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1 Saka Mambo Soromoni akanga ari mambo weIsraeri yose.
King Solomon ruled over all of Israel.
2 Ava ndivo vaiva machinda ake: Azaria mwanakomana waZadhoki aiva muprista;
These were his officials: Azariah, son of Zadok, was the priest;
3 Erihorefi naAhija, vanakomana vaShisha vaiva vanyori; Jehoshafati mwanakomana waAhirudhi aiva munyori wenhoroondo dzenyika;
Elihoreph and Ahijah, sons of Shisha, were the king's secretaries. Jehoshaphat, son of Ahilud, kept the royal records.
4 Bhenaya mwanakomana waJehoyadha aiva mutungamiri wamauto; Zadhoki naAbhiatari vaiva vaprista;
Benaiah son of Jehoiada was the army commander. Zadok and Abiathar were priests.
5 Azaria mwanakomana waNatani aiva mukuru wavatariri; Zabhudhi mwanakomana waNatani aiva muprista neshamwari yamambo;
Azariah, son of Nathan, was in charge of the governors. Zabud, son of Nathan, was a priest and the king's counselor.
6 Ahishari aiva mutariri womuzinda wamambo; Adhoniramu, mwanakomana waAbhudha aiva mutariri wechibharo.
Ahishar was the palace manager. Adoniram, son of Abda, was in charge of those forced to work for the king.
7 Soromoni aivawo namachinda gumi navaviri veIsraeri yose vaitsvakira mambo neimba yake zvokudya. Mumwe nomumwe aifanira kutsvaka zvokudya zvomwedzi mumwe chete pagore.
Solomon had twelve area governors whose responsibilities covered the whole of Israel, providing food for the king and his household. Each one in turn arranged supplies for one month of the year.
8 Mazita avo aiti: Bheni-Huri, munyika yamakomo yaEfuremu;
Their names were: Ben-hur, in the hill country of Ephraim;
9 Bheni-Dhekeri munyika yeMakazi, Shaaribhimu, Bheti Shemeshi neEroni Bhetihanani;
Ben-deker in Makaz, Shaalbim, Beth-shemesh and Elon-beth-hanan;
10 Bheni-Hesedhi muArubhoti (Soko nenyika yose yeHeferi dzaiva dzake).
Ben-hesed in Arubboth (Socoh and all the land of Hepher was his);
11 Bheni-Abhinadhabhi, munyika yeNafoti Dhori (aiva awana mwanasikana waSoromoni);
Ben-abinadab, in the whole of Naphath-dor (Taphath, the daughter of Solomon, was his wife);
12 Bhaana, mwanakomana waAhirudhi munyika yeTaanaki, Megidho nenyika yose yeBhetisheani iyo iri parutivi peZaretani, zasi kweJezireeri, kubva kuBhetisheani kusvika kuAbherimehora mhiri kweJokomeami;
Baana, son of Ahilud, in Taanach and Megiddo, the whole of Beth-shan near Zarethan below Jezreel, and from Beth-shan to Abel-meholah and across to Jokmeam;
13 Bheni-Gebheri munyika yeRamoti Gireadhi (misha yaJairi, mwanakomana waManase munyika yeGireadhi yaiva yake, pamwe chete nedunhu reArigobhi munyika yeBhashani namaguta aro makuru makumi matanhatu aiva namasvingo ane masuo endarira);
Ben-geber, in Ramoth-gilead (the towns of Jair, son of Manasseh, in Gilead belonged to him, as well as the region of Argob in Bashan, with sixty great cities having walls and bronze bars);
14 Ahinadhabhi mwanakomana waIdho, munyika yeMahanaimi;
Ahinadab, son of Iddo, in Mahanaim;
15 Ahimaazi, munyika yaNafutari (akanga awana Bhasemati mwanasikana waSoromoni);
Ahimaaz, in Naphtali (he had married Basemath the daughter of Solomon);
16 Bhaana mwanakomana waHushai, munyika yaAsheri neAroti;
Baana, son of Hushai, in Asher and in Aloth;
17 Jehoshafati mwanakomana waParua, munyika yaIsakari;
Jehoshaphat, son of Paruah, in Issachar;
18 Shimei mwanakomana waEra, munyika yaBhenjamini;
Shimei, son of Ela, in Benjamin;
19 Gebheri mwanakomana waUri, munyika yeGireadhi (nyika yaSihoni mambo wavaAmori nenyika yaOgi mambo weBhashani). Ndiye aiva mubati oga mudunhu iri.
Geber son of Uri in the land of Gilead, (the former country of Sihon, king of the Amorites, and of Og, king of Bashan. There was also a governor who was over the land of Judah).
