< 1 Makoronike 9 >

1 VaIsraeri vose vakanyorwa munhoroondo dzakanyorwa mubhuku ramadzimambo eIsraeri. VaJudha vakatapwa vakaendeswa kuBhabhironi nokuda kwokusatendeka kwavo.
And, all Israel, registered themselves, and lo! they are written, in the Book of the Kings of Israel, and, Judah, was carried away captive to Babylon, for their faithlessness.
2 Zvino vakatanga kugara panyika yavo mumaguta avo vaiva vamwe vaIsraeri, vaprista, vaRevhi navaranda vomutemberi.
Now, the first inhabitants, who were in their possessions, in their cities, were Israel, the priests, the Levites, and the Nethinim.
3 Avo vaibva kuJudha, nevaibva kwaBhenjamini nevaibva kwaEfuremu naManase vaigara muJerusarema vaiva:
And, in Jerusalem, there dwelt, of the sons of Judah, and of the sons of Benjamin, —and of the sons of Ephraim, and Manasseh:
4 Utai mwanakomana waAmihudhi, mwanakomana waOmuri, mwanakomana waImiri, mwanakomana waBhani, chizvarwa chaPerezi mwanakomana waJudha.
Uthai son of Ammihud, son of Omri, son of Imri, son of Bani, of the sons of Perez, son of Judah.
5 VaShiro: Asaya uyo aiva dangwe navanakomana vake.
And, of the Shilonites, Asaiah the firstborn, and his sons.
6 VaZerahi: Jeueri. Vanhu vaibva kuJudha vaiva mazana matanhatu namakumi mapfumbamwe.
And, of the sons of Zerah, Jeuel, —and their brethren, six hundred and ninety.
7 VaBhenjamini: Saru mwanakomana waMeshurami, mwanakomana waHodhavhia, mwanakomana waHasenua;
And, of the sons of Benjamin, Sallu, son of Meshullam, son of Hodaviah, son of Hassenuah;
8 Ibhineya mwanakomana waJerohamu; Era mwanakomana waUzi, mwanakomana waMikiri; naMeshurami mwanakomana waShefatia, mwanakomana waReueri, mwanakomana waIbhiniya.
and Ibneiah, son of Jeroham, and Elah, son of Uzzi, son of Michri, —and Meshullam, son of Shephatiah, son of Reuel, son of Ibnijah;
9 Vanhu vorudzi rwaBhenjamini sezvazvakanyorwa munhoroondo yavo, vaisvika mazana mapfumbamwe namakumi mashanu navatanhatu. Varume ava vose vakanga vari vakuru vemhuri.
and their brethren, by their generations, nine hundred and fifty-six, —all these men, were ancestral chiefs, to their ancestral house.
10 Vaprista: Jedhaya, naJehoyaribhi naJakini;
And, of the priests, Jedaiah, and Jehoiarib, and Jachin, —
11 Azaria mwanakomana waHirikia, mwanakomana waMeshurami, mwanakomana waZadhoki, mwanakomana waMerayoti, mwanakomana waAhitubhi, mubati mukuru muimba yaMwari.
and Azariah son of Hilkiah, son of Meshullam, son of Zadok, son of Meraioth, son of Ahitub, chief ruler of the house of God;
12 Adhaya mwanakomana waJerohamu, mwanakomana waPashuri, mwanakomana waMarikia; naMaasai mwanakomana waAdhieri, mwanakomana waJahazera, mwanakomana waMeshurami, mwanakomana waMeshiremiti, mwanakomana waIma.
and Adaiah, son of Jeroham, son of Pashhur, son of Malchijah, —and Maasai son of Adiel, son of Jahzerah, son of Meshullam, son of Meshillemith, son of Immer;
13 Vaprista, vaiva vakuru vemhuri, vaisvika chiuru namazana manomwe namakumi matanhatu. Vose vaiva varume vaikwanisa uye vaibata basa rokushumira muimba yaMwari.
and their brethren, chief men of their ancestral house, a thousand and seven hundred and sixty, —able men, for the business of the service of the house of God.
