< Књига Исуса Навина 6 >
1 А Јерихон се затвори, и чуваше се од синова Израиљевих; нико није излазио, нити је ко улазио.
Now all the entrances to Jericho were closed because of the army of Israel. No one went out and no one came in.
2 А Господ рече Исусу: Ево, дајем ти у руке Јерихон и цара његовог и јунаке његове.
Yahweh said to Joshua, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hand, its king, and its trained soldiers.
3 Зато обиђите око града сви војници, идући око града једанпут на дан; тако учините шест дана.
You must march around the city, all the men of war going around the city one time. You must do this for six days.
4 А седам свештеника нека носе седам труба од рогова овнујских пред ковчегом; а седмог дана обиђите око града седам пута, и свештеници нека трубе у трубе.
Seven priests must carry seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark. On the seventh day, you must march around the city seven times, and the priests must sound blasts on the trumpets.
5 Па кад отежући затрубе у рогове овнујске, чим чујете глас од трубе, нека повиче сав народ гласно; и зидови ће градски попадати на свом месту, а народ нека улази, сваки напрема се.
Then they must sound a long blast with the ram's horn, and when you hear the sound of the trumpet all the people must shout with a great shout, and the wall of the city will fall down flat. The soldiers must attack, each one going straight ahead.”
6 Тада Исус син Навин дозва свештенике, и рече им: Узмите ковчег заветни, а седам свештеника нека носе седам труба од рогова овнујских пред ковчегом Господњим.
Then Joshua son of Nun called the priests and said to them, “Take up the ark of the covenant, and let seven priests carry seven trumpets of rams' horns in front of the ark of Yahweh.”
7 А народу рече: Идите и обиђите око града, и војници нека иду пред ковчегом Господњим.
He said to the people, “Go over and march around the city, and the armed men will go ahead of the ark of Yahweh.”
8 А кад Исус рече народу, седам свештеника носећи седам труба од рогова овнујских пођоше пред Господом, и затрубише у трубе, а ковчег завета Господњег пође за њима.
Just as Joshua had said to the people, the seven priests carried the seven trumpets of rams' horns before Yahweh. As they advanced, they gave a blast on the trumpets. The ark of the covenant of Yahweh followed after them.
9 А војници пођоше пред свештеницима, који трубљаху у трубе, а остали пођоше за ковчегом; и идући трубљаху у трубе.
Armed men walked before the priests, and they made a blast on their trumpets, but then the rear guard walked up behind the ark, and the priests blew their trumpets continually.
10 А народу заповеди Исус говорећи: Не вичите, и немојте да вам се чује глас, и ниједна реч да не изађе из уста ваших до дана кад вам ја кажем: Вичите; тада ћете викати.
But Joshua commanded the people, saying, “Do not shout. No sound must leave your mouths until the day I tell you to shout. Only then you must shout.”
11 Тако обиђе ковчег Господњи око града једном; па се вратише у логор, и ноћише у логору.
So he caused the ark of Yahweh to go around the city one time that day. Then they entered their camp, and they stayed the night in the camp.
12 А сутра уста Исус рано, и свештеници узеше ковчег Господњи.
Then Joshua got up early in the morning, and the priests picked up the ark of Yahweh.
13 И седам свештеника носећи седам труба од рогова овнујских иђаху пред ковчегом Господњим, и идући трубљаху у трубе; а војници иђаху пред њима, а остали иђаху за ковчегом Господњим; идући трубљаху у трубе.
The seven priests, who were carrying the seven trumpets of rams' horns in front of the ark of Yahweh, walked steadily and gave blasts on the trumpets. Armed soldiers were walking in front of them. But when the rear guard walked after the ark of Yahweh, then the trumpets gave out continual blasts.
14 И једном обиђоше око града другог дана, па се вратише у логор; тако учинише шест дана.
They marched around the city one time the second day and returned to the camp. They did this for six days.
15 А седмог дана усташе зором, и обиђоше око града исто онако седам пута; само тога дана обиђоше око града седам пута.
It was on the seventh day that they got up early at daybreak, and they marched around the city in the same way that was their pattern, this time for seven times. It was on this day that they marched around the city seven times.
16 А кад би седми пут да затрубе свештеници у трубе, Исус рече народу: Вичите, јер вам Господ даде град.
It was on the seventh day, when the priests gave a blast with the trumpets, that Joshua commanded the people, “Shout! For Yahweh has given you the city.
17 А град да буде проклет Господу и шта је год у њему; само Рава курва нека остане у животу и сви који буду код ње у кући, јер сакри посланике које смо послали.
The city and all that is in it will be set apart to Yahweh for destruction. Only Rahab the prostitute will live—she and all the ones with her in her house—because she hid the men we sent.
18 Али се чувајте од проклетих ствари да и сами не будете проклети узевши шта проклето, и да не навучете проклетство на логор Израиљев и сметете га.
But as for you, be on guard about taking the things set apart for destruction, so that after you mark them for destruction, you do not then take any of them. If you do this, you will make the camp of Israel something that must be destroyed and you will bring trouble on it.
19 Него све сребро и злато и посуђе од бронзе и од гвожђа нека буде свето Господу, нека уђе у ризницу Господњу.
All the silver, gold, and the things made of bronze and iron are set apart to Yahweh. They must go into the treasury of Yahweh.”
20 Тада повика народ и затрубише трубе, и кад народ чу глас трубни и повика гласно, попадаше зидови на месту свом; и народ уђе у град, сваки напрема се; и узеше град.
When they gave blasts with the trumpets, the people gave a great shout and the wall fell down flat, so every man charged straight in and captured the city.
21 И побише, као проклето, оштрим мачем све што беше у граду, и жене и људе, и децу, и старце и волове и овце и магарце.
They completely destroyed all that was in the city by the edge of the sword—man and woman, young and old, oxen, sheep and donkeys.
22 А оној двојици што уходише земљу рече Исус: Идите у кућу оне жене курве, и изведите њу и све што је њено, као што сте јој се заклели.
Then Joshua said to the two men who had spied out the land, “Go into the prostitute's house. Bring out the woman and all who are with her, as you swore to her.”
23 И отишавши они момци што уходише земљу, изведоше Раву и оца јој и матер јој и браћу јој и шта год беше њено, и сав род њен изведоше, и оставише их иза логора Израиљевог.
So the young men who had been spies went in and brought Rahab out. They brought out her father, mother, brothers, and all the relatives that were with her. They brought them to a place outside the camp of Israel.
24 А град спалише огњем и шта беше у њему; само сребро и злато и посуђе од бронзе и од гвожђа метнуше у ризницу дома Господњег.
They burned the city and everything in it. Only the silver, gold, and the vessels of bronze and iron were put into the treasury of the house of Yahweh.
25 А Раву курву и дом оца њеног и све што беше њено остави у животу Исус, и она оста међу Израиљцима до данас, јер сакри посланике које посла Исус да уходе Јерихон.
But Joshua allowed Rahab the prostitute, her father's household, and all that were with her to live. She lives in Israel to this day because she hid the men whom Joshua sent to spy on Jericho.
26 И у то време прокле Исус говорећи: Проклет да је пред Господом човек који би устао да гради овај град Јерихон! На првенцу свом основао га, и на мезимцу свом поставио му врата!
Then Joshua commanded them at that time with an oath, and he said, “Cursed is the man in Yahweh's sight who rebuilds this city, Jericho. At the cost of his firstborn son, he will lay the foundation, and at the cost of his youngest son, he will set up its gates.”
27 И Господ беше са Исусом, и разгласи се име његово по свој земљи.
So Yahweh was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout the land.