20 Vanhu veJudha neIsraeri vakanga vakawanda sejecha ramahombekombe egungwa; vakadya, vakanwa uye vakafara.
Judah and Israel had become as numerous as the sand on the seashore. They ate, they drank, they were happy.
21 Soromoni akanga ari mambo munyika dzose dzaibva kuYufuratesi kusvikira kunyika yavaFiristia, nokumuganhuwo weIjipiti. Nyika idzi dzakauya nomutero uye dzakashandira Soromoni mazuva ose oupenyu hwake.
Solomon ruled over all the kingdoms from the Euphrates River to the land of the Philistines, right up to the border of Egypt. They presented tribute to Solomon and served him during his lifetime.
22 Zvokudya zvomuzinda waSoromoni zvezuva nezuva zvaiva zviyero makumi matatu zvefurawa yakatsetseka nezviyero makumi matanhatu zvoupfu,
The food required every day for Solomon's court was thirty cors of the best flour and sixty cors of meal;
23 mombe gumi dzakakodzwa, nemombe makumi maviri dzokumafuro, makwai zana, pasingaverengerwi nondo, mhara, mhembwe nehuku dzakakodzwa.
ten fattened cattle, twenty range cattle, one hundred sheep, as well as deer, gazelles, roe deer, and fattened poultry.
24 Nokuti aitonga nyika dzose dziri kumadokero kwerwizi rweYufuratesi kubva kuTifisa kusvikira kuGaza, uye akava norugare kumativi ose.
For Solomon ruled over the whole region west of the Euphrates, from Tiphsah to Gaza—over all the kingdoms west of the Euphrates. And he had peace on all sides around him. He had peace on every border.
25 Pamazuva oupenyu hwaSoromoni vaJudha navaIsraeri vaigara zvakanaka, kubvira kuDhani kusvikira kuBheerishebha, mumwe nomumwe pasi pomuti wake wamazambiringa nowamaonde.
During Solomon's lifetime, everyone in Judah and Israel lived in safety, from Dan to Beersheba. Each one had their own vine and fig tree.
26 Soromoni aivawo nezvidyiro zvamabhiza engoro dzake zviuru makumi mana navatasvi vamabhiza zviuru gumi nezviviri.
Solomon had 40,000 stalls for his chariot horses, and 12,000 charioteers.
27 Vatariri vakatsvakira Mambo Soromoni navose vaiuya kuzodya naMambo Soromoni patafura yake zvokudya, mumwe nomumwe mumwedzi wake. Vakaona kuti hapana chaishayikwa.
Every month the area governors provided in turn food for King Solomon and all who ate at his table. They made sure that nothing was missing.
28 Vakauyawo nebhari nouswa hwamabhiza engoro namamwewo mabhiza kunzvimbo dzezvaidiwa, mumwe nomumwe zvaakatarirwa.
They also delivered barley and straw where they were needed for the chariot horses and cart-horses.
29 Mwari akapa Soromoni uchenjeri, nokunzwisisa kukuru sejecha rapamahombekombe egungwa.
God gave to Solomon wisdom, very great discernment, and understanding as extensive as the sand on the seashore.
30 Uchenjeri hwaSoromoni hwakanga hwakapfuura uchenjeri hwavanhu vose vokumabvazuva, nouchenjeri hwose hwokuIjipiti.
Solomon's wisdom was greater than that of all the Eastern wise men, greater than all of Egypt's wisdom.
31 Akanga akachenjera kupfuura vamwe vose; akachenjera kupfuura Etani muEzrahi, Hemani, Karikori, naDharidha, vanakomana vaMahori. Mukurumbira wake wakapararira kunyika dzose dzakapoteredza.
He was wiser than anyone, wiser than Ethan the Ezrahite, wiser than Heman, Calcol, and Darda, sons of Mahol. His reputation spread through the nations around.
32 Akataura zvirevo zviuru zvitatu, uye dzimbo dzake dzaikwana chiuru neshanu.
Solomon composed three thousand proverbs and one thousand and five songs.
33 Akatsanangura makuriro emiti, kubvira kumusidhari weRebhanoni kusvikira kumihisopi inokura mumadziro. Akadzidzisawo pamusoro pemhuka, shiri, zvinokambaira nehove.
He was able to discuss knowledge of trees, from the cedar in Lebanon to the hyssop that grows in the wall. He taught about animals, birds, reptiles, and fish.
34 Vanhu vakauya vachibva kunyika dzose kuti vazonzwa uchenjeri hwaSoromoni; vakauya vachitumwa namadzimambo ose enyika akanga anzwa nezvouchenjeri hwake.
People from all nations came to hear Solomon's wisdom. They were sent by all the kings of the earth, who had heard about his wisdom.

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