< 1 Madzimambo 20 >

1 Zvino Bheni-Hadhadhi mambo weAramu akaunganidza varwi vake vose. Achibatsirwa namadzimambo makumi matatu namaviri vaine mabhiza avo nengoro, akaenda akakomba Samaria akarirwisa.
And Benhadad the king of Syria gathered all his host together: and there were thirty and two kings with him, and horses, and chariots; and he went up and besieged Samaria, and warred against it.
2 Akatuma nhume muguta kuna Ahabhu mambo weIsraeri kundoti, “Zvanzi naBheni-Hadhadhi,
And he sent messengers to Ahab king of Israel into the city, and said to him, Thus says Benhadad,
3 ‘Sirivha yako negoridhe ndezvangu, uye vakadzi vako navana vako vakanyanyisa kunaka ndevangu.’”
Your silver and your gold is mine; your wives also and your children, even the best, are mine.
4 Mambo weIsraeri akapindura akati, “Sezvamataura, ishe wangu mambo. Ini nezvose zvandinazvo ndiri wenyu.”
And the king of Israel answered and said, My lord, O king, according to your saying, I am yours, and all that I have.
5 Nhumwa dzakauya zvakare ndokusvikoti, “Zvanzi naBheni-Hadhadhi, ‘Ndakatumira shoko rokuti ndinoda sirivha yako negoridhe, navakadzi vako navana vako.
And the messengers came again, and said, Thus speaks Benhadad, saying, Although I have sent to you, saying, You shall deliver me your silver, and your gold, and your wives, and your children;
6 Asi mangwana nenguva yakaita seino ndichatuma varanda vangu kuti vazotsvagisisa mumuzinda wako nomudzimba dzavaranda vako. Vachatora zvose zvaunokoshesa vagoenda nazvo.’”
Yet I will send my servants to you to morrow about this time, and they shall search your house, and the houses of your servants; and it shall be, that whatever is pleasant in your eyes, they shall put it in their hand, and take it away.
7 Mambo weIsraeri akadana vakuru vose venyika akati kwavari, “Tarisai muone kuti murume uyu ari kutsvaga muromo sei! Paakati ari kuda kutora vakadzi vangu navana vangu, nesirivha yangu negoridhe rangu, handina kurambira.”
Then the king of Israel called all the elders of the land, and said, Mark, I pray you, and see how this man seeks mischief: for he sent to me for my wives, and for my children, and for my silver, and for my gold; and I denied him not.
8 Vakuru navanhu, vose vakapindura vakati, “Musateerera kwaari kana kubvumirana nezvaari kuda.”
And all the elders and all the people said to him, Listen not to him, nor consent.
9 Naizvozvo akapindura nhume dzaBheni-Hadhadhi akati, “Udzai ishe wangu mambo kuti, ‘Muranda wenyu achaita zvose zvamakamukumbira pakutanga, asi chikumbiro ichi chazvino handigoni kuchizadzisa.’” Vakasimuka vakaenda nemhinduro kwavakanga vabva, kuna Bheni-Hadhadhi.
Why he said to the messengers of Benhadad, Tell my lord the king, All that you did send for to your servant at the first I will do: but this thing I may not do. And the messengers departed, and brought him word again.
10 Saka Bheni-Hadhadhi akatumira rimwe shoko kuna Ahabhu achiti, “Vamwari ngavaitewo kwandiri, vanyanyise kudaro, kana guruva ringakwana kupa mumwe nomumwe wamauto angu kuti azadze chanza chake rikasara muSamaria.”
And Benhadad sent to him, and said, The gods do so to me, and more also, if the dust of Samaria shall suffice for handfuls for all the people that follow me.
11 Mambo weIsraeri akapindura akati, “Muudzei kuti, ‘Uyo anoshonga nhumbi dzokurwa ngaarege kuzvirumbidza souyo anodzibvisa.’”
And the king of Israel answered and said, Tell him, Let not him that girds on his harness boast himself as he that puts it off.
12 Bheni-Hadhadhi akanzwa shoko iri iye namadzimambo pavakanga vachinwa vari mumisasa, akabva arayira mauto ake akati, “Gadzirirai kundorwisa.” Saka vakagadzirira kundorwisa guta.
