< Ditiro 28 >
1 Mme ka bofefo ra lemoga fa re gorogile mo setlhakeng sa Malita. Batho ba setlhake ba ne ba re siametse thata, ba ne ba gotsa molelo o motona fa lotshitshing go re amogela le go re thuthafatsa mo puleng le mo botsididing.
AND afterwards we learned that Melita was called that island.
And the Barbaroyee who dwelt in it many kindnesses showed us. And they kindled a fire, and called all of us to warm, because there was great rain and cold.
3 Mme erile fa Paulo a kokoanya ngata ya dikgong go di tsenya mo molelong, noga e e botlhole ya ntshiwa mo molelong ke mogote, ya ithatha ka letsogo la gagwe!
And Paulos took many sticks and placed upon the fire; and there came forth a viper from the heat of the fire, and bit (him) in his hand.
4 Mme batho ba setlhake ba ne ba e bona e lepeletse mme ba raana ba re, “Ke mmolai ga gona pelaelo! Le ntswa a falotse mo lewatleng, tshiamiso ga e ka ke ya mo letla gore a tshele!”
And when the Barbaroyee saw it hang upon his hand, they said, Perhaps this man is a murderer, whom, though he is escaped from the sea, justice suffereth not to live.
5 Mme Paulo a tlhotlhorela noga mo molelong e sa mo loma.
But Paulos shook his hand, and cast the viper into the fire, and nothing of evil befell him.
6 Mme batho ba solofela gore ba tlaa bona a ruruga kgotsa a wa fela ka tshoganetso a a swa; mme erile ba sena go nna ba lebeletse ka lobaka lo loleele mme go sena kgobalo epe mo go ene, ba fetola megopolo ya bone mme ba re ke modimo.
But the Barbaroyee expected that he would immediately have swelled and fallen dead upon the ground; and when they had for a great while expected and saw that nothing of evil befell him, they changed their words, and said he was a god.
7 Fa lotshitshing fa re neng ra nna teng go ne go na le tshimo ya ga Pubelio, molaodi wa setlhake. O ne a re amogela sentle a bo a re fa dijo ka malatsi a le mararo.
But there were possessions in that place (belonging) to a certain man whose name was Publios, who himself was the chief of the island; and he cheerfully received us into his house three days.
8 Mme erile ka yone nako eo, rraagwe Pubelio a bo a lwala bolwetse jwa letshoroma le motabogo o mohibidu. Paulo a tsena a mo rapelela, mme a mmaya diatla a mo fodisa!
But the father of Publios was ill in a fever, and a disease of the bowels. And Paulos went in to him, and prayed and laid his hand on him, and healed him.
9 Mme balwetse ba bangwe botlhe mo setlhakeng ba tla mme ba fodisiwa.
And when this was done, the rest also of them who were diseased in the island came to him and were cured.
10 Mme ka ntlha ya moo ra tshologelwa ke dimpho di le dintsi, mme erile fa go tla nako ya gore re tsamaye, batho ba olela mefuta yotlhe ya dilo tse re tlaa di tlhokang mo loetong.
And with great honours they honoured us; and when we went forth from thence they supplied us.
11 E ne e le kgwedi tse tharo sekepe se sena go senyega pele ga re simolola go tsamaya, mme ka nako e, re ne ra tsamaya ka sekepe se se bidiwang Mafatlha a Basimane sa Alekesanderia, sekepe se se neng se feditse mariga mo setlhakeng.
But we went forth after three months and voyaged in an Alexandrine ship which had wintered at the island; and she had upon her the sign of the Twins.
12 Re ne ra ema la ntlha kwa Sirakuse, kwa re neng ra nna teng malatsi a mararo.
And we came to Sarakosa the city, and remained there three days.
13 Mme go tswa foo ra dikologa ra ya kwa Regiama; letsatsi le le latelang phefo ya borwa ya simolola go foka, mme letsatsi le le latelang ra goroga kwa Puteoli,
And from thence we went round and came to Regium the city. And after one day the south wind blew, and in two days we came to Putialos, a city of Italia.
14 kwa re neng ra bona badumedi bangwe teng! Ba ne ba re kopa gore re nne nabo malatsi a supa. Go tsweng foo ra tswelela ra ya Roma.
And we found there brethren, and they prayed of us, and we were with them seven days, and then went we unto Ruma.
15 Bakaulengwe ba Roma ba ne ba utlwile gore re e tla mme ba tla go re kopantsha kwa patlelong mo Tseleng ya Apio. Bangwe ba kopana le rona kwa matlung a mararo a boitapoloso. Erile Paulo a ba bona, a leboga Modimo mme a nametsega.
And when the brethren who were there heard, they came forth to meet us unto the street that is called Apios Foros, and unto the Three Taverns. And when Paulos saw them he thanked Aloha, and was strengthened.
16 Mme erile fa re goroga kwa Roma, Paulo o ne a letlelelwa gore a nne fa a ratang teng, le fa a ne a disitswe ke lesole.
And we entered Ruma. And the centurion allowed Paulos to sojourn where he willed, with the soldier, him who guarded him.