14 VaRevhi: Shemaya mwanakomana waHashubhi, mwanakomana waAzirikami, mwanakomana waHashabhia, muMerari;
And, of the Levites, Shemaiah, son of Hasshub, son of Azrikam, son of Hashabiah, of the sons of Merari;
15 Bhakibhaka, Hereshi, Garari naMatania mwanakomana waMika, mwanakomana waZikiri, mwanakomana waAsafi;
and Bakbakkar, Heresh, and Galal, —and Mattaniah, son of Mica, son of Zichri, son of Asaph;
16 Obhadhia mwanakomana waShemaya, mwanakomana waGarari, mwanakomana waJedhutuni; naBherekia mwanakomana waAsa, mwanakomana waErikana, vaigara mumisha yavaNetofati.
and Obadiah, son of Shemaiah, son of Galal, son of Jeduthun, —and Berechiah son of Asa, son of Elkanah, who dwelt in the villages of the Netophathites.
17 Vatariri vamasuo: Sharumi, Akubhi, Tarimoni, Ahimani navanunʼuna vavo, Sharumi ari mukuru wavo,
And, the keepers of the gates, were Shallum, and Akkub, and Talmon, and Ahiman, —and their brethren—Shallum the chief;
18 vakaiswa paSuo raMambo kumabvazuva, kusvikira nanhasi. Ava ndivo vaiva vatariri vamasuo, okumusasa wavaRevhi.
and, hitherto, they were in the gate of the king, eastward, —the same, were the keepers of the gate, for the camps of the sons of Levi.
19 Sharumi mwanakomana waKore mwanakomana waEbhiasafi, mwanakomana waKora navamwe vatariri vamasuo vokumhuri yake, vaKora, vaiva nebasa rokuchengetedza mikova yeTende sezvaingoitwa namadzibaba avo vakanga vane basa rokurinda suo rokupinda kuugaro hwaJehovha.
And, Shallum, son of Kore, son of Ebiasaph, son of Korah and his brethren of his ancestral house—the Korahites, were over the business of the service, watchers at the vestibule of the tent, —and, their fathers, had been over the camp of Yahweh, watchers at the entrance.
20 Panguva dzapakutanga Finehasi mwanakomana waEreazari ndiye aiva mukuru wavatariri vamasuo, uye Jehovha aiva naye.
And, Phinehas son of Eleazar, was, chief ruler, over them aforetime, Yahweh, being with him.
21 Zekaria mwanakomana waMesheremia aiva mutariri wesuo pamukova weTende Rokusangana.
Zechariah son of Meshelemiah, was door-keeper at the entrance of the tent of meeting.
22 Vose pamwe chete vakanga vasarudzwa kuti vave vatariri vamasuo pamikova vaisvika mazana maviri negumi navaviri. Vakanga vakanyorwa munhoroondo dzokuberekwa dzemisha yavo. Vatariri vamasuo vakapiwa mabasa avo nenzvimbo dzavo naDhavhidhi naSamueri muoni.
All those who were chosen for door-keepers in the vestibule, were two hundred and twelve, —the same, in their villages, had registered themselves, the same, did David and Samuel the seer establish in their trust.
23 Ivo nezvizvarwa zvavo vaiva nebasa rokurinda masuo eimba yaJehovha, imba yainzi Tende.
So, they and their sons, were over the gates of the house of Yahweh, of the house of the tent, by watches.
24 Vatariri vamasuo vaiva kumativi mana, kumabvazuva, kumavirira, kumusoro nezasi.
Towards the four winds, were the keepers of the gates, —eastward, westward, northward, and southward.
25 Vanunʼuna vavo mumisha yavo vaiuya nguva nenguva vachizogoverana mabasa avo vachiita madzoro amazuva manomwe.
And, their brethren in their villages, had to come in, every seven days, from time to time, along with these.
26 Asi vakuru vana pakati pavatariri vamasuo, vaiva vaRevhi, vakapiwa basa rokuchengetedza makamuri namatura epfuma muimba yaMwari.
For, in trust, were four mighty men of the keepers of the gates, the same, were Levites, —and they were over the chambers, and over the treasuries of the house of God.
27 Vaipedza usiku hwose vari panzvimbo dzavo vakapoteredza imba yaMwari, nokuti vaifanira kuichengetedza; uye vaiva nebasa rokuizarura mangwanani oga oga.
And, round about the house of God, used they to lodge, —for, upon them, was the charge, and they were over the setting open, morning by morning.
28 Vamwe vavo vaiva nebasa rokuchengetedza midziyo yaishandiswa muTemberi; vaiiverenga ichibuda voiverengazve yodzorerwa.
And, some from among them, were over the utensils of the service, —for, by number, used they to bring them in, and, by number, used they to take them forth.
