< 1 VaKorinde 14 >

1 Teverai nzira yorudo uye mushuve kwazvo zvipo zvomweya, zvikuru sei chipo chokuprofita.
Go after love; still desiring to have the things which the Spirit gives, but most of all that you may have the prophet's power.
2 Nokuti ani naani anotaura nendimi haatauri kuvanhu asi kuna Mwari. Zvirokwazvo, hapana anomunzwa; anotaura zvakavanzika mumweya wake.
For he who makes use of tongues is not talking to men but to God; because no one has the sense of what he is saying; but in the Spirit he is talking of secret things.
3 Asi anoprofita anotaura kuvanhu kuti vasimbiswe, vakurudzirwe uye kuti vanyaradzwe.
But the word of the prophet gives men knowledge and comfort and strength.
4 Uyo anotaura nendimi anozvisimbisa iye asi anoprofita anosimbisa kereke.
He who makes use of tongues may do good to himself; but he who gives the prophet's word does good to the church.
5 Ndinoda kuti mumwe nomumwe wenyu ataure nendimi, asi zvikuru kuti muprofite. Anoprofita mukuru kuna anotaura nendimi, asi kunze kwokunge achidudzira, kuti kereke igosimbiswa.
Now though it is my desire for you all to have the power of tongues, it would give me more pleasure to be hearing the prophet's word from you; for this is a greater thing than using tongues, if the sense is not given at the same time, for the good of the church.
6 Zvino hama, kana ndikauya kwamuri ndichitaura nendimi, ndingakubatsirai seiko, asi kuti kana ndichitaura nokuzarurirwa kana ruzivo kana chiprofita kana shoko rokurayira?
But, now, my brothers, if I come to you using tongues, what profit will it be to you, if I do not give you a revelation, or knowledge, or the word of the prophet, or teaching?
7 Kunyange zvinhu zvisina upenyu zvinorirawo wani, zvakaita senyere kana rudimbwa, munhu achaziva seiko kana zvisingasiyani pakurira kwazvo?
Even things without life, having a voice, such as a music-pipe or other instrument, if they do not give out different sounds, who may be certain what is being played?
8 Uyezve kana hwamanda isingariri kwazvo, ndianiko angagadzirira kundorwa?
For if the war-horn gives out an uncertain note, who will get ready for the fight?
9 Zvakadaro nemi. Kana musingatauri mashoko nendimi dzinonyatsozivikanwa, ko, pane anganzwa here zvamunotaura? Nokuti muchangotaura henyu mumhepo.
So if you, in using a strange tongue, say words which have no sense, how will anyone take in what you are saying? for you will be talking to the air.
10 Zvirokwazvo panyika pane mitauro mizhinji yakasiyana-siyana, asi hakuna kana mumwe usina zvaunoreva.
There are, it may be, a number of different voices in the world, and no voice is without sense.
11 Zvino kana ndisinganzwisisi zvinotaurwa nomunhu, ndiri mutorwa kumutauri, uye naiyewo mutorwa kwandiri.
But if the sense of the voice is not clear to me, I am like a man from a strange country to him who is talking, and he will be the same to me.
12 Zvakadarowo nemi. Sezvo muchishuva zvipo zvoMweya, edzai zvikuru kushingairira zvipo zvinovaka kereke.
So if you are desiring the things which the Spirit gives, let your minds be turned first to the things which are for the good of the church.
13 Nokuda kwechikonzero ichi, ani naani anotaura nendimi anofanira kunyengetera kuti adudzirewo zvaanotaura.
For this reason, let the man who has the power of using tongues make request that he may, at the same time, be able to give the sense.
14 Nokuti kana ndichinyengetera nendimi, mweya wangu ndiwo unonyengetera, asi kufunga kwangu hakuna zvibereko.
For if I make use of tongues in my prayers, my spirit makes the prayer, but not my mind.
15 Zvino ndichaiteiko? Ndichanyengetera nomweya wangu, ndichanyengeterawo nokufunga kwangu; ndichaimba nomweya wangu, asi ndichaimbawo nokufunga kwangu.
What then? let my prayer be from the spirit, and equally from the mind; let my song be from the spirit, and equally from mind.
16 Kana uchirumbidza Mwari nomweya wako, ko, uyo agere pakati pavasingazivi achati, “Ameni” seiko, pakuvonga kwako, sezvo asinganzwisisi zvauri kutaura?
For if you give a blessing with the spirit, how will the man who has no knowledge say, So be it, after your prayer, seeing that he has not taken in what you are saying?
17 Unogona kunge uchivonga zvako zvakanaka, asi mumwe munhu haasimbiswi.
For your giving of the blessing is certainly well done, but of no profit to the man without knowledge.
18 Ndinovonga Mwari kuti ndinotaura nendimi zhinji kupfuura imi mose.
I give praise to God that I am able to make use of tongues more than you all:
19 Asi mukereke ndingada zvangu kutaura mashoko mashanu nokufunga kwangu kuti ndidzidzise vamwe pano kutaura mashoko zviuru gumi norumwe rurimi.
But in the church it would be better for me to make use of five words of which the sense was clear, so that others might have profit, than ten thousand words in a strange tongue.
