< Bahebera 10 >

1 Tsamaiso e kgologolo ya melao ya Sejuta e ne e supa fela moriti wa dilo tse di molemo tse Keresete a neng a tlaa re di direla. Ka fa tsamaisong e kgologolo ditlhabelo di ne di boelelwa gantsi, ngwaga le ngwaga, mme le fa go ntse jalo di ne tsa seka tsa boloka ba ba neng ba tshela ka fa tlase ga melao ya tsone.
NOW the law, having a shadow of the good things which were to come, not the very substance of the things, cannot possibly, by the same sacrifices which they offer year by year continually, make those perfect who approach God;
2 Fa e ne e le gore di ne di ka kgona, setlhabelo se le sosi fela se ka bo se ne sa lekana; baobamedi ba ka bo ba ntlafaditswe gangwe fela, le go itlhobaelela ga bone go ka bo go ne ga nyelela.
else they would have discontinued to make the offering, because they who performed the service being once made clean, would have had no more sense of sins on their conscience.
3 Mme go ne ga diragala ka tsela e sele: ditlhabelo tsele tsa ngwaga le ngwaga di ne tsa gakolola kaga go tlhoka theetso ga bone le molato wa bone mo boemong jwa go lapolosega ga mewa ya bone.
But in these sacrifices there is a commemoration of sins every year.
4 Gonne ga go kgonege ruri gore madi a dipoo le dipodi a tlose dibe.
For it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sin.
5 Ke gone ka moo Keresete o rileng a tla mo lefatsheng a bua a re, “Modimo, madi a dipoo ga a kake a go itumedisa, jalo o mpaakanyeditse mmele o wame go o baya e le setlhabelo mo sebesong sa gago.
Wherefore, coming into the world, he saith, “Sacrifice and oblation thou hast not chosen, but thou hast exactly fashioned a body for me:
6 Ga o a itumedisiwa ke ditlhabelo tsa diruiwa, tse di neng di bolawa di bo di fisiwa fa pele ga gago e le ditshupelo tsa boleo.
thou hast had no delight in whole burnt-offerings and sacrifices for sin:
7 Mme ka bua ka re, ‘Bona, ke tletse go dira thato ya gago, go ntsha botshelo jwa me setlhabelo, fela jaaka Dikwalo di boletse gore ke tlaa dira jalo.’”
then I said, Here am I; (in the volume of the book it is written of me) I come to do thy will, O God.”
8 Erile Keresete a sena go bua jaana, ka go tlhoka go itumedisiwa ke ditlhabelo tse di farologanyeng, le ditshupelo tse di batlwang ka fa tsamaisong e kgologolo,
Having said before that sacrifice, and oblation, and whole burnt-offerings and sin-offerings thou hast not chosen, nor takest pleasure in, (which are offered according to the law, )
9 a oketsa a bua a re, “Ke fano. Ke tletse go ntsha botshelo jwa me setlhabelo.” O tlosa tsamaiso ya pele ka go rata e e botoka e e itekanetseng.
he then added, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He abolishes the first that he may establish the second.
10 Ka fa leanong le lesha le, re itshwaretswe ra bo ra ntlafadiwa ke Keresete ka go re swela gangwe fela.
By the which will we are sanctified through the oblation of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all.
11 Ka fa kgolaganong e kgologolo baperesiti ba ne ba ema fa pele ga sebeso malatsi otlhe ba ntsha ditlhabelo tse di neng di ka seka tsa phimola dibe tsa rona.
And every priest standeth indeed daily performing the divine service, and frequently offering the same sacrifices, which cannot possibly take away sins:
12 Mme Keresete o ne a ineela Modimo go tswa setlhabelo sa dibe tsa rona e le sone setlhabelo fela sa nako yotlhe, mme erile morago ga moo a nna fa fatshe mo lefelong la tlotlo e kgolo ka fa letsogong la Modimo le legolo,
but this person, having offered one sacrifice for sins, for ever hath seated himself at the right hand of God;
13 a letile baba ba gagwe go bewa ka fa tlase ga dinao tsa gagwe.
henceforth waiting till his enemies be put as a footstool for his feet.
