< Књига пророка Исаије 57 >
1 Праведник мре, и нико не мари; и побожни се људи узимају, а нико се не сећа да се пред зло узима праведник;
Righteous people [sometimes] die [when they are still young], and no one is concerned about it. Godly people [sometimes] die because of disasters, and no one understands why. They are taken away in order that they will not endure more calamities,
2 Долази у мир и почива на постељи својој ко год ходи правим путем.
and now they have peace. They [continually] lived righteously, and [now] they rest [peacefully] in their graves.
3 А ви синови врачарини, роде курварски, који се курвате, приступите овамо.
[Yahweh says, ] “But you who practice sorcery, come here! You who worship idols [MET], [listen to me]!
4 Ким се ругате? На кога разваљујете уста и плазите језик? Нисте ли синови преступнички, семе лажно?
Do you realize [RHQ] whom you are ridiculing, and whom you are insulting? Do you realize [RHQ] to whom you are sticking out your tongues? [You are insulting me, Yahweh]! You are [RHQ] always rebelling against me and always lying.
5 Који се упаљујете за луговима, под сваким зеленим дрветом, кољете синове своје у потоцима, под врлетима каменим.
You are eager to have sex under every [big] green tree where you worship your gods. You kill your children as sacrifices [to your idols] in the dry riverbeds, and [also] offer them [as sacrifices to your idols] in the rocky caves.
6 Део ти је међу глатким камењем поточним; то је, то је твој део; њему лијеш налив свој, приносиш дар; тиме ли ћу се умирити?
[You take big] smooth stones from the riverbeds and worship them as your gods. You pour out [wine] to be an offering to them, and you bring grain [to burn for] an offering to them. Do you think that I should not punish you for doing all those things?
7 На гори високој и узвишеној мећеш постељу своју; и онамо излазиш да принесеш жртву.
You have sex [EUP] [with cult prostitutes] on every hill and mountain, and you go there to offer sacrifices [to your gods].
8 И иза врата и иза довратака мећеш спомен свој; одступивши од мене откриваш се, и изашавши горе шириш одар свој, уговараш с њима, мила ти је постеља њихова, где угледаш место.
You have put (fetishes/pagan symbols) behind your doors and doorposts, and you have deserted me. You have taken off your clothes [EUP] and climbed into your bed and invited more [of your lovers] to come to bed with you. You have paid them to have sex with you, and you have fondled their sexual organs.
9 Идеш к цару с уљем, с многим мирисима својим; шаљеш посланике своје далеко и понижујеш се до гроба. (Sheol )
You have given [fragrant] oil and lots of perfume to your god Molech, and you sent messengers to distant countries [to find other gods to worship]; you [even tried to] send [messengers] to the place of the dead [to search for new gods]. (Sheol )
10 Од далеког пута свог уморна не кажеш: Залуду. Налазиш живот руци својој, зато не сустајеш.
You became weary because of doing all those things, but you never said, ‘It is useless [for us to do that].’ You found new strength for worshiping idols, so you continued to do that [LIT].
11 И од кога си се уплашила и кога си се побојала, те си слагала и ниси се мене опомињала нити си марила? Што ја ћутах одавна, зато ли ме се не бојиш?
Was it because you were afraid [of those idols more than you were afraid of me] that you lied [about what you were doing], and you do not even think about [DOU, RHQ] me? Was it because I did not punish you for a long time that you are not afraid of me [RHQ]?
12 Ја ћу објавити твоју правду и твоја дела; али ти неће помоћи.
You [think that] [IRO] the things that you have done are right, but I will tell the truth. It will not help you to do any of those things.
13 Кад станеш викати, нека те избаве они које си сабрала; али ће их све ветар однети, и узеће их таштина. Али ко се у ме узда, наследиће земљу и добиће свету гору моју.
When you cry out [for help] to your collection of idols, they will not rescue you. The wind will blow them away [DOU]. But those who trust in me will live in the land [of Israel], and [they will worship me on Zion], my sacred hill.”
14 И рећи ће се: Поравните, поравните, приправите пут, уклоните сметње с пута народа мог.
Yahweh will say, “Prepare [yourselves to receive] me, [like] [MET] people build and prepare a road [for a king to come on]. Get rid of [the things that are causing you to sin] [like] [MET] people remove from a road (obstacles/things that cause people to stumble).
15 Јер овако говори Високи и узвишени, који живи у вечности, коме је име Свети: На висини и у светињи станујем и с оним ко је скрушеног срца и смерног духа оживљујући дух смерних и оживљујући срце скрушених.
Because this is what [I], Yahweh, who am holy and greatly honored and who live forever, say: I live in the highest heaven, where [everything] is holy, but I also am with those who are humble and who are sorry for the sinful things that they have done. I will greatly encourage [DOU] those who have repented.
16 Јер се нећу једнако прети нити ћу се довека гневити, јер би ишчезао преда мном дух и душе које сам створио.
I will not accuse [people] forever; I will not always be angry [with them], because [if I did that], people would become weak/discouraged; all the people whom I created and caused to live would die.
17 За безакоње лакомости његове разгневих се, и ударих га, сакрих се и разгневих се, јер одметнувши се отиде путем срца свог.
I was angry [with my people] because they sinned by wanting the things that others had. So because I was angry, I punished them and turned away from them, but they continued sinning.
18 Видим путеве његове, али ћу га исцелити, водићу га и даћу опет утеху њему и његовима који туже.
I have seen the evil things that they continually do, but I will restore them and lead them. I will encourage/comfort them. And to those who are mourning,
19 Ја стварам плод уснама: мир, мир ономе ко је далеко и ко је близу, вели Господ, и исцелићу га.
I will enable them to sing songs to praise me. I will restore [all my people], those who live near [Jerusalem] and those who live far away, and I will cause things to go well for them.
20 А безбожници су као море усколебано, које се не може умирити и вода његова измеће нечистоћу и блато.
Wicked [people do not have peace in their inner beings]; they are like [SIM] a sea [whose waves are] always churning up mud,
21 Нема мира безбожницима, вели Бог мој.
and [I], Yahweh, say that things will never (go well/be peaceful) for those who are evil.”