it is written in the Law of Moses, with reioycing and singing by the appoyntment of Dauid.
19 Akamisazve vachengeti vamasuo pamasuo etemberi yaJehovha kuitira kuti pasawana uyo akanga asina kuchena nenzira ipi zvayo angapinda.
And he set porters by the gates of ye house of the Lord, that none that was vncleane in any thing, should enter in.
20 Akaenda navatungamiri vamazana, makurukota navatongi vavanhu navanhu vose venyika vakandotora mambo kubva kutemberi yaJehovha. Vakapinda mumuzinda neSuo Rokumusoro vakagarisa mambo pachigaro choumambo,
And he tooke the captaines of hundreths, and the noble men, and the gouernours of the people, and all the people of the land, and he caused the King to come downe out of the house of the Lord, and they went thorowe the hie gate of the Kings house, and set the King vpon the throne of the kingdome.
21 vanhu vose vomunyika vakapembera. Uye guta rakava norunyararo nokuti Ataria akanga aurayiwa nomunondo.
Then all the people of the land reioyced, and the citie was quiet, after that they had slaine Athaliah with the sword.

< 2 Makoronike 23 >