< 2 Књига о царевима 3 >

1 А Јорам, син Ахавов, зацари се над Израиљем у Самарији осамнаесте године царовања Јосафатовог над Јудом, и царова дванаест година.
And Jehoram [the] son of Ahab he became king over Israel in Samaria in year eight-teen of Jehoshaphat [the] king of Judah and he reigned two [plus] ten year[s].
2 И чињаше што је зло пред Господом, али не као отац његов и као мати његова, јер обори лик Валов који беше начинио отац његов.
And he did the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh only not like father his and like mother his and he removed [the] sacred pillar of Baal which he had made father his.
3 Али оста у гресима Јеровоама, сина Наватовог, којима наведе на грех Израиља, и не одступи од њих.
Only to [the] sins of Jeroboam [the] son of Nebat which he caused to sin Israel he clung not he turned aside from it.
4 А Миса цар моавски имаше много стоке, и даваше цару Израиљевом сто хиљада јагањаца и сто хиљада овнова под руном.
And Mesha [the] king of Moab he was a sheep-breeder and he returned to [the] king of Israel one hundred thousand lambs and one hundred thousand rams wool.
5 Али кад умре Ахав, одметну се цар моавски од цара Израиљевог.
And it was when died Ahab and he rebelled [the] king of Moab against [the] king of Israel.
6 А цар Јорам изађе у то време из Самарије и преброја свега Израиља.
And he went out the king Jehoram on the day that from Samaria and he mustered all Israel.
7 И отиде, те посла к Јосафату цару Јудином и поручи му: Цар моавски одметну се од мене; хоћеш ли ићи са мном на војску на Моавце? А он рече: Хоћу, ја као ти, мој народ као твој народ, моји коњи као твоји коњи.
And he went and he sent to Jehoshaphat [the] king of Judah saying [the] king of Moab he has rebelled against me ¿ will you go with me against Moab for battle and he said I will go up as me as you as people my as people your as horses my as horses your.
8 Иза тога рече: А којим ћемо путем ићи? А он рече: Преко пустиње едомске.
And he said where? this [is] the way [which] we will go up and he said [the] way of [the] wilderness of Edom.
9 И тако изађе цар Израиљев и цар Јудин и цар едомски, и идоше путем седам дана, и не беше воде војсци ни стоци, која иђаше за њима.
And he went [the] king of Israel and [the] king of Judah and [the] king of Edom and they went around a journey of seven days and not it belonged water to the army and to the animal[s] which [was] at feet their.
10 И рече цар Израиљев: Јаох! Дозва Господ ова три цара да их преда у руке Моавцима.
And he said [the] king of Israel alas! for he has summoned Yahweh [the] three the kings these to give them in [the] hand of Moab.
11 А Јосафат рече: Има ли ту који пророк Господњи да упитамо Господа преко њега? А један између слуга цара Израиљевог одговори и рече: Овде је Јелисије, син Сафатов, који је Илији поливао водом руке.
And he said Jehoshaphat ¿ [is] there not here a prophet of Yahweh and let us consult Yahweh from him and he answered one from [the] servants of [the] king of Israel and he said [is] here Elisha [the] son of Shaphat who he poured water on [the] hands of Elijah.
12 Тада рече Јосафату: У њега је реч Господња: и отидоше к њему цар Израиљев и Јосафат и цар едомски.
And he said Jehoshaphat there him [is] [the] word of Yahweh and they went down to him [the] king of Israel and Jehoshaphat and [the] king of Edom.
13 А Јелисије рече цару Израиљевом: Шта је мени до тебе? Иди ка пророцима оца свог и ка пророцима матере своје. А цар Израиљев рече му: Не, јер Господ дозва ова три цара да их преда у руке Моавцима.
And he said Elisha to [the] king of Israel what? [is] to me and to you go to [the] prophets of father your and to [the] prophets of mother your and he said to him [the] king of Israel may not [it be so] for he has summoned Yahweh [the] three the kings these to give them in [the] hand of Moab.