17 Mme erile malatsi a mararo a sena go feta, a bitsa bagolwane ba Bajuta botlhe ba motse mme a ba raya a re: “Bakaulengwe ke ne ke tshwerwe ke Bajuta kwa Jerusalema mme ka isiwa kwa mmusong wa Roma gore ke sekisiwe, ntswa ke ne ke sa utlwisa ope botlhoko kgotsa go tsuolola ngwao ya borraetsho mogologolwane.
And after three days Paulos sent to convoke the principal men of the Jihudoyee; and when they were assembled, he said to them, Men, brethren, I, who in nothing have risen against the people, nor the law of our fathers, in bonds was delivered from Urishlem into the hands of the Rumoyee.
18 Mme Ba-Roma ba ne ba ntshekisa ba bo ba rata go nkgolola, gonne ba ne ba sa bone molato ope o o tshwanetseng loso jaaka bagolwane ba Bajuta ba ne ba batla.
And they who examined me willed to dismiss me, because they found not in me any fault worthy of death.
19 Mme erile fa Bajuta ba gana katlholo eo, ka bona go tlhokega, gore ke ikuele mo go Kaisara, ke sa ba eleletse bosula bope.
And when the Jihudoyee had risen against me, I was constrained to call the appeal of Caesar; (yet) not as though I had in any thing to be the accuser of the sons of my people.
20 Ke lo kopile go tla fano gompieno gore re itsanye le gore ke lo bolelele gore ke golegilwe ka dikeetane ka ntlha ya gore ke dumela gore Mesia o tsile.”
Wherefore I have besought you to come, that I might see you, and declare to you these things; for on account of the hope of Israel am I bound with this chain.
21 Mme ba fetola ba re, “Ga re ise re ke re utlwe sepe se o sekisiwang ka ga sone! Ga re ise re ke re amogele dikwalo dipe tse di tswang kwa Judea kgotsa dipego tse di tlang le ba ba tswang kwa Jerusalema.
They said to him, We have not received letters concerning thee from Jihud, and none of the brethren who have come from Urishlem have spoken any thing evil of thee.
22 Mme re batla go utlwa se o se dumelang, gonne se re se itseng fela kaga Bakeresete ba ke gore ba nyadiwa gongwe le gongwe!”
But we are willing to hear from thee what it is that thou thinkest; for we know that this doctrine is by no man received.
23 Mme ga tlhongwa nako, mme ka letsatsi leo ga tla batho ba le bantsi mo tlung ya gagwe. A ba bolelela kaga Bogosi jwa Modimo a bo a ba ruta kaga Jesu mo Dikwalong, go tswa mo dikwalong tsa ga Moshe tse tlhano le dikwalo tsa baporofiti. A simolola a ruta mo mosong go fitlhelela maitseboa!
AND they appointed him a day; and many assembled and came where he sojourned; and he explained to them concerning the kingdom of Aloha, testifying and persuading them concerning Jeshu, from the law of Musha and from the prophets, from the morning until the evening.
24 Mme bangwe ba ne ba dumela, ba bangwe ba gana go dumela.
And some of them were persuaded by his words, and others were not persuaded.
25 Mme erile ba sena go ganetsanya ka bosi ba tsamaya ba tlhabilwe ke lefoko la bofelo la ga Paulo le le reng, “Mowa O O Boitshepo o ne o bua boammaaruri fa o bua ka Moporofiti Isaia o re,
And they removed from him, while not agreeing together. And Paulos said to them this word, Well spake the Spirit of Holiness, by the mouth of Eshaia the prophet, against your fathers,
26 ‘Raya Bajuta o re, “Lo tlaa utlwa lo bo lo bona mme ga lo na go tlhaloganya,”
saying, Go unto this people, and say unto them, Hearing, you will hear and will not understand. And you will see, but not discern:
27 gonne dipelo tsa lona di thata le ditsebe tsa lona ga di reetse mme lo tswetse matlho a lona gore lo seka lwa bona lwa tlhaloganya, le go sokologela kwa go nna gore ke lo fodise.’
For stupified is the heart of this people, And their hearing they have made heavy, And their eyes have they closed, Lest they should see with their eyes, And hear with their ears, And understand with their hearts, And be turned unto me, and I should forgive them.
28 Mme jalo ke batla gore lo lemoge gore poloko e, e e tswang kwa Modimong le Badichaba ke ya bone, ebile bone ba tla e amogela.”
Be this therefore known to you, that to the Gentiles is sent this redemption, for they will also hear it.
30 Mme Paulo o ne a nna dingwaga tse pedi mo tlung e o neng a e hirile, mme a amogela botlhe ba ba neng ba mo etela,
And Paulos hired his own house, and was in it two years, and received there all those who came to him.
31 a ba bolelela ka bopelokgale jotlhe kaga Bogosi jwa Modimo le kaga Morena Jesu Keresete; mme ga seka ga nna le ope yo o lekang go mo didimatsa.
And he preached concerning the kingdom of Aloha, and taught with confidence concerning our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, none forbidding.