And it came to pass, when Benhadad heard this message, as he was drinking, he and the kings in the pavilions, that he said to his servants, Set yourselves in array. And they set themselves in array against the city.
13 Panguva iyoyo mumwe muprofita akauya kuna Ahabhu mambo weIsraeri, akati, “Zvanzi naJehovha: ‘Uri kuona hondo huru huru iyi here? Ndichaiisa muruoko rwako nhasi, ipapo uchaziva kuti ndini Jehovha.’”
And, behold, there came a prophet to Ahab king of Israel, saying, Thus says the LORD, Have you seen all this great multitude? behold, I will deliver it into your hand this day; and you shall know that I am the LORD.
14 Ahabhu akabvunza akati, “Asi ndiani achaita izvi?” Muprofita akapindura akati, “Zvanzi naJehovha: ‘Majaya amachinda omumatunhu ndiwo achazviita.’” Akabvunza akati, “Zvino ndiani achatanga hondo yacho?” Muprofita akapindura akati, “Ndiwe uchaitanga.”
And Ahab said, By whom? And he said, Thus says the LORD, Even by the young men of the princes of the provinces. Then he said, Who shall order the battle? And he answered, You.
15 Saka Ahabhu akaunganidza majaya amachinda omumatunhu, varume vaikwana mazana maviri namakumi matatu navaviri. Mushure akaunganidza vamwe vaIsraeri, pamwe chete zviuru zvinomwe.
Then he numbered the young men of the princes of the provinces, and they were two hundred and thirty two: and after them he numbered all the people, even all the children of Israel, being seven thousand.
16 Vakasimuka masikati, Bheni-Hadhadhi namadzimambo makumi matatu navaviri vaiva kudivi rake panguva yavakanga vari mumisasa yavo vachidhakwa.
And they went out at noon. But Benhadad was drinking himself drunk in the pavilions, he and the kings, the thirty and two kings that helped him.
17 Majaya amachinda omumatunhu ndiwo akatanga kuenda. Zvino Bheni-Hadhadhi akanga atuma vasori uye vakamuudza kuti, “Kune varume vari kubva kuSamaria.”
And the young men of the princes of the provinces went out first; and Benhadad sent out, and they told him, saying, There are men come out of Samaria.
18 Akati, “Kana vauya kuzotsvaga rugare, vabatei vari vapenyu; kana vauya kuzorwa, vabatei vari vapenyu.”
And he said, Whether they be come out for peace, take them alive; or whether they be come out for war, take them alive.
19 Majaya amachinda omumatunhu akafamba achibuda muguta varwi vari mumashure mavo
So these young men of the princes of the provinces came out of the city, and the army which followed them.
20 uye mumwe nomumwe wavo akauraya waakarwisana naye. VaAramu vakatiza, vaIsraeri vachivadzingirira. Asi Bheni-Hadhadhi mambo weAramu akatiza akatasva bhiza, navamwe vavarwi vake vaiva namabhiza.
And they slew every one his man: and the Syrians fled; and Israel pursued them: and Benhadad the king of Syria escaped on an horse with the horsemen.
21 Mambo weIsraeri akabuda akakunda mabhiza nengoro, akauraya vaAramu vakawanda kwazvo.
And the king of Israel went out, and smote the horses and chariots, and slew the Syrians with a great slaughter.
22 Mushure maizvozvo, muprofita akauya kuna mambo weIsraeri akati, “Simbisa chinzvimbo chako ugoona zvinofanira kuitwa, nokuti muchirimo chiri kutevera mambo weAramu achakurwisa zvakare.”
And the prophet came to the king of Israel, and said to him, Go, strengthen yourself, and mark, and see what you do: for at the return of the year the king of Syria will come up against you.
23 Panguva imwe cheteyo, varanda vamambo weAramu vakati kwaari, “Vamwari vavo ndavamwari vamakomo. Ndicho chikonzero vakatikurira. Asi tikarwa navo mumapani, zvirokwazvo tichavakurira.
And the servants of the king of Syria said to him, Their gods are gods of the hills; therefore they were stronger than we; but let us fight against them in the plain, and surely we shall be stronger than they.