14 А Јелисије рече: Тако да је жив Господ над војскама, пред којим стојим, да не гледам на Јосафата цара Јудиног, не бих марио за те нити бих те погледао.
And he said Elisha [by] [the] life of Yahweh of hosts whom I stand before him for if not [the] face of Jehoshaphat [the] king of Judah I [am] lifting up if I will look to you and if I will see you.
15 Него сада доведите ми гудача. И кад гудач гуђаше, дође рука Господња нада њ;
And now fetch for me a musician and it was when played the musician and it was on him [the] hand of Yahweh.
16 И рече: Овако вели Господ: Начините по овој долини много јама.
And he said thus he says Yahweh make the wadi this ditches - ditches.
17 Јер овако вели Господ: Нећете осетити ветра нити ћете видети дажда, али ће се долина ова напунити воде, те ћете пити и ви и људи ваши и стока ваша.
For thus - he says Yahweh not you will see wind and not you will see rain and the wadi that it will be filled water and you will drink you and livestock your and animal[s] your.
18 Па и то је мало Господу, него и Моавце ће вам предати у руке.
And it will be trifling this in [the] eyes of Yahweh and he will give Moab in hand your.
19 И раскопаћете све тврде градове, и све изабране градове, и посећи ћете сва добра дрвета и заронити све изворе водене, и сваку њиву добру потрћете камењем.
And you will strike down every city of fortification and every city of choice and every tree good you will make fall and all [the] springs of water you will stop up and every portion of land good you will spoil with stones.
20 А ујутру кад се приноси дар, гле, дође вода од едомске, и напуни се земља воде.
And it was in the morning when went up the offering and there! waters [were] coming from [the] direction of Edom and it was filled the land the waters.
21 А сви Моавци чувши да су изишли цареви да ударе на њих, сазваше све који се почињаху пасати и старије и стадоше на међи.
And all Moab they had heard that they had come up the kings to fight against them and they were summoned from every [one who] girds on a belt and up-wards and they took their stand at the border.
22 А ујутру кад усташе и сунце ограну над оном водом, угледаше Моавци према себи воду где се црвени као крв.
And they rose early in the morning and the sun it shone on the water and they saw Moab from before the water red like blood.
23 И рекоше: Крв је; побили су се цареви, и један другог погубили; сада дакле на плен, Моавци!
And they said [is] blood this certainly they have fought one another the kings and they have struck down each neighbor his and therefore to the plunder O Moab.
24 А кад дођоше до логора Израиљевог, подигоше се Израиљци и разбише Моавце, те побегоше испред њих, а они уђоше у земљу моавску бијући их.
And they came to [the] camp of Israel and they arose Israel and they struck down Moab and they fled from before them (and they struck down *Q(K)*) it and they struck down Moab.
25 И градове њихове раскопаше, и на сваку добру њиву бацајући сваки по камен засуше је, и све изворе водене заронише, и сва добра дрвета посекоше тако да само оставише камење у Кир-аресету. И опколивши га праћари стадоше га бити.
And the cities they tore down and every portion of land good they threw each stone his and they filled it and every spring of water they stopped up and every tree good they made fall until he left behind stones its in Kir Hareseth and they surrounded [it] the slingers and they struck it.
26 А цар моавски кад виде да ће га надвладати војска, узе са собом седам стотина људи, који махаху мачем, да продру кроз војску цара едомског, али не могоше.
And he saw [the] king of Moab that it was [too] strong for him the battle and he took him seven hundred man [who] drew a sword to break through to [the] king of Edom and not they were able.
27 Тада узе сина свог првенца који хтеде бити цар на његово место, и принесе га на жртву паљеницу на зиду. Тада се подиже велики гнев на Израиља, те отидоше оданде и вратише се у своју земљу.
And he took son his the firstborn who he will reign in place of him and he offered up him a burnt offering on the wall and it was wrath great towards Israel and they departed from on him and they returned to the land.

< 2 Књига о царевима 3 >