< 1 VaKorinde 13 >
1 Kunyange ndikataura nendimi dzavanhu nedzavatumwa, asi ndisina rudo, ndakaita sedare rinorira kana ndarira dzinongoti ngwerengwere.
Supposing we could speak [all] the various languages [MTY] that people [in the world speak] and even speak [the language] that angels [speak]. If we did not love [others, speaking those languages] would be [as useless as beating] a brass gong or clanging cymbals [together].
2 Kana ndine chipo chokuprofita uye ndichinzwisisa zvakavanzika zvose noruzivo rwose, uye kana ndino kutenda kunofambisa makomo, asi ndisina rudo, handisi chinhu.
Supposing we had the ability to speak messages that come directly from God, and we could understand the plans that he has not yet revealed [to others], and we could know everything [about everything], and we believed in God so strongly that we could [do impossible things like] causing mountains to move. If we did not love [others, God would consider all that] to be worthless.
3 Kana ndikagovera zvose zvandinazvo kuvarombo uye kana ndikaisa muviri wangu kuti upiswe, asi kana ndisina rudo, hazvindibatsiri chinhu.
And supposing we would give everything that we own to poor people, and would let others kill us in order that we could boast about [sacrificing our] own bodies. If we did not love [others], we would not get any reward [from God].
4 Rudo runo mwoyo murefu, rudo runo mwoyo munyoro. Haruna godo, haruna manyawi haruzvikudzi.
Those who [PRS] truly love [others] act patiently and kindly toward them. Those who [PRS] truly love [others] are not jealous of them, they do not boast [about what they themselves have done], and are not proud.
5 Haruiti zvokuvirimira vamwe, harutsvaki zvarwo, harukurumidzi kutsamwa, haruna pfundi pfundi.
Those who [PRS] truly love [others] do not act in disgraceful/disrespectful ways towards them. They do not (act selfishly/think only of themselves and what they want). They do not quickly become angry. They do not keep remembering the bad things [that others have done to them].
6 Rudo harufariri zvakaipa, asi runofarira chokwadi.
Those who [PRS] truly love [others] do not rejoice when [people do] evil things, but they do rejoice when [people act] righteously.
7 Runodzivirira nguva dzose, runovimba nguva dzose, rune tariro nguva dzose, runotsungirira nguva dzose.
Those who truly love [others] patiently put up [the faults of others]. They do not quickly assume [that others have done something bad]. They confidently expect [that others will act righteously]. They patiently endure [all their own troubles].
8 Rudo harutongoperi. Zvino kana kuri kuprofita, kuchapera; kana dziri ndimi, dzichagumiswa; kana rwuri ruzivo, ruchapfuura.
We should never [PRS] let anything stop us from continuing to love [others]. As for the ability to speak messages that come directly from God, some day that will come to an end. As for the ability to speak languages [MTY] [that we have not learned], that will [also] come to an end some day. And as for the ability to know things that God reveals to us, that will come to an end some day [because it will not be necessary any more].
9 Nokuti tinoziva zvisakakwana uye tinoprofita zvisakakwana,
God does not reveal everything to us, and we cannot know everything that he knows.
10 asi kana zvakakwana zvasvika, zvisakakwana zvichabviswa.
But when everything is perfect [after Christ returns], things which are not perfect [now], [such as the abilities which God’s Spirit gives us], will (disappear/come to an end).
11 Pandaiva mwana ndaitaura somwana, ndaifunga somwana, ndairangarira somwana. Zvino zvandava murume, ndakabvisa zvinhu zvoumwana.
When we were children, we talked like children talk, we thought like children think, we reasoned like children reason. But when we grew up, we got rid of our childish ways [MET]. [Similarly], [you need to get rid of your childish thinking about the abilities that the Spirit has given you].
12 Nokuti zvino tinoona asi hationi zvakanaka somuchionioni; asi nenguva iyo tichaonana chiso nechiso. Iye zvino ndinoziva zvisakakwana; asi ndichaziva zvizere, kunyange sezvandinozivikanwa zvizere.
In this life we do not understand everything fully. It is like [MET] looking at something indirectly by seeing it in a mirror. But [when we get to heaven] [MTY], we will [understand everything clearly. It will be like] talking to someone face-to-face. Now we know only part [of everything that God wants us to know]. Then we will know everything completely, just like [God] knows us completely.
13 Uye zvinhu zvitatu izvi ndizvo zvinogara, zvinoti kutenda, tariro norudo. Asi chikuru pakati peizvi ndirwo rudo.
So now there are three things [that we must] continue [to do]: To trust [in God], to confidently expect [to receive what he will give us], and to love [others]. But the greatest of those three things is loving [others].