< Књига о Јову 30 >

1 А сада смеју ми се млађи од мене, којима отаца не бих хтео метнути са псима стада свог.
But now those who are younger than I make sport of me; those whose fathers I would not have put with the dogs of my flocks.
2 А на шта би ми и била сила руку њихових? У њима беше пропала старост.
Of what use is the strength of their hands to me? all force is gone from them.
3 Од сиромаштва и глади самоћаваху бежећи од сува, мрачна, пуста и опустошена места;
They are wasted for need of food, biting the dry earth; their only hope of life is in the waste land.
4 Који браху лободу по честама, и смреково корење беше им храна.
They are pulling off the salt leaves from the brushwood, and making a meal of roots.
5 Између људи беху изгоњени и викаше се за њима као за лупежом.
They are sent out from among their townsmen, men are crying after them as thieves
6 Живљаху по страшним увалама, по јамама у земљи и у камену.
They have to get a resting-place in the hollows of the valleys, in holes of the earth and rocks.
7 По грмовима рикаху, под трњем се скупљаху.
They make noises like asses among the brushwood; they get together under the thorns.
8 Беху људи никакви и без имена, мање вредни него земља.
They are sons of shame, and of men without a name, who have been forced out of the land.
9 И њима сам сада песма, и постах им прича.
And now I have become their song, and I am a word of shame to them.
10 Гаде се на ме, иду далеко од мене и не устежу се пљувати ми у лице.
I am disgusting to them; they keep away from me, and put marks of shame on me.
11 Јер је Бог одапео моју тетиву и муке ми задао те збацише узду преда мном.
For he has made loose the cord of my bow, and put me to shame; he has sent down my flag to the earth before me.
12 С десне стране устајаху момци, поткидаху ми ноге, и насипају пут к мени да ме упропасте.
The lines of his men of war put themselves in order, and make high their ways of destruction against me:
13 Раскопаше моју стазу, умножише ми муке, не треба нико да им помаже.
They have made waste my roads, with a view to my destruction; his bowmen come round about me;
14 Као широким проломом навиру, и наваљују преко развалина.
As through a wide broken place in the wall they come on, I am overturned by the shock of their attack.
15 Страхоте навалише на ме, и као ветар терају душу моју, и као облак прође срећа моја.
Fears have come on me; my hope is gone like the wind, and my well-being like a cloud.
16 И сада се душа моја разлива у мени, стигоше ме дани мучни.
But now my soul is turned to water in me, days of trouble overtake me:
17 Ноћу пробада ми кости у мени, и жиле моје не одмарају се.
The flesh is gone from my bones, and they give me no rest; there is no end to my pains.
18 Од тешке силе променило се одело моје, и као огрлица у кошуље моје стеже ме.
With great force he takes a grip of my clothing, pulling me by the neck of my coat.
19 Бацио ме је у блато, те сам као прах и пепео.
Truly God has made me low, even to the earth, and I have become like dust.
20 Вичем к Теби, а Ти ме не слушаш; стојим пред Тобом, а Ти не гледаш на ме.
You give no answer to my cry, and take no note of my prayer.
21 Претворио си ми се у љута непријатеља; силом руке своје супротиш ми се.
You have become cruel to me; the strength of your hand is hard on me.
22 Подижеш ме у ветар, посађујеш ме на њ, и растапаш у мени све добро.
Lifting me up, you make me go on the wings of the wind; I am broken up by the storm.
23 Јер знам да ћеш ме одвести на смрт и у дом одређени свима живима.
For I am certain that you will send me back to death, and to the meeting-place ordered for all living.
24 Али неће пружити руке своје у гроб; кад их стане потирати, они неће викати.
Has not my hand been stretched out in help to the poor? have I not been a saviour to him in his trouble?
25 Нисам ли плакао ради оног који беше у злу? Није ли душа моја жалосна бивала ради убогог?
Have I not been weeping for the crushed? and was not my soul sad for him who was in need?
26 Кад се добру надах, дође ми зло; и кад се надах светлости, дође мрак.
For I was looking for good, and evil came; I was waiting for light, and it became dark.
27 Утроба је моја узаврела, и не може да се умири, задесише ме дани мучни.
My feelings are strongly moved, and give me no rest; days of trouble have overtaken me.
28 Ходим црн, не од сунца, устајем и вичем у збору.
I go about in dark clothing, uncomforted; I get up in the public place, crying out for help.
29 Брат постах змајевима и друг совама.
I have become a brother to the jackals, and go about in the company of ostriches.
30 Поцрнела је кожа на мени и кости моје посахнуше од жеге.
My skin is black and dropping off me; and my bones are burning with the heat of my disease.
31 Гусле се моје претворише у запевку, и свирала моја у плач.
And my music has been turned to sorrow, and the sound of my pipe into the noise of weeping.

< Књига о Јову 30 >