< Bakorintha II 10 >
1 Ke a lo kopa Ee, Nna Paulo, ke kopa ka boikokobetso, fela jaaka Keresete a ne a tlaa dira. Le fa bangwe ba lona ba re, “Dikwalo tsa ga Paulo di supa bopelokgale thata fa a le kgakala, mme fa a tsena fano o boifa go tsholetsa lentswe la gagwe!”
Now I Paul myself entreat you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, I who in your presence am lowly among you, but being absent am of good courage toward you:
2 Ke solofela gore ga nke go tlhokega gore ke lo supegetse fa ke tla gore ke ka nna bogale go le kae. Ga ke batle go diragatsa leano la me le ke nang nalo kgatlhanong le bangwe ba lona ba go bonalang ba akanya gore ditiro le mafoko a me ke tsa motho fela.
yea, I beseech you, that I may not when present show courage with the confidence wherewith I count to be bold against some, who count of us as if we walked according to the flesh.
3 Ke boammaaruri gore ke motho fela yo o bokoa, mme ga ke dirise maano a setho le mekgwa ya sone go fenya dintwa.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh
4 Ke dirisa ditlhabano tsa Modimo tse dikgolo, e seng tse di dirilweng ke batho, go fenya dithata tsa ga Diabolo.
(for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the casting down of strongholds);
5 Ditlhabano tse di ka fenya dikganetsanyo tse di tletseng boikgodiso tse di kgathanong le Modimo le dipotana dingwe le dingwe tse di ka agiwang go kgoreletsa batho go mmona. Ka ditlhabano tse, ke ka gapa dirukhutlhi, ka bo ka di busetsa mo Modimong, ka bo ka di fetola go nna batho ba dikeletso tsa dipelo tsa bone di obamelang Keresete.
casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ;
6 Ke tlaa dirisa ditlhabano tse mo serukhutlhing sengwe le sengwe se se setseng ke sena go dirisa ditlhabano mo go lona, lo bo lo ineela mo go Keresete.
and being in readiness to avenge all disobedience, when your obedience shall be made full.
7 Molato mo go lona ke gore ke lebega ke le bokoa ebile ke sena nonofo, gonne ga lo lebe kwa botebong; le fa go ntse jalo fa mongwe a ka re o na le nonofo, le taolo ya ga Keresete ke nna ke ka buang jalo.
Ye look at the things that are before your face. If any man trusteth in himself that he is Christ’s, let him consider this again with himself, that, even as he is Christ’s, so also are we.
8 Ke ka lebega ke ikgantsha thata go feta jaaka ke tshwanetse go ikgantsha kaga taolo ya me mo go lona, taolo ya go lo thusa, e seng go lo utlwisa botlhoko, mme ke tlaa diragatsa sengwe le sengwe se ke se buileng.
For though I should glory somewhat abundantly concerning our authority (which the Lord gave for building you up, and not for casting you down), I shall not be put to shame:
9 Ke bua jaana gore lo se ka lwa akanya gore ke tsosa modumo fela fa ke lo omanya mo dikwalong tsa me.
that I may not seem as if I would terrify you by my letters.
10 Bangwe ba re, “Se tshwenyegeng ka dikwalo tsa gagwe. O utlwala a le selo sengwe, mme gotlhe ke modumo fela. Fa a tsena fa lo tlaa bona gore ga go na sepe se segolo ka ga gagwe, ebile ga lo ise lo ke lo utlwe moreri yo o bokoa jaaka ene”.
For, His letters, they say, are weighty and strong; but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech of no account.
11 Ka nako e, go tla ga me mo go lona go tlaa nna bogale fela jaaka dikwalo tsa me di ntse mo go lona!
Let such a one reckon this, that, what we are in word by letters when we are absent, such [are we] also in deed when we are present.
12 Oo, se tshwenyegeng, ga ke ka ke ka re ke siame jaaka banna ba, ba ba lo bolelelang gore ba siame go le kae! Molato wa bone ke gore ba itshwantsha fela le ba bangwe, ebile ba lepalepane le megopolonyana ya bone. A boeleele!
For we are not bold to number or compare ourselves with certain of them that commend themselves: but they themselves, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves with themselves, are without understanding.
13 Mme ga re kitla re ipelafatsa ka nonofo e re senang nayo. Maikemisetso a rona ke go gatela kwa leanong le Modimo o re le beetseng, mme leano le balela le go dira ga rona le lona le koo.
But we will not glory beyond [our] measure, but according to the measure of the province which God apportioned to us as a measure, to reach even unto you.
14 Ga reye kgakala thata fa re re re na le taolo mo go lona, gonne ke rona ba ntlha go tla go lo bolelela Mafoko a a Molemo kaga Keresete.
For we stretch not ourselves overmuch, as though we reached not unto you: for we came even as far as unto you in the gospel of Christ:
15 Ga se jaaka e ka re re ne re leka go batla go lebogelwa tiro e mongwe o sele o e dirileng mo go lona. Mme re solofela gore tumelo ya lona e tlaa gola, e ntse e le mo selekanyong se re se beetsweng, tiro ya rona mo go lona e tlaa okediwa thata.
not glorying beyond [our] measure, [that is], in other men’s labors; but having hope that, as your faith groweth, we shall be magnified in you according to our province unto [further] abundance,
16 Mme morago ga moo, re tlaa kgona go rera Mafoko a a Molemo mo metseng e mengwe e e kgakala le lona, kwa go senang ope yo o dirang gone; ke gone ga go kitla go nna le kgogakgogano kaga go nna mo tshimong ya yo mongwe.
so as to preach the gospel even unto the parts beyond you, [and] not to glory in another’s province in regard of things ready to our hand.
17 Jaaka dikwalo di bua di re, “Fa mongwe a ipelafatsa, a a ipelafatse kaga se Morena o se dirileng e seng kaga bo ga gagwe.”
But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.
18 Fa mongwe a ipelafatsa ka bo ga gagwe le kaga bontle jwa se o se dirileng, ga go lebosege. Mme fa Morena a mmaka, moo go pharologanyo!
For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth.