< 1 Samueri 27 >
1 Asi Dhavhidhi akafunga mumwoyo make, akati, “Rimwe ramazuva ano ndichaparadzwa noruoko rwaSauro. Chinhu chiri nani chandingaita ndechokutizira kunyika yavaFiristia. Ipapo Sauro acharega kunditsvaka muIsraeri yose, uye ndichapukunyuka muruoko rwake.”
And David said in his heart, Now shall I be one day delivered [for death] into the hands of Saul; and there is no good thing for me unless I should escape into the land of the Philistines, and Saul should cease from seeking me through every coast of Israel: so I shall escape out of his hand.
2 Saka Dhavhidhi akabva navarume mazana matanhatu vakanga vanaye akaenda kuna Akishi mwanakomana waMaoki mambo weGati.
So David arose, and the six hundred men that were with him, and he went to Anchus, son Ammach, king of Geth.
3 Dhavhidhi navanhu vake vakandogara muGati naAkishi. Murume mumwe nomumwe akanga ane mhuri yake, uye Dhavhidhi akanga ana vakadzi vake vaviri vanoti: Ahinoami weJezireeri naAbhigairi weKarimeri, chirikadzi yaNabhari.
And David dwelt with Anchus, he and his men, each with his family; and David and both his wives, Achinaam, the Jezraelitess, and Abigaia the wife of Nabal the Carmelite.
4 Sauro akati anzwa kuti Dhavhidhi akanga atizira kuGati, haana kuzomutsvakazve.
And it was told Saul that David had fled to Geth; and he no longer sought after him.
5 Ipapo Dhavhidhi akati kuna Akishi, “Kana ndawana nyasha pamberi penyu, regai ndipiwe hangu nzvimbo mune rimwe ramaguta omunyika kuti ndigareko. Muranda wenyu angagara seiko muguta ramambo nemi?”
And David said to Anchus, If now thy servant has found grace in thine eyes, let them give me, I pray thee, a place in one of the cities in the country, and I will dwell there: for why does thy servant dwell with thee in a royal city?
6 Saka musi iwoyo, Akishi akamupa Zikiragi, uye rikava guta ramadzimambo eJudha kusvikira nhasi.
And he gave him Sekelac in that day: therefore Sekelac came into possession of the king of Judea to this day.
7 Dhavhidhi akagara munyika yavaFiristia kwegore nemwedzi mina.
And the number of the days that David dwelt in the country of the Philistines was four months.
8 Zvino Dhavhidhi navanhu vake vakaenda vakandopamba vaGeshuri, vaGeziri, navaAmareki. (Kubva kare vanhu ava vakanga vachigara munyika yaisvika kuShuri neIjipiti.)
And David and his men went up, and made an attack on all the Gesirites and on the Amalekites: and behold, the land was inhabited, (even the land from Gelampsur) by those who come from the fortified [cities] even to the land of Egypt.
9 Dhavhidhi aiti akarwisa nzvimbo, akanga asingasiyi murume kana mukadzi ari mupenyu, asi aitora makwai nemombe, mbongoro, nengamera, nenguo. Ipapo akadzokera kuna Akishi.
And he smote the land, and saved neither man nor woman alive; and they took flocks, and herds, and asses, and camels, and raiment; and they returned and came to Anchus.
10 Akishi aiti amubvunza kuti, “Wanga waenda kundopamba kupiko nhasi?” Dhavhidhi aiti, “Kurutivi rweZasi kweJudha kana kuti kurutivi rweZasi kweJerameeri kana kuti kurutivi rweZasi kweKeni.”
And Anchus said to David, On whom have ye made an attack to-day? And David said to Anchus, On the south of Judea, and on the south of Jesmega, and on the south of the Kenezite.
11 Haana kusiya murume kana mukadzi ari mupenyu kuti auye navo kuGati, nokuti akafunga mumwoyo make kuti, “Vangazotirevera vachiti, ‘Izvi ndizvo zvaitwa naDhavhidhi.’” Uye aya ndiwo akanga ari maitiro ake pakugara kwake kwose munyika yavaFiristia.
And I have not saved man or woman alive to bring them to Geth, saying, Lest they carry a report to Geth against us, saying, These things David does. And this was his manner all the days that David dwelt in the country of the Philistines.
12 Akishi akavimba naDhavhidhi akati mumwoyo make, “Ava munhu anovengwa kwazvo navanhu vokwake, ivo vaIsraeri, zvokuti achava muranda wangu nokusingaperi.”
So David had the full confidence of Anchus, who said, He is thoroughly disgraced among his people in Israel and he shall be my servant for ever.