< Књига пророка Језекиља 40 >
1 Двадесет пете године робовања нашег, у почетку године, десети дан месеца, четрнаесте године од како се узе град, исти дан дође нада ме рука Господња и одведе ме онамо.
In the fiue and twentieth yeere of our being in captiuitie, in the beginning of the yeere, in the tenth day of the moneth, in the fourteenth yeere after that the citie was smitten, in the selfe same day, the hande of the Lord was vpon mee, and brought me thither.
2 Утварама Божјим одведе ме у земљу Израиљеву, и постави ме на гору врло високу, на којој беше с југа као саграђен град.
Into the lande of Israel brought he me by a diuine vision, and set me vpon a very hie mountaine, whereupon was as the building of a citie, toward the South.
3 И одведе ме онамо, и гле, човек, који на очи беше као од бронзе, с ужем ланеним у руци и с трском мерачком, и стајаше на вратима.
And he brought me thither, and beholde, there was a man, whose similitude was to looke to, like brasse, with a linnen thread in his hand, and a reede to measure with: and he stoode at the gate.
4 И проговори ми тај човек: Сине човечји, гледај очима својим и слушај ушима својим, и узми на ум све што ћу ти показати, јер си доведен овамо да ти покажем; кажи дому Израиљевом све што видиш.
And the man said vnto me, Sonne of man, beholde with thine eyes, and heare with thine eares, and set thine heart vpon all that I shall shew thee: for to the intent, that they might be shewed thee, art thou brought hither: declare al that thou seest, vnto the house of Israel.
5 И гле, беше зид споља око дома, а у руци оном човеку трска мерачка од шест лаката, а лакат беше с подланице дужи од обичног; и измери грађевину у ширину, и беше једна трска, и у висину, и беше једна трска.
And beholde, I sawe a wall on the outside of the house round about: and in the mans hand was a reede to measure with, of sixe cubites long, by the cubite, and an hand breadth: so he measured the breadth of the buylding with one reede, and the height with one reede.
6 Па дође на врата која беху према истоку, и изиђе уз басамаке, и измери један праг вратима, и беше у ширину једна трска, и други праг, и беше у ширину једна трска;
Then came he vnto the gate, which looketh towarde the East, and went vp the stayres thereof, and measured the poste of the gate, which was one reede broade, and the other poste of the gate, which was one reede broade.
7 И клети, и свака беше једну трску дуга и једну трску широка; а између клети беше пет лаката; и праг на вратима код трема на унутрашњим вратима, и беше с једне трске.
And euery chamber was one reede long, and one reede broad, and betweene the chambers were fiue cubites: and the post of the gate by the porch of the gate within was one reede.
8 И измери трем на вратима унутрашњим, и беше једна трска.
He measured also the porche of the gate within with one reede.
9 И измери трем на вратима, и беше осам лаката; и довратнике им, и беху два лакта; а трем на вратима беше изнутра;
Then measured he the porch of the gate of eight cubites, and the postes thereof, of two cubites, and the porch of the gate was inward.
10 И клети код врата према истоку беху три амо и три тамо, једне мере све три, и једне мере беху довратници тамо и амо.
And the chambers of the gate Eastwarde, were three on this side, and three on that side: they three were of one measure, and the postes had one measure on this side, and one on that side.
11 И измери ширину вратима, и беше десет лаката, и тринаест лаката беше у дужину вратима.
And he measured the breadth of the entrie of the gate ten cubites, and the height of the gate thirteene cubites.
12 И пред клетима беше места један лакат, и за један лакат беше места с друге стране, и у свакој клети беше шест лаката од туда и шест лаката од овуда.
The space also before the chambers was one cubite on this side, and the space was one cubite on that side, and the chambers were sixe cubites on this side and sixe cubites on that side.
13 После измери врата од крова једне клети до крова друге, и беше у ширину двадесет и пет лаката, врата према вратима.
He measured then the gate from the roufe of a chamber to the toppe of the gate: the breadth was fiue and twentie cubites, doore against doore.
14 И начини довратнике од шездесет лаката, и пред довратницима трем на вратима унаоколо.
He made also postes of threescore cubites, and the postes of the court, and of the gate had one measure round about.
15 И од лица врата на која се улази до лица трема на унутрашњим вратима беше педесет лаката.
And vpon the forefront of the entry of the gate vnto the forefront of the porch of the gate within were fiftie cubites.
16 И беху прозори на клетима и на довратницима њиховим сужени унутра око врата, тако и на тремовима, прозори беху изнутра свуда унаоколо, и по довратницима палме.
