< 1 Мојсијева 27 >

1 Кад Исак остаре и очи му потамнеше, те не видеше, дозва Исава старијег сина свог, и рече му: Сине! А он одговори: Ево ме.
It happened, that when Isaac was old, and his eyesight was failing so that he could not see, he called Esau his elder son, and said to him, "My son?" He said to him, "Here I am."
2 Тада рече: Ево остарео сам, не знам кад ћу умрети;
He said, "Look, I am old now. I do not know the day of my death.
3 Узми оружје своје, тул и лук, и изађи у планину, те ми улови лов;
Now therefore, please take your weapons, your quiver and your bow, and go out to the field, and hunt down a wild animal for me.
4 И зготови ми јело по мојој вољи, и донеси ми да једем, па да те благослови душа моја док нисам умро.
Make me the tasty food that I love and bring it to me to eat, so that I may bless you before I die."
5 А Ревека чу шта Исак рече сину свом Исаву. И Исав отиде у планину да улови лов и донесе.
Rebekah heard when Isaac spoke to Esau his son. And Esau went out to the field to hunt for a wild animal and bring it back to his father.
6 А Ревека рече Јакову, сину свом говорећи: Гле, чух оца твог где говори с Исавом, братом твојим и рече:
And Rebekah spoke to Jacob her son, saying, "Look, I heard your father speak to Esau your brother, saying,
7 Донеси ми лов, и зготови јело да једем, па да те благословим пред Господом док нисам умро.
'Bring me a wild animal and prepare for me some tasty food, that I may eat it and bless you in my presence before my death.'
8 Него сада, сине, послушај ме шта ћу ти казати.
Now therefore, my son, obey my voice according to that which I command you.
9 Иди сада к стаду и донеси два добра јарета, да зготовим оцу твом јело од њих, како радо једе.
Go now to the flock, and get me from there two choice young goats. I will prepare them in a tasty way for your father, the way he likes it.
10 Па ћеш унети оцу да једе и да те благослови док није умро.
You shall bring it to your father, that he may eat, so that he may bless you before his death."
11 А Јаков рече Ревеци матери својој: Али је Исав брат мој рутав, а ја сам гладак;
Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, "Look, Esau my brother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man.
12 Може ме опипати отац, па ће се осетити да сам га хтео преварити, те ћу навући на се проклетство место благослова.
What if my father touches me? I will seem to him as a deceiver, and I would bring a curse on myself, and not a blessing."
13 А мати му рече: Нека проклетство твоје, сине падне на мене; само ме послушај, и иди и донеси ми.
His mother said to him, "Let your curse be on me, my son. Only obey my voice, and go get them for me."
14 Тада отишавши узе и донесе матери својој; а мати његова зготови јело како јеђаше радо отац његов.
He went, and got them, and brought them to his mother. His mother prepared some tasty food, just the way his father liked it.
15 Па онда узе Ревека најлепше хаљине старијег сина свог, које беху у ње код куће, и обуче Јакова млађег сина свог.
Rebekah took the good clothes of Esau, her elder son, which were with her in the house, and put them on Jacob, her younger son.
16 И јарећим кожицама обложи му руке и врат где беше гладак.
She put the skins of the young goats on his hands, and on the smooth of his neck.
17 И даде Јакову сину свом у руке јело и хлеб што зготови.
She handed the tasty food and the bread which she had prepared to her son Jacob.
18 А он уђе к оцу свом и рече: Оче. А он одговори: Ево ме; који си ти, сине?
He came to his father, and said, "My father?" He said, "Here I am. Who are you, my son?"
19 И Јаков рече оцу свом: Ја, Исав твој првенац; учинио сам како си ми рекао; дигни се, посади се да једеш лов мој, па да ме благослови душа твоја.
Jacob said to his father, "I am Esau your firstborn. I have done what you asked me to do. Please sit up and eat what I hunted so that you can bless me."
20 А Исак рече сину свом: Кад брже нађе, сине? А он рече: Господ Бог твој даде, те изађе преда ме.
Isaac said to his son, "How is it that you have found it so quickly, my son?" He said, "Because your God gave me success."
21 Тада рече Исак Јакову: Ходи ближе, сине да те опипам јеси ли син мој Исав или не.
Isaac said to Jacob, "Please come near, that I may feel you, my son, whether you are really my son Esau or not."
22 И приступи Јаков к Исаку оцу свом, а он га опипа, па рече: Глас је Јаковљев, али руке су Исавове.
Jacob went near to Isaac his father. He felt him, and said, "The voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau."
23 И не позна га, јер му руке беху као у Исава брата његовог рутаве: Зато га благослови;
He did not recognize him, because his hands were hairy like those of his brother Esau. So he blessed him.
24 И рече му: Јеси ли ти син мој Исав? А он одговори: Ја сам.
He said, "Are you really my son Esau?" He said, "I am."
25 Тада рече: А ти дај, сине, да једем лов твој, па да те благослови душа моја. И даде му, те једе; па му донесе и вино те пи.
He said, "Bring it near to me, and I will eat of what my son caught so that I can bless you." He brought it near to him, and he ate. He brought him wine, and he drank.
26 Потом Исак, отац његов рече му: Ходи сине, целивај ме.
His father Isaac said to him, "Come near now, and kiss me, my son."
27 И он приступи и целива га; а Исак осети мирис од хаљина његових, и благослови га говорећи: Гле, мирис сина мог као мирис од поља које благослови Господ.
