< Псалми 67 >

1 Боже, буди нам милостив и благосиљај нас, обасјавај нас лицем својим.
To the chief music-maker. With corded instruments. A Psalm. A Song. May God give us mercy and blessing, and let the light of his face be shining on us; (Selah)
2 Да би се знао на земљи пут Твој, по свима народима спасење Твоје.
So that men may see your way on the earth, and your salvation among all nations.
3 Да Те славе народи, Боже, да Те славе сви народи!
Let the peoples give you praise, O God; let all the peoples give you praise.
4 Да се веселе и радују племена; јер судиш народима право, и племенима на земљи управљаш.
O let the nations be glad, and make song of joy; for you will be the judge of the peoples in righteousness, guiding the nations of the earth. (Selah)
5 Да Те славе народи, Боже, да Те славе сви народи!
Let the peoples give you praise, O God; let all the peoples give you praise.
6 Земља даде плод свој. Да нас благосиља Бог, Бог наш!
The earth has given her increase; and God, even our God, will give us his blessing.
7 Да нас благосиља Бог, и да Га се боје сви крајеви земаљски!
God will give us his blessing; so let all the ends of the earth be in fear of him.

< Псалми 67 >