24 Itai izvi: Bvisai madzimambo ose panzvimbo dzavo dzokutonga mugovatsiva navamwe vabati.
And do this thing, Take the kings away, every man out of his place, and put captains in their rooms:
25 Munofanirawo kuzviunganidzira hondo yakafanana neyamakarasikirwa nayo, bhiza nebhiza nengoro nengoro, kuitira kuti tikwanise kurwa navaIsraeri mumapani. Ipapo zvirokwazvo tichavakurira.” Akabvumirana navo akaita saizvozvo.
And number you an army, like the army that you have lost, horse for horse, and chariot for chariot: and we will fight against them in the plain, and surely we shall be stronger than they. And he listened to their voice, and did so.
26 Muchirimo chakatevera Bheni-Hadhadhi akaunganidza vaAramu akakwidza kuAfeki kundorwa neIsraeri.
And it came to pass at the return of the year, that Benhadad numbered the Syrians, and went up to Aphek, to fight against Israel.
27 VaIsraeri vakati vaunganidzwawo uye vapiwa zvose zvinodiwa pakurwa hondo, vakafamba vachienda kundosangana navo. VaIsraeri vakadzika musasa wavo vakatarisana navo, vachinge mapoka maduku maviri embudzi, ukuwo vaAramu vakazadza nyika.
And the children of Israel were numbered, and were all present, and went against them: and the children of Israel pitched before them like two little flocks of kids; but the Syrians filled the country.
28 Munhu waMwari akauya akaudza mambo weIsraeri kuti, “Zvanzi naJehovha: ‘Nokuda kwokuti vaAramu vanofunga kuti Jehovha ndimwari wamakomo, uye kuti haasi mwari wemipata, ndichaisa hondo huru huru iyi mumaoko ako, uye uchaziva kuti ndini Jehovha.’”
And there came a man of God, and spoke to the king of Israel, and said, Thus says the LORD, Because the Syrians have said, The LORD is God of the hills, but he is not God of the valleys, therefore will I deliver all this great multitude into your hand, and you shall know that I am the LORD.
29 Kwamazuva manomwe vakagara pamisasa yavo vakatarisana, uye nezuva rechinomwe hondo yakatanga. VaIsraeri vakauraya zana rezviuru zvamauto etsoka avaAramu musi mumwe chete.
And they pitched one over against the other seven days. And so it was, that in the seventh day the battle was joined: and the children of Israel slew of the Syrians an hundred thousand footmen in one day.
30 Vakasara vakatizira kuguta reAfeki, uko kwakandowira rusvingo pamusoro pezviuru makumi maviri nezvinomwe zvavo. Uye Bheni-Hadhadhi akatizira kuguta akandohwanda muimba yomukati.
But the rest fled to Aphek, into the city; and there a wall fell on twenty and seven thousand of the men that were left. And Benhadad fled, and came into the city, into an inner chamber.
31 Varanda vake vakati kwaari, “Tarirai, takanzwa kuti madzimambo eimba yaIsraeri ane tsitsi. Ngatiendei kuna mambo weIsraeri takasungirira masaga muzviuno zvedu, uye takasunga misoro yedu netambo. Zvichida angakuregai muri mupenyu.”
And his servants said to him, Behold now, we have heard that the kings of the house of Israel are merciful kings: let us, I pray you, put sackcloth on our loins, and ropes on our heads, and go out to the king of Israel: peradventure he will save your life.
32 Vakasungirira masaga muzviuno zvavo vakasunga misoro yavo netambo, vakabva vaenda kuna mambo weIsraeri vakasvikoti, “Muranda wenyu Bheni-Hadhadhi ati, ‘Ndapota, dai mangondirega ndararama.’” Mambo akapindura akati, “Achiri mupenyu nazvino? Ihama yangu.”
So they girded sackcloth on their loins, and put ropes on their heads, and came to the king of Israel, and said, Your servant Benhadad says, I pray you, let me live. And he said, Is he yet alive? he is my brother.