And there were narrowe windowes in the chambers, and in their postes within the gate round about, and likewise to the arches: and the windowes went rounde about within: and vpon the postes were palme trees.
17 Потом ме уведе у спољашњи трем, и гле, беху клети и под начињен свуда унаоколо у трему, тридесет клети на поду.
Then brought he me into the outwarde court, and lo, there were chambers, and a pauement made for the court round about, and thirtie chambers were vpon the pauement.
18 А тај под покрај врата према дужини врата беше нижи под.
And the pauement was by the side of the gates ouer against the length of the gates, and the pauement was beneath.
19 Потом измери ширину од лица доњих врата до лица унутрашњег трема споља, и беше сто лаката к истоку и северу.
Then hee measured the breadth from the forefront of the lower gate without, vnto the forefront of the court within, an hundreth cubits Eastward and Northward.
20 И врата која беху к северу на трему спољашњем измери у дужину и у ширину;
And the gate of the outwarde court, that looked toward the North, measured he after the length and breadth thereof.
21 И беху три клети тамо и три амо, и довратници им и тремови беху исте мере као у првих врата; педесет лаката беше у дужину а у ширину двадесет и пет лаката;
And the chambers thereof were, three on this side, and three on that side, and the postes thereof and the arches thereof were after the measure of the first gate: the length thereof was fiftie cubites, and the breadth fiue and twentie cubites.
22 И прозори им и тремови и палме беху на меру као на вратима која гледају на исток, и иђаше се к њима уза седам басамака, и тремови беху пред њима.
And their windowes, and their arches with their palme trees, were after the measure of the gate that looketh toward the East, and the going vp vnto it had seuen steppes, and the arches therof were before them.
23 И врата од унутрашњег трема беху према вратима северним и источним, и измери од врата до врата, и беше сто лаката.
And the gate of the inner court stoode ouer against the gate towarde the North, and towarde the East, and hee measured from gate to gate an hundreth cubites.
24 После ме одведе к југу, и гле, беху врата према југу; и измери им довратнике и тремове, и беше иста мера.
After that, he brought mee towarde the South, and loe, there was a gate towarde the South, and hee measured the postes thereof, and the arches thereof according to these measures.
25 И беху прозори на њима и на тремовима њиховим унаоколо као они прозори; педесет лаката беше у дужину и двадесет и пет лаката у ширину.
And there were windowes in it, and in the arches thereof round about, like those windowes: the height was fiftie cubites, and the breadth fiue and twentie cubites.
26 И иђаше се к њима уза седам басамака, и тремови беху пред њима, и палме једна од туда, а једна од овуда по довратницима.
And there were seuen steps to go vp to it, and the arches thereof were before them: and it had palme trees, one on this side, and another on that side vpon the post thereof.
27 И врата од унутрашњег трема беху према југу; и измери од врата до врата к југу, и беше сто лаката.
And there was a gate in the inner court towarde the South, and he measured from gate to gate towarde the South an hundreth cubites.
28 Тада ме уведе у унутрашњи трем јужним вратима; и измери јужна врата, и беше иста мера.
And he brought me into the inner court by the South gate, and he measured the South gate according to these measures,
29 И клети њихове и довратници и тремови беху исте мере, и прозори на њима и на тремовима унаоколо; педесет лаката беше у дужину, и двадесет и пет лаката у ширину.
And the chambers thereof, and the postes thereof, and the arches thereof according to these measures, and there were windowes in it, and in the arches thereof rounde about, it was fiftie cubites long and fiue and twentie cubites broade.
30 И тремови беху унаоколо, двадесет и пет лаката у дужину и пет лаката у ширину.
And the arches round about were fiue and twenty cubites long, and fiue cubites broad.
31 И тремови им беху према спољашњем трему, и палме по довратницима, и уз осам басамака иђаше се к њима.
And the arches thereof were towarde the vtter court, and palme trees were vpon the postes thereof, and the going vp to it had eight steppes.
32 Потом ме одведе у унутрашњи трем к истоку, и измери врата, и беше иста мера;
Againe he brought me into ye inner court toward the East, and he measured the gate according to these measures.
33 И клети им и довратници и тремови беху исте мере; и беху прозори на њима и на тремовима њиховим унаоколо; у дужину беше педесет лаката, а у ширину двадесет и пет лаката;
And the chambers thereof, and the postes thereof, and the arches thereof were according to these measures, and there were windowes therein, and in the arches thereof round about, it was fiftie cubites long, and fiue and twentie cubites broade.
