< 2 Makoronike 1 >

1 Soromoni mwanakomana waDhavhidhi akasimbisa kwazvo ushe hwake, nokuti Jehovha Mwari wake akanga anaye uye akamuita kuti ave mukuru kwazvo.
Then Salomon the sonne of Dauid was confirmed in his kingdome: and the Lord his God was with him, and magnified him highly.
2 Ipapo Soromoni akataura kuIsraeri yose, kuvatungamiri vezviuru nokuvatungamiri vamazana, kuvatongi nokuvatungamiri vose muIsraeri, vakuru vemhuri,
And Salomon spake vnto all Israel, to the captaines of thousandes, and of hundreths, and to the iudges, and to all the gouernours in all Israel, euen the chiefe fathers.
3 uye Soromoni neungano yose vakaenda kunzvimbo yakakwirira yeGibheoni, nokuti Tende Rokusangana raMwari rakanga ririko, iro rakanga ragadzirwa naMozisi muranda waMwari murenje.
So Salomon and all the Congregation with him went to the hie place that was at Gibeon: for there was the Tabernacle of the Congregation of God which Moses the seruant of the Lord had made in the wildernesse.
4 Zvino Dhavhidhi akanga auyisa areka yaMwari kubva kuKiriati Jearimi kunzvimbo yaakanga aigadzirira nokuti akanga aidzikira tende muJerusarema.
But the Arke of God had Dauid brought vp from Kiriath-iearim, when Dauid had made preparation for it: for he had pitched a tent for it in Ierusalem.
5 Asi aritari yendarira yakanga yagadzirwa naBhezareri mwanakomana waUri, mwanakomana waHuri, yakanga iri muGibheoni pamberi peTabhenakeri yaJehovha; saka Soromoni neungano vakandomubvunza ipapo.
Moreouer the brasen altar that Bezaleel the sonne of Vri, the sonne of Hur had made, did hee set before the Tabernacle of the Lord: and Salomon and the Congregation sought it.
6 Soromoni akakwira kuaritari yendarira pamberi paJehovha muTende Rokusangana akandobayira zvipiriso zvinopiswa zvinokwana chiuru pairi.
And Salomon offred there before the Lord vpon the brasen altar that was in the Tabernacle of the Congregation: euen a thousand burnt offrings offred he vpon it.
7 Usiku ihwohwo Mwari akazviratidza kuna Soromoni akati kwaari, “Kumbira chose chaungada kuti ndikupe.”
The same night did God appeare vnto Salomon, and sayde vnto him, Aske what I shall giue thee.
8 Soromoni akapindura Mwari akati, “Makaratidza unyoro hwenyu hukuru kwazvo kuna Dhavhidhi baba vangu uye mukandiita mambo pachinzvimbo chavo.
And Salomon sayde vnto God, Thou hast shewed great mercy vnto Dauid my father and hast made me to reigne in his stead.
9 Zvino, Jehovha Mwari, itai henyu kuti chivimbiso chenyu kuna baba vangu Dhavhidhi chizadziswe, nokuti makandiita mambo pamusoro pavanhu vakawanda seguruva renyika.
Nowe therefore, O Lord God, let thy promise vnto Dauid my father be true: for thou hast made mee King ouer a great people, like to the dust of the earth.
10 Ndipeiwo uchenjeri noruzivo, kuti ndigotungamirira vanhu ava, nokuti ndiani angagona kutonga vanhu venyu vakawanda ava?”
Giue me now wisdome and knowledge, that I may go out and go in before this people: for who can iudge this thy great people?
11 Mwari akati kuna Soromoni, “Sezvo ichi chiri chido chemwoyo wako uye hauna kukumbira upfumi hwakawanda kana kukudzwa, kana kufa kwavavengi vako, uye nokuti hauna kukumbira upenyu hurefu asi uchenjeri noruzivo kuti utonge vanhu vangu avo vandakuita mambo pamusoro pavo,
And God sayde to Salomon, Because this was in thine heart, and thou hast not asked riches, treasures nor honour, nor the liues of thine enemies, neither yet hast asked long life, but hast asked for thee wisdome and knowledge that thou mightest iudge my people, ouer whome I haue made thee King,
12 naizvozvo uchapiwa uchenjeri noruzivo. Uye ini ndichakupawo upfumi, hwakawanda nokukudzwa zvisati zvambowanikwa namadzimambo ose akakutangira zvakare hakunazve mambo achauya shure kwako achava nazvo.”
Wisdome and knowledge is granted vnto thee, and I will giue thee riches and treasures and honour, so that there hath not bene the like among the Kings which were before thee, neither after thee shall there be the like.
13 Ipapo Soromoni akaenda kuJerusarema achibva kunzvimbo yakakwirira paGibheoni, kubva paTende Rokusangana. Uye akatonga Israeri.
Then Salomon came from the hie place, that was at Gibeon, to Ierusalem from before the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and reigned ouer Israel.
14 Soromoni akazviunganidzira ngoro namabhiza; aiva nengoro chiuru namazana mana, nezviuru gumi nezviviri zvamabhiza, zvaaichengetera mumaguta engoro uye nokuJerusarema kwaaivawo.
And Salomon gathered the charets and horesemen: and he had a thousand and foure hundreth charets, and twelue thousande horsemen, whome he placed in the charet cities, and with the King at Ierusalem.
15 Mambo akaita kuti sirivha negoridhe zviwanikwe kwose kwose muJerusarema samatombo uye misidhari ikawanda semionde mujinga mezvikomo.
And the King gaue siluer and gold at Ierusalem as stones, and gaue cedar trees as the wilde figge trees, that are abundantly in the playne.
16 Mabhiza aSoromoni aitengwa kuIjipiti nokuKuwe, vatengi vamambo vaitenga kubva kuKuwe.
Also Salomon had horses brought out of Egypt and fine linen: the Kings marchants receiued the fine linen for a price.
17 Vaitenga ngoro imwe chete kubva kuIjipiti ichiita mashekeri mazana matanhatu esirivha uye bhiza rimwe chete richiita mashekeri zana namakumi mashanu. Ivo vaizoatengeserawo kumadzimambo ose avaHiti navaAramu.
They came vp also and brought out of Egypt some charet, worth sixe hundreth shekels of siluer, that is an horse for an hundreth and fiftie: and thus they brought horses to all the Kings of the Hittites, and to the Kings of Aram by their meanes.

< 2 Makoronike 1 >