< Johane III 1 >

1 Lokwalo lo lo tswa kwa go: Nna Johane, mogolwane wa phuthego. Ke lo kwalela: Gaeyo yo ke mo ratang ka boammaaruri.
THE presbyter unto Gaios my beloved, whom I love in truth.
2 Tsala e e rategang, ke rapelela gore o segofale mo dilong tsotlhe le gore mmele wa gago o itekanele fela jaaka ke itse ka fa mowa wa gago o itekanetseng ka teng.
Our beloved, in all things I pray for thee, that thou mayest prosper and be healthful, even as thy soul prospereth.
3 Bangwe ba bakaulengwe ba ba kileng ba tla kwano ba intumedisitse thata ka go mpolelela gore botshelo jwa gago bo phepa ebile bo boammaaruri ka nako tsotlhe, le gore o tshela kafa Mafokong a a Molemo.
For I have rejoiced greatly when the brethren have come, and have testified concerning thy integrity, even as in the truth thou walkest.
4 Go ne go se na boitumelo bope jo ke neng ka nna najo go gaisa go utlwa dikgang tse di ntseng jalo ka bongwanake.
And greater joy than this I have not (than) when I hear that my sons walk in the truth.
5 Tsala e e rategang, o direla Modimo tiro e e molemo ka go tlhokomela baruti ba e leng batsamai le bareri ba ba fetang.
Our beloved, in faithfulness thou performest what thou doest unto the brethren, and especially to those who are strangers,
6 Ba boleletse phuthego kwano ka botsalano jwa lona le ditiro tsa gago tsa lorato. Ke itumela fa e a re ba tsamaya o ba fe dimpho ka bopelotshweu.
who have testified of thy charity, before all the church, to whom thou hast done well according to that which is worthy of Aloha.
7 Gonne ba tsamaela Morena, mme ga ba tseye dijo, diaparo, mogope (tante) le fa e le madi mo go ba e seng Bakeresete, le fa tota ba ba reretse.
For after his name they went forth, taking nothing from the Gentiles.
8 Jalo rona ka sebele re tshwanetse ra ba tlhokomela gore re tle re nne badiri le bone mo tirong ya Morena.
We therefore ought to receive such, that we may be helpers of the truth.
9 Ke romeletse phuthego lokwalo lo lo khutshwane ka selo se, mme Dioterefese wa moikgantshi, yo o ratang go itshusumeletsa kwa pele go nna moeteledipele wa Bakeresete teng koo, ga a batle ke mo laola ebile o gana go ntheetsa.
I would have written to the church; but he who loveth to be foremost of you, Diotrapas, receiveth us not.
10 E tlaa re ke tsena koo ke tlaa go bolelela dingwe tsa dilo tse a di dirang le ka dilo tse di sa siamang tse a buang kaga me le ka puo e e tlhapatsang. Ga a gane fela go amogela batsamaisi ba Lefoko la Modimo, mme o raya ba bangwe a re ba seka ba ba amogela, mme fa ba dira jalo o leka go ba kgaola mo phuthegong.
On account of this, if I come, I will remember the works which he doeth, who words of evil maketh concerning us; and these not satisfying him, he hath not received the brethren, and those who receive he forbiddeth, and also expelleth from the church.
11 Tsala e e rategang, o seka wa letla sekao se se maswe se go go tlhotlheletsa. Sala morago fela se se molemo. Gakologelwa gore ba ba dirang tshiamo ba supa gore ke bana ba Modimo; mme ba ba tswelelang ba dira bosula ba supa gore ba kgakala le Modimo.
Our beloved, be not imitative of the evil, but of the good. He who doeth good is of Aloha, and he who doeth evil hath not seen Aloha.
12 Mme batho botlhe, le Boammaaruri tota ba bua ka Demeterio. Le nna ka sebele ke ka bua jalo kaga gagwe, mme oa itse gore ke bua boammaaruri.
Concerning Demetrios is a testimony from every man, and from the church, and from the truth itself. But we also bear witness, and you know that our testimony is true.
13 Ke na le go le gontsi mo ke ka go buang mme ga ke batle go go kwala,
I have many things which I would write to thee, but I will not with ink and reed write to thee.
14 gonne ke solofela go go bona mo bogautshwaneng mme ke gone re tlaa buang go le gontsi re le mmogo. Ke gone salang sentle. Ditsala kwano di a lo dumedisa, mme tswee-tswee o ntumedisetse mongwe le mongwe koo. Wa lona ruri, Johane.
But I hope that soon I shall see thee, and mouth to mouth we will speak. Peace be with thee. The friends ask thy peace. Ask the peace of the friends each by his name.

< Johane III 1 >