14 Gonne ka sone setlhabelo seo, o ne a dira botlhe boitekanelo fa pele ga Modimo, botlhe ba o ba itshepisang.
For by one oblation he hath made those perfect for ever who are sanctified.
15 Mme Mowa O O Boitshepo o supa gore go ntse fela jalo, gonne o rile,
Now the Holy Ghost also beareth this testimony to us: for after declaring before,
16 “Se ke kgolagano e ke tlaa e dirang le batho ba Iseraela, le fa ba ne ba senya kgolagano ya pele: ke tlaa kwala melao ya me mo megopolong ya bone gore ba itse thata ya me ka gale, gape ke tlaa tsenya melao ya me mo dipelong tsa bone gore ba tle ba rate go e obamela.”
“This is the testament which I will appoint to them after those days, saith the Lord; giving my laws to their hearts, even on their minds will I inscribe them;”
17 Mme morago wa oketsa wa re, “Ga ke kitla ke tlhola ke gakologelwa dibe tsa bone le ditiro tsa bone tse di maswe.”
he adds, “and their sins and their iniquities I will in no wise remember any more.”
18 Jaanong, fa dibe di itshwaretswe ruri ebile di lebetswe, ga go tlhokege go ntsha ditlhabelo tse dingwe go di phimola.
Now where there is remission of these, no more offering for sin is needed.
19 Jalo ba gaetsho ba ba rategang, jaanong re ka tsena mo teng ga Boitshepo jwa Maitshepo kwa Modimo o leng teng, ka ntlha ya madi a ga Jesu.
Having therefore, brethren, entire liberty of entrance into the holies by the blood of Jesus―
20 Se ke tsela e e itekanetseng, e ncha, ya go fa botshelo, e Keresete a e re buletseng ka go gagola sesiro, ebong mmele wa gagwe wa setho, go re letla go tsena fa pele mo kgalalelong ya Modimo.
a way, which he hath consecrated for us, newly opened, and giving life, through the vail, that is, his flesh;
21 Mme ka Moperesiti yo mogolo yo wa rona a laola tsa ntlo ya Modimo,
and having a great priest over the house of God,
22 a re tseneng mo teng, kwa Modimong tota ka dipelo tse di boammaaruri di mo ikanya gotlhelele go re amogela, ka ntlha ya gore re kgatshitswe ka madi a ga Jesu go re ntlafatsa, le ka ntlha ya gore mebele ya rona e tlhatswitswe ka metsi a a phepa.
let us come to him with a true heart, in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and the body washed with pure water:
23 Mme re ka solofela poloko e Modimo o e re solofeditseng. Ga go tlhole go na le sebaka sa pelaelo, ebile re ka bolelela ba bangwe gore poloko ke ya rona, gonne ga gona pelaelo gore o tlaa dira se o se buang.
let us hold fast the profession of hope unwavering, (for he who promises is faithful.)
24 Mme mo go dumalaneng le tsotlhe tse a re di diretseng, a re tlhotlheletsanyeng mo go thusanyeng le mo go nneng bopelonomi yo mongwe mo go yo mongwe le mo go direng bomolemo.
and let us attentively observe one another, to excite an ardour of love and of good works:
25 A re se tlhokomologeng ditiro tsa phuthego le dikopano tsa rona, jaaka batho bangwe ba dira, mme a re kgothatsanyeng re bo re tlhagisanyeng, segolo jang ka gore letsatsi la go bowa ga gagwe le a atamela.
not deserting the assembling of ourselves together, as is the custom with some, but exhorting to it; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
26 Fa mongwe a leofa ka bomo ka go gana Mmoloki a sena go itse boammaaruri jwa boitshwarelo, sebe se ga se tlosiwe ke loso lwa ga Keresete; ga go na tsela e se ka tlosiwang ka yone.