33 Varume ava vakazviona sechiratidzo chakanaka ndokukurumidza kutevedzera zvaakanga areva. Vakati, “Hongu, hama yenyu Bheni-Hadhadhi!” Mambo akati, “Endai munomutora.” Bheni-Hadhadhi akati achibuda, Ahabhu akamukwidza mungoro yake.
Now the men did diligently observe whether any thing would come from him, and did hastily catch it: and they said, Your brother Benhadad. Then he said, Go you, bring him. Then Benhadad came forth to him; and he caused him to come up into the chariot.
34 Bheni-Hadhadhi akati kwaari, “Ndichadzosera maguta akatorwa nababa vangu kuna baba vako. Unogonawo kuisa misika yako muDhamasiko, sezvakaitwa nababa vangu muSamaria.” Ahabhu akati, “Nokuda kwechibvumirano ichi, ndichakusunungura.” Saka akaita chibvumirano naye, akamurega achienda.
And Benhadad said to him, The cities, which my father took from your father, I will restore; and you shall make streets for you in Damascus, as my father made in Samaria. Then said Ahab, I will send you away with this covenant. So he made a covenant with him, and sent him away.
35 Mumwe wavanakomana vavaprofita arayirwa naJehovha, akati kushamwari yake, “Ndirove!” asi murume uyu akaramba.
And a certain man of the sons of the prophets said to his neighbor in the word of the LORD, Smite me, I pray you. And the man refused to smite him.
36 Naizvozvo muprofita akati, “Zvausina kuteerera Jehovha, uchingobva pano pandiri, uchaurayiwa neshumba.” Zvino murume uyu achangobva paakanga ari, shumba yakamuwana ikamuuraya.
Then said he to him, Because you have not obeyed the voice of the LORD, behold, as soon as you are departed from me, a lion shall slay you. And as soon as he was departed from him, a lion found him, and slew him.
37 Muprofita akawana mumwe murume akati, “Ndapota, ndirove.” Naizvozvo murume uyu akamurova, akamukuvadza.
Then he found another man, and said, Smite me, I pray you. And the man smote him, so that in smiting he wounded him.
38 Ipapo muprofita akaenda akandomirira mambo pamugwagwa. Akazviita somumwe munhu akakwevera pasi mucheka wake womusoro kuti uvharidzire maziso ake.
So the prophet departed, and waited for the king by the way, and disguised himself with ashes on his face.
39 Mambo paakanga ava kupfuura nepo muprofita akadanidzira kwaari akati, “Muranda wenyu akaenda pakatikati pehondo payakanga ichirwiwa, mumwe munhu akauya kwandiri nomusungwa akati, ‘Chengeta murume uyu. Kana akashayikwa upenyu hwako huchatsiva hwake, kana kuti ucharipa netarenda resirivha.’
And as the king passed by, he cried to the king: and he said, Your servant went out into the middle of the battle; and, behold, a man turned aside, and brought a man to me, and said, Keep this man: if by any means he be missing, then shall your life be for his life, or else you shall pay a talent of silver.
40 Muranda wenyu paakanga ari mubishi rokuita basa pano nekoko, murume uya akanyangarika.” Mambo weIsraeri akati, “Iwoyo ndiwo mutongo wako. Ndiwe wautaura woga.”
And as your servant was busy here and there, he was gone. And the king of Israel said to him, So shall your judgment be; yourself have decided it.
41 Ipapo muprofita akakurumidza kubvisa mucheka pamaziso ake, mambo weIsraeri akabva amuziva kuti aiva mumwe wavaprofita.
And he hurried, and took the ashes away from his face; and the king of Israel discerned him that he was of the prophets.
42 Akati kuna mambo, “Zvanzi naJehovha: ‘Wakasunungura munhu wandakanga ndati anofanira kufa. Naizvozvo upenyu hwako huchatsiva hwake, vanhu vako vachatsiva vanhu vake.’”
And he said to him, Thus says the LORD, Because you have let go out of your hand a man whom I appointed to utter destruction, therefore your life shall go for his life, and your people for his people.
43 Mambo weIsraeri akaenda kumuzinda wake muSamaria aora mwoyo uye ashatirwa.
And the king of Israel went to his house heavy and displeased, and came to Samaria.

< 1 Madzimambo 20 >