20 Hama, regai kufunga savana. Pazvinhu zvakaipa ivai savacheche, asi pakufunga kwenyu muve savanhu vakuru.
My brothers, do not be children in mind: in evil be as little children, but in mind be of full growth.
21 MuMurayiro makanyorwa muchinzi: “Kubudikidza navanhu vedzimwe ndimi uye kubudikidza nemiromo yavatorwa, ndichataura kuvanhu ava, asi kunyange zvakadaro havanganditeereri,” ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe.
In the law it is said, By men of other tongues and by strange lips will my words come to this people; and not even so will they give ear to me, says the Lord.
22 Naizvozvo, ndimi hadzizi chiratidzo kuvatendi asi kuna vasingatendi; asiwo chiprofita ndechavatendi, kwete vasingatendi.
For this reason tongues are for a sign, not to those who have faith, but to those who have not: but the prophet's word is for those who have faith, and not for the rest who have not.
23 Saka kana kereke yose yaungana pamwe chete uye vose vakataura nendimi, uye vamwe vasinganzwisisi kana vasingatendi vakapinda, havangati mava kupenga here?
If, then, the church has come together, and all are using tongues, and there come in men without knowledge or faith, will they not say that you are unbalanced?
24 Asi kana asingatendi kana mumwe munhu asinganzwisisi akapinda vanhu vose vachiprofita, achabatwa nazvo akaziva kuti iye mutadzi uye kuti achatongwa nazvo,
But if all are teaching as prophets, and a man without faith or knowledge comes in, he is tested by all, he is judged by all;
25 uye zvakavanzika zvomweya wake zvinoratidzwa. Naizvozvo achawira pasi nechiso chake agonamata Mwari, uye agopupura kuti Mwari ari pakati penyu zvirokwazvo.
The secrets of his heart are made clear; and he will go down on his face and give worship to God, saying that God is truly among you.
26 Zvino tichatiiko, hama? Kana muchiungana, mumwe nomumwe ane rwiyo, kana shoko rokurayira, chaakazarurirwa, ndimi kana kududzira. Zvose izvi ngazviitwe kuti zvisimbise kereke.
What is it then, my brothers? when you come together everyone has a holy song, or a revelation, or a tongue, or is giving the sense of it. Let everything be done for the common good.
27 Kana mumwe achitaura nendimi, vaviri, kana vatowanda, vatatu, ngavataure mumwe mushure momumwe, uye mumwe ngaadudzire.
If any man makes use of a tongue, let it not be more than two, or at the most three, and in turn; and let someone give the sense:
28 Kana pasina anodudzira, ari kutaura ngaanyarare mukereke uye ngaazvitaurire pachake uye nokuna Mwari.
But if there is no one to give the sense, let him keep quiet in the church; and let his words be to himself and to God.
29 Vaprofita vaviri kana vatatu ngavataure uye vamwe ngavanyatsoongorora zvaataura.
And let the prophets give their words, but not more than two or three, and let the others be judges of what they say.
30 Uye kana kuzarurirwa kwasvika kuno mumwe munhu agere pasi, mutauri wokutanga ngaanyarare.
But if a revelation is given to another who is seated near, let the first be quiet.
31 Nokuti mose munogona kuprofita muchitevedzana mumwe mushure momumwe, kuitira kuti vose varayirwe uye vakurudzirwe.
For you may all be prophets in turn so that all may get knowledge and comfort;
32 Mweya yavaprofita inozviisa pasi pavaprofita.
And the spirits of the prophets are controlled by the prophets;
33 Nokuti Mwari haasi Mwari wenyonganyonga asi worugare. Sezvinoitwa mune dzimwe kereke dzose dzavatsvene,
For God is not a God whose ways are without order, but a God of peace; as in all the churches of the saints.
34 vakadzi ngavanyarare mukereke. Havatenderwi kutaura asi ngavazviise pasi sezvinoreva murayiro.
Let women keep quiet in the churches: for it is not right for them to be talking; but let them be under control, as it says in the law.
35 Kana vachida kubvunza chimwe chinhu, ngavabvunze varume vavo kumba; nokuti hazvina kufanira kuti mukadzi ataure mukereke.
And if they have a desire for knowledge about anything, let them put questions to their husbands privately: for talking in the church puts shame on a woman.
36 Ko, shoko raMwari rakatanga nemi here? Kana kuti rakasvika kwamuri moga here?
What? was it from you that the word of God went out? or did it only come in to you?
37 Kana munhu achifunga kuti muprofita kana kuti ane chipo chomweya, ngaatende kuti zvandinokunyorerai murayiro waShe.
If any man seems to himself to be a prophet or to have the Spirit, let him take note of the things which I am writing to you, as being the word of the Lord.
38 Kana akasatenda izvi, iye pachake ngaasatendwe.
But if any man is without knowledge, let him be so.
39 Naizvozvo, hama dzangu, ivai nechido chokuprofita, uye musadzivisa kutaura nendimi.
So then, my brothers, let it be your chief desire to be prophets; but let no one be stopped from using tongues.
40 Asi zvinhu zvose ngazviitwe nomutoo wakafanira uye zvichitevedza mutemo.
Let all things be done in the right and ordered way.

< 1 VaKorinde 14 >