34 И тремови им беху према спољашњем трему, и палме по довратницима и тамо и амо, и уз осам басамака иђаше се к њима.
And the arches thereof were towarde the vtter court, and palme trees were vpon the postes thereof, on this side and on that side, and the going vp to it had eight steppes.
35 Потом одведе ме на северна врата и измери их, и беху исте мере.
After he brought mee to the North gate, and measured it, according to these measures,
36 Тако и клети им и довратници и тремови и прозори унаоколо; у дужину педесет лаката, а у ширину двадесет и пет лаката.
The chambers thereof, the postes thereof, and the arches thereof, and there were windowes therein round about: the height was fiftie cubits, and the breadth fiue and twentie cubites.
37 И довратници им беху према спољашњем трему, и палме по довратницима и тамо и амо, и уз осам басамака иђаше се к њима.
And the postes thereof were towarde the vtter court, and palme trees were vpon the postes thereof on this side, and on that side, and the going vp to it had eight steps.
38 И клети с вратима беху код довратника тих врата, онде се праху жртве паљенице.
And euery chamber, and the entrie thereof was vnder the postes of the gates: there they washed the burnt offring.
39 А у трему од врата беху два стола с једне стране и два стола с друге стране да се на њима кољу жртве паљенице и жртве за грех и за кривицу;
And in the porch of the gate stoode two tables on this side, and two tables on that side, vpon the which they slew the burnt offring, and the sinne offring, and the trespas offring.
40 И на страни споља како се улази на северна врата беху два стола, и на другој страни у трему од истих врата беху два стола;
And at the side beyond the steppes, at the entry of the North gate stoode two tables, and on the other side, which was at the porch of the gate were two tables.
41 Четири стола беху с једне стране и четири с друге стране уз врата, осам столова, на којима се кољаше.
Foure tables were on this side, and foure tables on that side by the side of the gate, euen eight tables whereupon they slew their sacrifice.
42 А четири стола за жртву паљеницу беху од тесаног камена, у дужину подруг лакта, и подруг лакта у ширину а у висину један лакат, и на њима се остављаше оруђе којима се кољаху жртве паљенице и друге жртве.
And the foure tables were of hewen stone for the burnt offering, of a cubite and an halfe long, and a cubite and an halfe broade, and one cubite hie: whereupon also they layde the instruments wherewith they slew the burnt offring and the sacrifice.
43 И унутра беху куке с подланице свуда у наоколо, а на столове се меташе месо од жртава.
And within were borders an hand broade, fastened round about, and vpon the tables lay the flesh of the offring.
44 И споља пред вратима унутрашњим беху клети за певаче у унутрашњем трему; једне беху уз врата северна и гледаху према југу, а друге беху уз источна врата и гледаху према северу.
And without the inner gate were ye chambers of the singers in the inner Court, which was at the side of the North gate: and their prospect was towarde the South, and one was at the side of the East gate, hauing the prospect towarde the North.
45 Тада ми рече: Ове клети што гледају на југ јесу за свештенике који служе око дома;
And he said vnto me, This chamber whose prospect is towarde the South, is for the Priestes that haue the charge to keepe the house.
46 А оне клети што гледају на север јесу за свештенике који служе код олтара; то су синови Садокови, који између синова Левијевих приступају ка Господу да Му служе.
And the chamber whose prospect is toward the North, is for the Priestes that haue the charge to keepe the altar: these are the sonnes of Zadok among ye sonnes of Leui which may come neere to the Lord to minister vnto him.
47 Потом измери трем, и беше у дужину сто лаката и у ширину сто лаката, четвртаст; и олтар беше пред домом.
So he measured the court, an hundreth cubites long, and an hundreth cubits broad, eue foure square: likewise the altar that was before ye house.
48 После ме одведе у трем од дома, и измери довратнике трему, и беше пет лаката отуд и пет лаката одовуд; а врата беху широка три лакта отуд и три лакта одовуд;
And hee brought mee to the porch of the house, and measured the postes of the porch, fiue cubites on this side, and fiue cubites on that side: and the breadth of the gate was three cubites on this side, and three cubites on that side.
49 Дужина трему беше двадесет лаката, а ширина једанаест лаката, и уз басамаке се иђаше к њему, и ступови беху уз довратнике, један отуд и један одовуд.
The length of the porch was twentie cubites, and ye breadth eleuen cubites, and he brought me by the steps whereby they went vp to it, and there were pillars by the postes, one on this side, and another on that side.