For if we sin wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no more sacrifice for sins remaineth;
27 Ga go na sepe se se ka solofelwang morago ga go dira jalo fa e se katlholo e e setlhogo ya bogale jo bo tshosang jwa Modimo jo bo tlaa nyeletsang baba botlhe ba One.
but a certain terrible expectation of judgment, and a burning indignation, ready to devour these enemies.
28 Motho yo o neng a gana go obamela melao e e neng e ntshiwa ke Moshe o ne a bolawa kwa ntle ga kutlwelo botlhoko fa go ne go na le basupi ba le babedi kgotsa ba le bararo ba supa molato wa gagwe.
Any man who treated the law of Moses with neglect, was put to death, without mercy, on the deposition of two or three witnesses:
29 A o ko o akanye gore kotlhao e e setlhogo e tlaa wela go le kae ba ba gatakileng Morwa Modimo ka dinao, ba bo ba kaya madi a gagwe a a ntlafatsang jaaka ekete ke selonyana fela a bile a se boitshepo, ba bo ba tlhapatsa ba gakatsa Mowa O O Boitshepo o o lereng kutlwelo botlhoko ya Modimo kwa bathong ba One.
by how much, think ye, shall he be counted worthy of more condign punishment who hath trampled on the Son of God, and regarded the blood of his testament, by which he was sanctified, as an unclean thing, and hath treated the gracious Spirit contumeliously?
30 Gonne re a mo itse yo o rileng, “Pusoloso ke ya me; ke tlaa ba duela;” yo gape o rileng, “Morena ka sebele o tlaa atlhola batho ba gagwe”.
For we know him who declares, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.” And again, “The Lord will judge his people.”
31 Ke selo se se boitshegang go wela mo diatleng tsa Modimo o o tshelang.
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
32 Lo seka lwa ba lwa lebala malatsi ale a a molemo a lo neng lwa simolola go ithuta kaga Keresete mo go one. Gakologelwang ka fa lo neng lwa itshegeletsa ka teng mo Moreneng le fa go ne go raya pogiso e e boitshegang.
But remember the past days in which, after ye had been illuminated, ye endured a great conflict of sufferings;
33 Ka dinako tse dingwe lo ne lo tshegwa lo bo lo itewe, mme ka dinako tse dingwe lo ne lo tle lo lebelele lo bo lo utlwele ba bangwe botlhoko ba boga jaaka lona.
partly while publicly exposed to revilings and tribulations, partly as being in communion with those who were treated in this manner.
34 Mme lo bogile le ba ba tlhatlhetsweng mo dikgolegelong, ebile lo ne lwa itumela fa lo tseelwa tsotlhe tsa lona, lo itse gore dilo tse di botoka di lo letile kwa legodimong, dilo tse di tlaa nnelang tsa lona ruri.
For ye have been fellow-sufferers with my bonds, and received with joy the plundering of your properties, knowing in yourselves that you have in the heavens a better substance, and permanent.
35 Se letleng gore go ikanya Morena ka boitumelo mo, go swe, ga go re sepe gore go diragalang. Gakologelwang tuelo ya lona!
Recede not therefore from your boldness of profession, which brings a great recompence of reward.
36 Lo tlhoka go tswelela ka bopelotelele lo dira go rata ga Modimo fa e le gore lo batla gore o lo direle tsotlhe tse o di lo solofeditseng.
For ye have need of patience, that after ye have done the will of God, ye may receive the promise.
37 Go tla ga gagwe ga go kitla go diega.
For yet a little, very little while, and he that is coming will come, and will not delay.
38 Mme ba tumelo ya bone e ba siamisitseng mo ponong ya Modimo ba tshwanetse go tshela ka tumelo, ba o ikanya mo dilong tsotlhe. E seng jalo, fa ba gonyela, Modimo ga o kitla o ba itumelela.
“The just man then will live by faith;” and if he draw back, my soul shall have no delight in him.
39 Mme ga re ise re ke re furalele Modimo ra bo ra thibela tshenyego ya rona. Nnyaa, tumelo ya rona mo go One e tlhomamisa poloko ya mewa ya rona.
But we are not of those who turn back unto perdition; but of those who believe to the salvation of the soul.

< Bahebera 10 >