He came near, and kissed him. He smelled the scent of his clothing, and blessed him, and said, "Look, the scent of my son is as the scent of a field which God has blessed.
28 Бог ти дао росе небеске, и добре земље и пшенице и вина изобила!
God give you of the dew of the sky, of the fatness of the earth, and plenty of grain and new wine.
29 Народи ти служили и племена ти се клањала! Био господар браћи својој и клањали ти се синови матере твоје! Проклет био који тебе успроклиње, а благословен који тебе узблагосиља!
Let peoples serve you, and nations bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers. Let your mother's sons bow down to you. Cursed be everyone who curses you. Blessed be everyone who blesses you."
30 А кад Исак благослови Јакова, и Јаков отиде испред Исака оца свог, у тај час дође Исав брат његов из лова.
It happened, as soon as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, and Jacob had just left the presence of Isaac his father, that Esau his brother came in from his hunting.
31 Па зготови и он јело и унесе оцу свом, и рече му: Устани, оче, да једеш шта ти је син уловио, па да ме благослови душа твоја.
He also made some tasty food, and brought it to his father. He said to his father, "Let my father get up and eat of what his son caught, so that you may bless me."
32 А Исак отац његов рече му: Ко си ти? А он рече: Ја, син твој, првенац твој Исав.
Isaac his father said to him, "Who are you?" He said, "I am your son, your firstborn, Esau."
33 Тада се препаде Исак, и рече: Ко? Да где је онај који улови и донесе ми лова, и од свега једох пре него ти дође, и благослових га? Он ће и остати благословен.
Isaac trembled violently, and said, "Who was it then that hunted an animal and brought it to me, and I ate it all before you came, and have blessed him? Yes, he will be blessed."
34 А кад чу Исав речи оца свог, врисну гласно и ожалости се веома, и рече оцу свом: Благослови и мене, оче.
When Esau heard the words of his father, he cried out loudly and bitterly, and said to his father, "Bless me, even me also, my father."
35 А он му рече: Дође брат твој с преваром, и однесе твој благослов.
He said, "Your brother came with deceit, and has taken away your blessing."
36 А Исав рече: Право је што му је име Јаков, јер ме већ другом превари. Првенаштво ми узе, па ето сада ми узе и благослов. Потом рече: Ниси ли и мени оставио благослов?
He said, "Isn't he rightly named Jacob? For he has taken what should have been mine these two times. He took away my birthright. Look, now he has taken away my blessing." He said, "Haven't you reserved a blessing for me?"
37 А Исак одговори, и рече Исаву: Ето сам га поставио теби за господара; и сву браћу његову дадох му да му буду слуге; пшеницом и вином укрепих га; па шта бих сада теби учинио, сине?
Isaac answered Esau, "Look, I have made him your lord, and I have made all of his brothers his servants. And I have sustained him with grain and new wine. What then can I do for you, my son?"
38 И Исав рече оцу свом: Еда ли је само један благослов у тебе, оче? Благослови и мене, оче. И стаде гласно плакати Исав.
Esau said to his father, "Have you but one blessing, my father? Bless me, even me also, my father." Esau lifted up his voice, and wept.
39 А Исак отац његов одговарајући рече му: Ево, стан ће ти бити на родној земљи и роси небеској озго.
Isaac his father answered him, "Look, of the fatness of the earth will be your dwelling, and of the dew of the sky from above.
40 Али ћеш живети од мача свог, и брату ћеш свом служити; али ће доћи време, те ћеш пошто се наплачеш скршити јарам његов с врата свог.
By your sword will you live, and you will serve your brother. It will happen, when you will break loose, that you shall shake his yoke from off your neck."
41 И Исав омрзе љуто на Јакова ради благослова, којим га благослови отац, и говораше у срцу свом: Близу су жалосни дани оца мог, тада ћу убити Јакова брата свог.
Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father blessed him. Esau said in his heart, "The days of mourning for my father are at hand. Then I will kill my brother Jacob."
42 И казаше Ревеци речи Исава сина њеног старијег, а она пославши дозва Јакова млађег сина свог, и рече му: Гле, Исав брат твој теши се тиме што хоће да те убије.
The words of Esau, her elder son, were told to Rebekah. She sent and called Jacob, her younger son, and said to him, "Look, your brother Esau comforts himself about you by planning to kill you.
43 Него, сине, послушај шта ћу ти казати; устани и бежи к Лавану брату мом у Харан.
Now therefore, my son, obey my voice. Arise, flee to Laban, my brother, in Haran.
44 И остани код њега неко време докле прође срдња брата твог,
Stay with him a few days, until your brother's fury turns away;
45 Докле се гнев брата твог одврати од тебе, те заборави шта си му учинио; а онда ћу ја послати да те доведу оданде. Зашто бих остала без обојице вас у један дан?
until your brother's anger against you subsides, and he forgets what you have done to him. Then I will send for you and get you from there. Why should I lose both of you in one day?"
46 А Исаку рече Ревека: Омрзао ми је живот ради ових Хетејака. Ако се Јаков ожени Хетејком, каквом између кћери ове земље, на шта ми живот?
Rebekah said to Isaac, "I loathe my life because of the daughters of Heth. If Jacob takes a wife from the daughters of Heth, like these, from the daughters of the land, what good is my life?"

< 1 Мојсијева 27 >