29 Vamwe vakapiwa basa rokuti vachengetedze nhumbi nemimwe midziyo yose yapanzvimbo tsvene pamwe chete noupfu hwakatsetseka newaini, namafuta, nezvinonhuhwira nemiti inonhuhwira.
And, some from among them, were appointed over the utensils, yea over all the vessels of the holy place, —and over the fine meal, and the wine, and the oil, and the frankincense, and the spices.
30 Asi vamwe vavaprista vaiitawo basa rokusanganisa miti inonhuhwira.
And, some from among the sons of the priests, were compounders of perfumes, with the spices.
31 MuRevhi ainzi Matitia, dangwe raSharumi muKora, akagadzwa basa rokubika chingwa chechipiriso.
And, Mattithiah, from among the Levites, —the same, was the firstborn of Shallum the Korahite—was in trust over the making of the flat cakes.
32 Vamwe vehama dzavo vaKohati vakapiwa basa rokubika chingwa chaizoiswa patafura pamaSabata ose.
And, some from among the Kohathites, of their brethren, were over the Bread that was set in Array, —to place it sabbath by sabbath.
33 Avo vaiva vaimbi, vakuru vemhuri dzavaRevhi, vaigara mumakamuri omuTemberi uye vaisaita mamwe mabasa ose nokuti vaifanira kuita basa iri masikati nousiku.
These, also were the singers, ancestral chiefs of the Levites, in the chambers, free, —for, by day and by night, was there [a charge] upon them, in the business.
34 Ava vose vaiva vakuru vemhuri dzavaRevhi, vakuru sezvavakanyorwa munhoroondo dzokuberekwa kwavo. Uye vaigara muJerusarema.
These, were the ancestral chiefs, of the Levites, by their generations, chief men, —these, dwelt in Jerusalem.
35 Jeyeri baba vaGibheoni aigara muGibheoni. Mukadzi wake ainzi Maaka,
And, in Gibeon, dwelt the father of Gibeon, Jeiel, —the name of whose wife, was Maacah:
36 uye dangwe rake raivawo Abhidhoni, achiteverwa naZuri, Kishi, Bhaari, Neri, Nadhabhi,
and, his firstborn son, Abdon, —and Zur, and Kish, and Baal and Ner, and Nadab;
37 Gedhori, Ahio, Zekaria naMikiroti.
and Gedor, and Ahio, and Zechariah, and Mikloh.
38 Mikiroti aiva baba vaShimeamu. Ivowo vaigara pedyo nehama dzavo muJerusarema.
And, Mikloth, begat Shimeam—and, they also, over against their brethren, did dwell in Jerusalem, along with their brethren.
39 Neri aiva baba vaKishi, Kishi ari baba vaSauro, uye Sauro aiva baba vaJonatani, Mariki-Shua, Abhinadhabhi naEshi-Bhaari.
And, Ner, begat Kith, and, Kish, begat Saul, —and, Saul, begat Jonathan, and Malchishua, and Abinadab, and Eshbaal;
40 Mwanakomana waJonatani ainzi Meribhi-Bhaari uye aiva baba vaMika.
and, the son of Jonathan, was Merib-baal, —and, Merib-baal, begat Micah;
41 Vanakomana vaMika vaiva Pitoni: Mereki, Tahirea naAhazi.
and, the sons of Micah, were Pithon, and Melech, and Tahrea [and Ahaz];
42 Ahazi aiva baba vaJadha, Jadha aiva baba vaAremeti, Azimavheti naZimiri, uye Zimiri aiva baba vaMoza.
and, Ahaz, begat Jarah, and, Jarah begat Alemeth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri, —and Zimri, begat Moza;
43 Moza aiva baba vaBhinea; Refaya aiva mwanakomana wake, Ereasa mwanakomana wake naAzeri mwanakomana wake.
and, Moza, begat Binea, —and Raphaiah his son, Eleasah his son, Azel his son;
44 Azeri aiva navanakomana vatanhatu, uye aya ndiwo mazita avo: Azirikami, Bhokeru, Ishumaeri, Sheariya, Obhadhia naHanani. Ava ndivo vaiva vana vaAzeri.
and, Azel, had six sons, and these are their names—Azrikam, [his firstborn], and Ishmael, and Sheariah and Obadiah, and Hanan, [and Asah]. These, were the sons of Azel.

< 1 Makoronike 9 >